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Grant Management
Kern Grant Summit
January 30, 2015
Four keys to successfully moving from
concept to reality…
1. Develop a good understanding of what you
committed to, grant requirements and related
2. Focus on timely and effective implementation
of grant
3. Accurate and complete recordkeeping and
fiscal monitoring
4. Maintain good communication with grants
officer/primary federal contact
Develop a good understanding of what
you committed to, grant requirements
and related regulations
• Review what you promised to do and when you
promised to do it
• Identify all requirements included in the grant
• Research relevant regulations of grant funding
Focus on timely and effective
implementation of grant
• Convene all partners/staff as early as possible to
review responsibilities
• Identify one individual to lead implementation
• Critical to obtain buy-in so all parties “own” the
• Update implementation plan and timeline
• Perform regular monitoring on grant
implementation and progress
Accurate and complete recordkeeping
and fiscal monitoring
• Finance/Accounting staff need to understand
fiscal requirements of grant
• Establish secondary review process prior to
payment to ensure eligible grant expenditure
• Regular monitoring of grant expenditures to
avoid under/over expenditure of funds
Maintain good communication with
grants officer/primary federal contact
• Identify individual within organization who will
interact with the federal grant contact person
• Do your research first then seek clarification on
areas of ambiguity
• Discuss problem areas before they get out of