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Opinião Pública
E-ISSN: 1807-0191
[email protected]
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Medeiros Araújo, Cletiane; Felipe Costa, Saulo Felipe; Fittipaldi, Ítalo
Boa noite, e boa sorte: determinantes da demissão de ministros envolvidos em escân dalos
de corrupção no primeiro governo Dilma Rousseff
Opinião Pública, vol. 22, núm. 1, abril, 2016, pp. 93-117
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
São Paulo, Brasil
Available in:
What determines the dismissal of Ministers? This article analyzes the lot of corruption scandals involving ministers of the first Dilma
Rousseff ’ s administration. The research design combines descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis for test of the hypothesis
that news political scandals, political competition, and management of the government ’ s coalition have a positive effect on the
odds of the accused minister to leave the Cabinet. This paper based in construction of a database with 677 headlines of the three
major national newspapers: Folha de S. Paulo , O Estado de S. Paulo , and O Globo , over the first seventeen months of Rousseff
’ s administration. The results show that the greater number of news articles covering the corruptions scandals involvi ng the
minister in question, the greater the probability that she/he will be fired. We desire that this case study contribute to the research
agenda on the relationship political scandals/democratic institutions/accountability trying to place this phenomen on in recent
Brazilian democracy.
Scandals, news, corruption, political accountability.
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