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China is Reunified.
Three Important
Sui, Tang, Song
The Sui Dynasty
589-618 AD
How did this dynasty rise to power?
In 589, Yang Jian conquered the Chen
kingdom and unified China for the first time in
400 years.
Chien founded the Sui Dynasty at Chang’an
and became emperor. (He was later called
Wen Di).
How did this dynasty rule China?
Emperors Wen Di and Yang Di are
remembered for harsh rule.
They forced many peasants to fight in the
army or to work on public works.
Building the Grand Canal
Improving the Great Wall
What belief systems did this dynasty
encourage? Discourage?
Wen Di, though himself a a Buddhist,
encouraged practice of Buddhism,
Confucianism and Taoism.
He wanted to promote unity in his empire.
How did this dynasty effect daily life?
Grand Canal promoted trade within China by
connecting Yellow and Yangtze rivers.
Rebuilding the Great Wall provided security
from northern raiders.
Two ways this dynasty helped unite
Undertook extensive public works projects
Extended military control over large stretches
of China
Tang Dynasty
618-907 AD
How did this dynasty rise to power?
In 618, Li Shi Min captured Chang’an and
Li Shi Min made himself Emperor Dai Zong
in 626.
How did this dynasty govern China?
Under Wu Zhao, China’s only empress, the
Tang ruled one of the largest empires in
Chinese history.
The government was made up of
departments, each with its own area.
Bureaucrats upheld Confucian ideals .
What belief systems did this dynasty
encourage? Discourage?
Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism
However, Buddhism was repressed during
the reign of Emperor Wu Zong (841-847).
How did this dynasty effect daily life in
Equal field system limited power. (13.7 acres
per man limit)
Land reform gave peasants a chance at
Scholar class became ruling elite.
Two ways this dynasty helped unite
Emperors directly controlled the army.
Equal field system to benefit both
government and commoners.
Song Dynasty
960-1279 AD
How did this dynasty rise to power?
Tai Zu emerged after 50 years of civil war to
found the Song dynasty at Kaifeng.
How did this dynasty govern China?
Mongolians and Manchurians harassed
China’s northern borders for 200 years.
Song royal family forced to establish new
capital at Hangzhou.
Government officials came from southern
China because north was under foreign rule.
Bureaucrats were selected according to the
scores they obtained on civil service exams.
What belief systems did this dynasty
encourage? Discourage?
Chan (Zen) Buddhism became popular in
China and East Asia.
How did this dynasty effect daily life in
Power of merchant class rose as trade
Chinese farmers doubled output.
Technological advances produced new
Two ways this dynasty helped unite
Moved center of Chinese culture south to
Used meritocracy (reward to most skilled) to
make government efficient and reliable