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Create a 6 door foldable and write the
following words on each tab (one per
Read Section 15.2 up to the subhead “A Noble Bargain.”
1. Why were the city of New Orleans and the Mississippi River important to
farmers in the early 1800’s?
Farmers depended on the river to get their crops to the port in New
they would load them onto ships bound for markets in Europe and
on the East Coast.
•The United States wanted possession of the port city of
New Orleans, near the mouth of the Mississippi River.
•By 1800, thousands of farmers were settling land to the
west of the Appalachian Mountains.
•To get their crops to market, they floated them down the
Mississippi to New Orleans.
• There the crops were shipped to Europe or to cities on the
East Coast.
2.What was Napoleon’s plan for Louisiana? Why were American farmers alarmed by it?
•Napoleon wanted to settle the territory with French farmers,
who would supply food for the slaves that worked in the Caribbean.
•American farmers feared that if the port of New Orleans were closed
to Americans, they would not be able to get their crops to market.
• First claimed by France, it was given to Spain after the
French and Indian War.
• In 1800, the French ruler. Napoleon Bonaparte convinced
Spain to return Louisiana to France.
•Napoleon had plans for Louisiana, he hoped to settle the
territory with thousands of French farmers.
•These farmers would raise food for the slaves who worked
on France’s sugar plantations in the Caribbean.
• If Napoleon closed the port of New Orleans to American
goods, farmers would have no way to get their crops to
Read the rest of Section 15.2 to find out what happened…………..
3. What deal was made on April 30, 1803? Give two reasons why
Napoleon was willing to make this deal with the United States.
•The United States agreed to buy the Louisiana Territory for $15
•Napoleon no longer needed the territory because slaves had
revolted in Haiti and overthrown the government.
•France was about to enter into war with the British and might lose
the territory anyway.
• In
1803, President Jefferson sent James Monroe to France
with an offer to buy city of New Orleans for $7.5 million.
•By the time Monroe reached France, Napoleon had
changed his plans.
•A few years earlier, a slave named Toussaint L’Ouverture
had led a slave revolt in the French Caribbean colony known
today as Haiti.
•The former slaves defeated the French troops who tried to
take back the colony, as a result, Napoleon no longer
needed Louisiana.
Napoleon’s offered to sell all of Louisiana
On April 30, 1803, he signed a treaty giving Louisiana to the
United States in exchange for $15 million.
4. List 2 pros and
2 cons of the
Louisiana Purchase
doubled the country’s size at a
cheap price
impossible to govern such a large piece of
some easterners feared they would lose
secured the free navigation of
power in Congress to new western states
the Mississippi River
too expensive when the country had
gained lands without bloodshed little money
On your map, draw the boundaries of the newly acquired territory and annotate the
map. Use these three terms in your annotations: Thomas Jefferson, Louisiana
Territory, France.
TJ bought LT
from France in
1803 for $15mil
Read Section
up to the
“Govern or
Get Out.”
1. What did President Monroe order Andrew Jackson to do in 1818?
What did Jackson do instead?
President Monroe ordered Jackson to chase raiding Seminole Indians
back into Florida, but not to invade Florida.
Instead, Jackson invaded Florida, captured military forts, executed two
British subjects for stirring up Indian attacks, and replaced the Spanish
•Florida had a diverse population of Seminole Indians,
Spanish colonists, English traders, and runaway slaves
• Many white Americans in the Southeast wanted the United
States to take over Florida.
Slave owners in Georgia were angry because slaves
sometimes ran away to Florida.
In addition, white landowners in Georgia were upset by
Seminole raids on their lands.
Over the next few years, Spain’s control of Florida
weakened. The Spanish government could do nothing to stop
the raids on farms in Georgia by Seminoles and ex-slaves.
2. Explain the deal that the United States made with Spain in 1819 to
end the conflict over Florida.
Spain agreed to leave Florida. The United States agreed to pay $5
million in settlers’ claims and to honor Spain’s claim to Texas.
•All but one of Monroe’s cabinet members advised him to
remove Jackson and apologize to Spain.
•The exception was Secretary of State John Quincy Adams
who said to send Spain a blunt message
•The message was this: govern Florida properly or get out.
•Equally fearful of war, Spain decided to get out.
•In 1819, the Spanish government agreed to yield Florida to
the US.
•In exchange, the US agreed to pay off $5 million in settlers’
claims against Spain.
•The US also agreed to honor Spain’s longtime claim to
Then, on the map below, draw the boundaries of the newly acquired
territory and annotate the map. Use these three terms in your
annotations: Spain, Andrew Jackson, runaway slaves.
Runaway slaves and poor
leadership led to AJ
invading FL; we bought
from Spain for $5mil
Read Section 15.4 up to the subhead
“To Annex Texas or Not?”
1. List two complaints of American
settlers in Texas in 1830.
• Americans were used to
governing themselves and did
not want to take orders from
the Mexican government.
• All official documents had to
be in Spanish.
• Mexico outlawed slavery in
1829 and many Americans in
Texas were slaveholders.
Then list two
complaints of Tejanos in
•Tejanos were upset that
many Americans had
settled in Texas illegally.
•Americans showed little
respect for Mexican culture.
• Many Americans had no
intention of becoming
Situation 3:Texas
What action should the United States take?
A. Let Texas remain an independent country. Try to establish
good relations with Texas, and avoid angering Mexico.
B. Annex Texas to the United States and risk war with
C. Make a treaty with Mexico agreeing to split Texas
between the two countries.
