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Case Study :
NEGA –Resources - Approach
Finec team
“Not necessary to life,
but rather life itself. “
Ekaterina Markelova
”For me the ecological theme, as today people on all planet are, more
than ever, connected is very important. All of us is very close. And the
future of a planet depends on us, our children and ourselves. Only we
can take care of ourselves and about other people. Therefore we should
repay a debt to the nature and take care of it.”
Natalia Kuznetsova
“I hope that participation
in this project will allow
me to gain valuable
experience of international
team work.”
Ekaterina Borisova
“I am really interested in
modern business
environment and
challenges that the world
faces today. Water
consumption is very topical
issue now and I find it
exciting to take part in this
Olja Borozdina
“During my study in the
school and at the
university I have got many
theoretical information
and I would like to put this
knowledges into practice.
Thats why this project is
good possibility to solve
diferent problems and to
share my experience, and
also to get the experience
of the international
Tatiana Antonova
“At the moment I am working on topic of my master
thesis which is “Risks related to innovational projects”.
So I am really interested in all that concerns
implementation of innovational projects. Moreover,
ecological issues are also of certain interest for me. “
“This project is interesting
to me as the development
of international relations,
as well as the joint solution
of ecological problems.”
Nastja Kulinich
“I think this project will give me not only experience , but also some public
benefit. The environment (in our case we speak about water) is the part of
our life and we should be interested in its present and future.”
Basangova Maria
“My purpose in this project
is to work in international
team and develop
leadership and personal
qualities. I’m sure joint
work will be positive and
Alessio Cernushov
“Only fresh brain of young
specialist can born
revolutionary ideas.
Human beings are really
great, and if somebody say
"You must stop use Ferrary
and start use Toyota prius
because it very good for
our planet" I’m sure we
can design fantastic car
and we can create nature
carring system. No step
back, only forward. “
Priko Pavel
“I’m interested in
everything connected with
environment, nature,
ecology. To solve existing
problems we should make
an effort. All of us –
ecologists, economists,
technologists, sociologists
have to unite our skills and
Irina Koshkina
“Russia has 64% of all water resources
in the world, so we can call our
country the owner of water treasures.
Our aim is to improve the water
preservation system in SaintPetersburg”
Anastasia Yakovleva
“It’s essential to value and care about the things which are the reason of living.
Nature, people, air, water… We should find the way to participate in actions that
consider preserving of this treasure, improving its quality and avoiding the polution.
This project helps us to take part and try to change the current situation.”
The future of our
planet is in our hands