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Unit 3
An era of Growth & Disunion
Chapter 9: Expanding Markets & Moving West
Section 1: The Market Revolution
1. Capitalism is the economic system in which private enterprises and
individuals control the means of production and use them to earn profits.
2. The idea of capitalism led to the market revolution in which people
bought and sold goods rather than making them for their own use.
3. As a result of the market revolution, farmers began to shift from selfsufficiency to specialization, raising one or two crops to be sold in the
market place.
What helped the market revolution to prosper?
•Vulcanized rubber—Charles Goodyear—became indispensable in the
manufacturing of automobiles.
•Sewing Machine—Elias Howe—created many jobs for women.
•Telegraph—Samuel Morse—this improvement in communication allowed for
businesses and transportation to take off.
•Steamboat—James Watt—trade increased as ships traveled faster.
•Erie Canal—created huge price cuts as trade travel became shorter.
•Railroads—while more expensive than canal travel, trains provided faster and
seasonal transportation.
•Cotton Gin—Eli Whitney—increased the need for slaves.
•Steel Plow—John Deere—allowed farmers to till their land much faster and
create more food for the economy.
•Mechanical Reaper—Cyrus McCormick—allowed one farmer to do the work
of five hired hands.
Section 2: Manifest Destiny
1. The idea that America felt it
was their god-given right to
expand to the Pacific Ocean and
into the Mexican territory was
called Manifest Destiny.
New Mexico
Traders of cloth, knives, and guns.
They went seeking silver, gold, and
Traveled along the Santa Fe trail.
They encountered many Indian
attacks along the way, but banded
together to help fight them off.
Eventually, they found their way to
Mexican provinces and conducted
their trade.
•Set up mission in order to educate
native Americans about Christianity.
•Traveled along the Oregon Trail
•In the upper Oregon Territory
settlers came into conflict with the
British concerning the boundary
lines. The slogan began “Fifty Four
Forty or Fight. However, President
Polk worked out a compromise with
the British to avoid bloodshed.
•Mormons (Joseph Smith)
•Looking for isolated areas to practice their religion free from
•Traveled along the Oregon trail.
•In Utah, they found deserted land that they soon created communal
Manifest Destiny led to conflicts with the native Americans…
Black Hawk War
•Took place in Wisconsin & Illinois.
•Chief Black Hawk led a rebellion against the US government as they
tried to forcibly remove Native Americans to west of the Mississippi.
•In the end the natives were defeated and forced to leave their homeland.
Fort Laramie treaty
•In Wyoming, settlers feared attacks from native Americans.
•US government created a compromise—the Native Americans were given
control of the central plains, eastern Rocky Mountain region, and the
Arkansas River to Canada. In return, they promised not to attack
American settlements.
•However, as settler numbers grew, Americans and the government
continued to violate the treaty leading to Native American mistrust of our
government and further bloodshed.
Section 3: Expansion in Texas
1821—Mexico offers cheap land to Americans.
1830—Mexico outlaws slavery in Texas.
1835—Americans look to achieve Independence of Mexico and a battle ensues at
the Alamo.
1836—Sam Houston defeats Santa Anna at San Jacinto.
1845—US Annexes Texas as the 28th state.
1846—America begins a war with Mexico over the borders of the Mexican
Section 4: The War with Mexico
In 1846, Mexico and the US begin a war known as the Mexican-American
The main disagreement came over the border of Texas, the Rio Grande.
Zachary Taylor was sent by President Polk to defend the border.
By 1848, the war was over and both sides signed the Treaty of Guadalupe
The Treaty included…
Rio Grande became border.
US paid 15 million for the territories of California, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and
parts of Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming.
Mexicans living in these territories were given rights as American citizens.
6. In 1853, President Pierce paid 15 million to Mexico for the Gadsden Purchase,
establishing the current borders of the lower 48 states.
7. In the territories acquired from Mexico, California became the most populated.
This was mainly due to the Gold Rush of 1849.
Chapter 10: Union in Peril
Section 1: The Divisive Politics of Slavery
1. The following events played key roles in dividing America:
A) North wanted industry
B) South wanted agriculture
C) Tariff issue
D) Wilmont Proviso—divided Congress (Webster/Hayne Debate)
E) Compromise of 1850
F) Theory of Nullification
2. Compromise of 1850
California be a free state
New fugitive slave law
Future territories had right of popular sovereignty
Texas was given 10 million to surrender New Mexico
Section 2: Protest, resistance, & Violence
Personal Liberty Laws—Passed in northern states to get around the fugitive
slave act. This caused many southerners to feel that the Compromise of 1850 was a
fraud and thoughts of secession became more prevalent.
