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Chapter 16:
Chinese Unit
Mr. Amster
Table of Contents
1. Day 1: 3-2-1
2. Day 2: Geography
3. Day 3: Political Development Part 1
4. Day 4: Political Development Part 2
5. Day 5: Experimental Exercise
6. Day 6: Chinese Philosophy
7. Day 7: Letter to the Emperor
3-2-1 About Imperial China
• 3 – Things you know about Imperial China
• 2 – Things you think you know about
Imperial China
• 1 – Thing you want to know about Imperial
Key Vocabulary
• Dynasties – ruling families.
• Mandate of Heaven – Heaven chose which dynasty would rule.
• Bureaucracy – highly organized body of workers with different levels of
authority. (School)
• Warlords – military leader operating outside the government’s control.
3 Ways to Run a Government
• Aristocracy (Tang) – a ruling class of noble families.
• Meritocracy (Song) – rule by officials of proven merit or worth. Candidates
must pass series of tests.
• Government by Foreigners (Yuan) – some officials were Mongol friends
and relatives of the emperor. Others were trusted people from other lands.
Let’s Get Activated!
1. What is the Mandate of Heaven? What would
be a sign for the people to overthrow the
2. What were the ruling families in China called?
Let’s Get Activated
• What are three geographic features that
helped protect China?
• When did warlords rise to power?
Important Dynasties
Time Period
Known For
Qin Dynasty
221 – 206 B.C.E.
Han Dynasty
206 B.C.E. – 220 C.E.
Sui Dynasty
589 – 618 C.E.
Reunification of China
Tang Dynasty
618 – 907 C.E.
Economic development and growth; many
invention and discoveries
Song Dynasty
960 – 1279 C.E.
Economic development and growth; many
invention and discoveries
Yuan Dynasty
1279 – 1368 C.E.
Control of China by foreigners
Ming Dynasty
1368 – 1644 C.E.
Opening up of China to foreign influences at the
start of the dynasty, closing down of China by the
end of the dynasty
Unification of China under an emperor
A golden age for a united China
Han-ving Some Problems
Identify reasons why Han Dynasty
How did China reunify?
3 Ways to Run a Government
• Aristocracy (Tang) – a ruling class of noble families.
• Meritocracy (Song) – rule by officials of proven merit or worth. Candidates
must pass series of tests.
• Government by Foreigners (Yuan) – some officials were Mongol friends
and relatives of the emperor. Others were trusted people from other lands.
Be able to define/identify
– Civil Service Examinations
– Kublai Khan
– Confucius
Let’s Get Activated
• What dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven due to
corruption, farmers’ revolt, and high taxes?
• What did the Tang Dynasty do to stabilize China?
• Reached its height under the Song Dynasty.
• New Civil Service Exams were influence by neo-Confucianism.
• Neo-Confucianism – combined the teachings of Confucius with Buddhism
and Taoism.
(Two other traditional Chinese religions/beliefs)
– Five important relationships (only one relationship is equal (friends)).
Wait around a year for your government position
• Process
Give up
Government by Foreigners
Used only during the Yuan Dynasty, when the Mongols controlled China.
Kublai Khan first leader of the Yuan Dynasty
Divided China into four classes
Northern Chinese
Other foreigners
Southern Chinese
Believed in using people they trusted.
Lack of literacy forces Mongols to restore exams on a limited basis.
Native Chinese revolted and gave rise to the Chinese-led Ming Dynasty.
It ruled for 300 years
Restored the Civil Service Exams.
• Lack progress
Let’s Get Activated
• Take your sheet and head to where your position
– Experimental Exercise
• Take out your sheet with jobs that require testing.
Chinese Philosophy
• Taoism (pronounced Dow)
Means The Way (to happiness).
– Taoism is not a religion. Taoism is a way of looking at life and thinking about things. If you
look at life and think about things in the right way, you'll be much happier.
– Story of Winnie the Pooh is filled with Taoist views on life.
• Confucianism
– Confucius was born around 551 BCE. Overcame status by working for a noble. He
became the most learned man of his day.
– Confucianism is not a religion. It is a social code of behavior, so you make the right
– Confucius taught anyone who was eager to learn.
• His ideas, called Confucianism, stress the need to develop responsibility and moral
character through rigid rules of behavior.
• Buddhism
– Called the "Awakened One" (Buddha)
– Prince Gautama (Buddha) was born about 553 BCE. Lived a life of luxury, but found his
world full of suffering. He gave up all of his possessions and began to live following a code.
• Four Noble Truths
• Eightfold Path
Confucianism: The ancient Chinese used proverbs to teach their children
good manners and to help them learn the proper way of doing things.
Excerpt from The Analects of Confucius, c.400 BCE:
• Do not do unto others, what you would not want others to do to you
• If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake
Taoism: Proverbs were used to encourage people to think about things in
the right way, which was very Taoist.
• There is more to knowing than just being correct.
• A clever mind is not a heart.
Buddhism: Proverbs were also used to help each person become the best
person they could be. Ancient Buddhist text:
• As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind, even so the wise are not
ruffled by praise or blame.
Parker Proverb Assignment
Your mission will be to using your higher order thinking skills
to recreate Chinese proverbs using Parker Middle School
• Teach it to your classmates
• Creating a sheet that has
– The Chinese proverb
– Parker version
• Proverb
• School story
– Illustration of the proverb
Proverb/Philosophy Example
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated
warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”
-Sun Tzu
Parker Version 1: The smart teacher continually re-prepares first
and then teaches, while the weak teacher teaches the same
lesson over and over again.
Parker Version 2: Nate always prepared for a week for a test.
He always made sure to cover everything he would need for
the test. Nate constantly did well on his tests. On the other
hand Larissa would wait to last minute by studying the night
before or on the bus. Her results fluctuated.
Let’s Get Activated!
What is a bureaucracy? What happened when it became
corrupt in China?
Who started the Yuan Dynasty? Why did the Yuan Dynasty
Letter to the Emperor
When people apply for jobs, they often submit a resume (cover letter), which is a brief
summary of their skills and experience. Some job applicants also submit a
portfolio. This is a collection of work samples, diplomas, and other materials that
would show an emperor that the person is qualified for the job.
Choose one of these dynasties: Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming.
Pretend you are someone who is applying for a civil service position in the dynasty you
chose (Do not use the dynasty you were given in the activity). Think about what
qualities each dynasty rates highly. List three items you would include in your
portfolio to help you get a job in that dynasty.
Explain how each item represents a quality you have that the emperor wants.
Let’s Get Activated!
1. How did hiring scholars help China?
2. How did hiring scholars hurt China?
Letter to the Emperor Feedback
1. Should we hire them for the job?
2. Did they use the correct reasoning for their
3. Did they have at least three strengths that
qualify them for the job?