Read the remainder of Section 15.4 to find out what happened.
Moses Austin given
land grant in Texas by
Moses Austin given land grant in
Texas by Spanish
Slavery is
outlawed in Texas
and Mexico.
Slavery is outlawed in Texas and Mexico.
25,000 Americans live in Texas,
compared to 4,000 Tejanos.
25,000 Americans
live in Texas,
compared to
4,000 Tejanos.
Stephen F. Austin
travels and make it a
separate Mexican state.
General Santa Anna
throws him in jail.
Stephen F. Austin travels to Mexico City to try to
convince the government to reopen Texas to
immigration and make it a separate Mexican state.
General Santa Anna throws him in jail.
Texas revolts against the government.
General Santa Anna marches 6,000 troops
Texas revolts against the
to crush
the rebels.
Santa Anna
marches 6,000 troops into Texas to
crush the rebels.
The Texans are
defeated at the
Alamo, with no
The Texans are defeated at the
Alamo, with no survivors.
April 1836 Texans yell
“Remember the Alamo!”
as they surprise attack and
defeat the Mexican army
near the San Jacinto River.
Santa Anna is captured.
April 1836 Texans yell “Remember the
Alamo!” as they surprise attack and
defeat the Mexican army near the San
Jacinto River. Santa Anna is captured.
The Republic of Texas is a free and
independent country nicknamed the
Lone Star Republic.
The Republic of
Texas is a free and
country nicknamed
the Lone Star
Draw the boundaries of the newly acquired territory and
annotate the map. Use these three terms in your
annotations: Stephen Austin, Mexico, Alamo.
Read Section up to the subhead All of Oregon
or Half?
1. What agreement did Great Britain and
the United States make in the 1820s
concerning Oregon?
Great Britain and the United States agreed to a
peaceful joint occupation of Oregon.
2. Why Oregon was called a “pioneer’s
fertile soil, towering forests, sunny weather, no
disease, free farms
Situation 4: Oregon Country
What action should the United States take? Circle
your choice.
A. Annex all of Oregon to the United States and risk
war with Britain.
B. Offer to sell Oregon to Britain in order to increase
the money in the United States Treasury.
C. Make a treaty with Britain agreeing to divide
Oregon between the two countries.
Read the remainder of Section 15.5 to find out what
3. What did James Polk mean when he declared “Fifty-four
forty or fight!” in the 1844 presidential campaign? Did he
follow through with this campaign promise? Explain.
Polk wanted the United States to have the
entire Oregon Country and was willing to fight
Great Britain for it. He did not follow through
with this promise, but instead used diplomacy
to reach a compromise that gave half of Oregon
to the United States and half to Britain.
Draw the boundaries of the newly acquired territory and annotate the
map. Use these three terms in your annotations: Britain, 49th parallel,
Read Section 15.6 up to the subhead “The Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo.”
1. Why did President Polk think the Mexican
government might want to sell California and New
Polk thought the Mexican government might
sell California and New Mexico because they
were thinly settled and neglected by the
Mexican government.
2. Label the map with sentences to explain why the U.S.
Congress declared war on Mexico in 1846.
Texas claimed the Rio
Grande was the border.
Mexico wanted the Nueces
River to be the border.
April 25, 1846: Mexican
troops fire on U.S. soldiers
patrolling the Rio Grande.
President Polk claims Mexico had invaded the
United States.
Situation 5:War with Mexico
What action should the United States take?
A. Apologize for invading Mexico, offer to buy California and
New Mexico, and accept the Nueces River as the border
between Texas and Mexico.
B. Demand that Mexico recognize the Rio Grande as the
border of Texas and cede (give up) California and New
Mexico to the United States.
C. Annex all of Mexico to the United States because it is
weak after losing the Mexican War.
Read the remainder of Section 15.6 to find out
what happened.
3. Choose two of these Mexican-American War battle
New Mexico, California, Monterrey, Buena Vista, or
Then create two historical newspaper headlines for each of
your two battle locations.
Write the first headline for a U.S. newspaper whose editors
agreed with manifest destiny.
Write the second headline for a newspaper in Mexico.
Mexico gave up Texas and the Mexican Cession, which included the
present-day CA, NV, AZ, NM, UT, CO and WY.
The United States agreed to pay Mexico $15 million.
The United States promised to protect Mexican citizens living in Texas
and the Mexican Cession.
Draw the boundaries of the newly acquired territory and
annotate the map. Use these three terms in your
annotations: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Rio Grande,
The TofGH made the RG
the border of TX and gave
us all of CA
A region of land; also a region
designated by Congress and
organized under a governor
The art of conducting
negotiations with other
Texas War for Independence
1836 rebellion of Texans
against Mexican rule that
resulted in Texas becoming an
independent nation
To add a territory to a country.
Such an addition is called an
Manifest Destiny
The belief that it was
America’s right and duty to
spread the nation across the
North American continent
Mexican-American War
The war with Mexico from
1846-1847 that resulted in
Mexico ceding to the United
States a huge region from
Texas to California
Select six characters from the
drawing below (you may
include animals), and create
speech or thought bubbles for
each one.
In each bubble, write one or
two sentences describing the
character’s thoughts or
If necessary, write your
sentences as captions in the
space below the drawing.
Color the drawing to make it
look like the actual painting.
Each bubble is worth 10 points
(they MUST be historically
authentic and appropriate for
Overall appearance is worth 20
Total possible 80 points