Underground Railroad—Harriet Tubman helped over 300 slaves escape to
freedom. She was aided by many northern states. As a result southern slave owners
became increasingly vocal about the federal government’s laziness in enforcing the
fugitive slave act.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin—written by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
It was an account of the
horrors of slavery, and it became wide read in the North. This caused the abolitionist
movement to grow and motivated John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry.
Kansas-Nebraska Act—The Kansas-Nebraska territory was divided into
Kansas and Nebraska. These territories would now vote on being slave or free.
Large protests emerged as both sides poured into the streets into a bloody conflict.
This incident became known as “Bleeding Kansas.”
Congressional Anger—Senator Charles Sumner attacked Senator Andrew
Butler’s stance on pro-slavery. Butler’s nephew, Congressman Preston Brooks, beat
Senator Sumner with a cane.
Section 3: New Political Parties
Whig—opposed fugitive slave act and felt the Compromise of 1850
needed to be reworked. They were pro-slavery and pro-union.
Know-Nothing—originally called the nativist party, then became the
American party. They favored native born Americans over immigrants
and were anti-catholic.
Free-Soil—Looked to prevent the expansion of slave territories and
sought for the abolition of slavery.
Democrat—States’ rights, limited government, and divided on
Republican—Combination of anti-slavery democrats and northern
whigs. They wanted to resurrect the policies of the Missouri
Compromise and prevent the extension of slavery into new states.
Section 4: Slavery & Secession
1. Dred Scott Decision—Dred Scott was a slave whose master moved into Illinois &
Wisconsin (free states). Eventually, they moved back to Missouri. Scott’s master died and
he began a lawsuit for his freedom. SC Justice Roger Taney ruled Scott was property and
therefore had no rights of a citizen. He was to remain a slave. Also, the Missouri
Compromise was ruled unconstitutional.
2. Lecompton Constitution—The pro-slavery persons of Kansas sought to admit
Kansas into the Union as a slave state. However, the free-soilers outnumbered them 2-1.
President Buchanan endorsed the Lecompton Constitution. This paved the way for
Lincoln’s presidency because it divided Buchanan’s party in the election of 1860.
3. Freeport Doctrine—Implied that popular sovereignty was empty because a territory
could not vote on slavery until it became a state. This was the result of the Dred Scott
decision voiding the Missouri Compromise.
4. John Brown’s Raid—He looked to incite a slave rebellion in hopes of leading to its
abolition. John Brown was recognized as a martyr in the North, and more and more people
began to demand the abolition of slavery.
5. Election of Lincoln—Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860.
Many southerners
felt he would abolish slavery. As a result S.C. seceded from the Union and 10 other
southern states followed.
Chapter 11: The Civil War
•People, Terms, & Battles
1. The first shots of the Civil war were fired at Fort Sumpter.
2. The first blood shed of the war occurred at Bull Run where the
confederates, led by Stonewall Jackson defeated the Union
3. In February of 1862, General Grant defeated the confederates at
Forts Henry & Donelson. This victory led to the firing of General
McClellan as commander of the Union army and promoted Grant
as the new commander.
4. In April of 1862, Farragut seized the Confederate port of New
Orleans and, in turn, captured all major cities along the lower
Mississippi region.
5. During the Spring of 1862, General Lee entered the war on the
side of the confederacy and successfully defended Richmond from
a Union siege.
6. In September of 1862, the bloodiest single day battle occurred in
American history at Antietam.
7. In July of 1863, a major battle was fought at Gettysburg.
8. Due to the confederate’s defeat of the Union in Chancellorsville, VA, The
South entered Gettysburg quite confident.
9. The confederacy’s attempt to invade the north stalled after a three day
surge at Gettysburg. 28,000 confederate soldiers lost their lives while
the Union suffered 23,000 casualties.
10. On the very next day, the Union captured Vicksburg, effectively cutting
the confederate lines in two.
11. By March of 1864, and the Union seeking a surrender of the South,
General Sherman began his march of destruction across the south.
12. One year later, the south surrendered at Appomattox Court House.
Chapter 12: Reconstruction and its effects
Wade/Davis—proposed Congress, not the President, be responsible for
reconstruction. They would require a majority of the state’s population pledge an
allegiance to Constitution.
10% Plan—Lincoln’s plan. He required 10% of the state’s population pledge
an allegiance to Constitution. Lincoln would all pardoned all confederates
(except high ranking officials accused of war crimes).
50%--Andrew Johnson’s plan. Same as Lincoln’s, but called for 50%
allegiance to Constitution and ratification of the 13th Amendment.
Radical—Run by the Republicans. Also called the Military Reconstruction
Act. Congress set up military zones in the former confederacy. In these zones,
the Civil Rights Amendments (13, 14, 15) were enforced. The Freedman’s
Bureau was implemented and black codes were outlawed. Also, all remnants of
the confederacy must be surrendered and all former members of the confederacy
must take the iron-clad oath.