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China Reunifies
• What is a Dynasty?
• A Dynasty is a
sequence of rulers
from the same family
• What was the Period
of Disunion?
• After the Han Dynasty
fell apart, there was
war and disorder in
• They turned to
• How did the people
deal with this
1. Han Dynasty
• collapsed around 200
• Known for starting the
Great Wall of China
China’s Dynasty’s
2. Sui Dynasty
• 589 to 618 A.D.
• Known for starting
the Grand Canal
(man made water
river that that linked
North and South
Grand Canal
3. Tang Dynasty
• What did the Tang Dynasty
(family) do for China?
• Why is it considered the
Golden Age of China?
• The Tang Dynasty Reunified
China (brought China back
together) after the Period of
• the Golden Age of China
• Tang Dynasty reformed the
• Created New Law codes
• Poetry became popular
• First woman to rule: Empress
China’s Dynasty’s
4. Song Dynasty
• From 960-1279
• Known for farming
and irrigation, faster
growing rice
• Major population
growth because of the
increase in food
China Reunifies
• What is Buddhism?
• One of the worlds
major religions
• started in India
• came to China during
the Han Dynasty
• Teaches people can
escape suffering
and be in a state of
China’s Dynasty’s
5. Yuan Dynasty
• 1200’s A.D.
• Invaders From
• Known for Genghis Khan
and his grandson Kublai
• Famous Italian traveler
Marco Polo visited
China’s Dynasty’s
6. Ming Dynasty
• 1368-1644 A.D.
• Most stable and
prosperous times in
• Improved ships and
• Zheng He built huge
ships and sailed around
Asia and Africa
• Grand Buildings and
Forbidden City
• Reconstructed Great Wall
of China
Paper was invented in _____ B.C.
Woodblock Printing
The Worlds first known ______ was printed this
way in 868
Used to make fireworks, small bombs and
Uses the Earths magnetic field to show
________. It made it possible to ______
vast distances.
Moveable type
Set of _______ that can be used to print.
They can be ______ in to create new
Paper Money
People used bulky coins made of metals like
________, ________, and ________. Paper
money became more popular as ______
1. Han Dynasty 200 A.D. Collapsed; Period of
2. Tang Dynasty 618-900 A.D; re-unifies China
3. Sui Dynasty 589-618 (Grand Canal)
Dynasty 618-918 (Empress Wu and ended the Period
of Disunion)
5. Song Dynasty 960-1279 (irrigation and farm
6. ______ Dynasty 1279-1368 (Ruled by the
Mongols, expanded trade through the world)
7. Ming Dynasty 1368-1644 (Zheng He and
Isolationism, Forbidden City)
1. Disunion-a country no longer together or
united; disorder
2. Canal (Dictionary p.94-95)
3. Chaos (Dictionary p. 108)
4. Disorder (Dictionary p.196)
5. Dynasty (Dictionary p. 213)
6. Period of Disunion (Textbook p. 166)
7. Grand Canal (Textbook 167)
8. Empress Wu (Textbook 168)
9. Bureaucracy (Textbook 178)
10. Civil service (Textbook 178)
1. Function (177)
2. Incentive (178)
3. Scholar-official (178)
4. Consequences (186)
5. Isolationism (186)
6. Genghis Khan (180)
7. Kublai Khan (181)
8. Zheng He (183)