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Components of Linguistic
Rules of usage
Rules tell you when to speak and when to be
Rich Point
Misunderstanding due to intercultural and
language differences
What does a frame do? A guide to dealing with
rich point & differences eg bills and Money
Linguistic Vs Communicative
Linguistic competence- knowing how to form
grammatically correct sentences
Communicative competence- knowing how to
speak appropriately in specific or real situations
Goal of Ethnography of speaking is to describe
competence in a speech community
What is communicative competence?
The ability to speak a language well or use ones
language correctly in a variety of situations
Knowing the grammar and vocabulary of the
language is not enough
Language can change depending on who you
are speaking to and the situation ( tu/vous in
Dell Hymes and Ethnography of
EOC- effective fieldwork methodology for
studying language in its social contexts.
Ethnography of speaking / Ethnography of
This methodology captures real people using
real language