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Cell Division
Part One: Mitosis
In this lesson…
• Explain the difference between double and single
stranded chromosome, chromatin and chromatid
• List the steps of mitosis and describe what happens in
• Identify what stage of mitosis a cell is in by looking at
the chromosomes
• List three reasons cells divide by mitosis
• Describe cytokinesis
In the nucleus
• In non-dividing cells, the genetic material is
stored as thin DNA super coils called
• When a cell divides, the chromatin will shorten
and thicken into CHROMOSOMES
• One strand of a double stranded chromosome is
called a CHROMATID
• MITOSIS: a process by which the nucleus of a
cell divides while maintaining the chromosome
 One cell  two cells
 New cells have identical genetic material
(DNA) of the parent cell
• Four stages of division (Prophase, Metaphase,
Anaphase and Telophase - PMAT) plus a period
of growth and metabolism called Interphase
The Cell Cycle
Period between divisions
Longest part of the cell cycle
Cell is growing and metabolizing
Nuclear membrane present
Genetic information in the form of chromatin and
cannot be seen with a microscope
• Before division each strand of DNA will replicate
(copy) itself to become double stranded
• Near the end of interphase the DNA begins to
condense (shorten)
Draw a double stranded chromosome. Label
chromosome, chromatid and centromere
Phase One: Prophase
• Chromatin contracts and becomes visible (spaghetti). It
is now called CHROMOSOMES
• Each is a double chromosome with a pair of SISTER
chromatids which are joined to each other by a
• Chromosomes begin to move towards the equator
(center) of the cell
• Nuclear membrane disintegrates (breaks down)
• CENTRIOLES will form SPINDLE FIBERS that will
attach to each centromere and move around the
Phase Two: Metaphase
• The centromeres of each chromosome line up along
equator ( looks like praying hands)
• Centromeres divide so the doubled chromosomes
become two identical single stranded sister
• Centrioles are now at the poles of the cell and are
attached to each centromere by spindle fibers
Phase Three: Anaphase
• The spindle fibers begin to shorten and the
chromosomes begin moving to opposite
ends or poles of the cell (fingers)
• Each side gets one chromatid from each
double stranded chromosome
Phase Four: Telophase
• Begins when single stranded chromosomes reach
the poles
• Chromosomes uncoil and turn into chromatin
• Nuclear membrane reappears
• Reverse of prophase
• Division of the cytoplasm or CYTOKINESIS is
completed by pinching off in animals or by building
a cell wall in plants
What’s the point of Mitosis?
• Mitosis creates identical copies of cells for:
 1. growth
 2. Repair/regeneration of damaged tissue
 3. Asexual reproduction (animals) or
vegetative reproduction (plants)
Asexual Reproduction
• Reproduction that involves only one parent; parent and
offspring have identical genetics
• No special reproductive cells or organs used to create
• Occurs through mitosis and cytokinesis
• Both single and multi-celled organisms, plants and simple
animals can reproduce asexually
• In multi-cellular organisms, the offspring develop from
undifferentiated, unspecialized cells from the parent
• Usually a rapid form of reproduction
Binary Fission
• Simplest form of asexual reproduction
• Parent divides into two approximately equal
sized daughter cells
• Bacteria: circular chromosome attaches to
plasma membrane then replicates, cell wall
separates each copy
• Protozoa: eg. Amoeba become circular and use
• New individuals develop from small
outgrowths of the parent (buds)
• May develop colonies (sponges) or break
off to be individuals (hydra, yeast)
• Some organisms can both bud and
reproduce sexually
• Specialized single cells that are released
from the parent organism, germinate and
grow by mitosis
• New cells differentiate to form a new
• Can reproduce quickly and in large quantities
• Often have thick protective coats
• Eg. Fungi, algae, protozoa
• The ability to regrow lost body parts
• Some animals can regrow entire new
organisms from parts
• Ability to regenerate decreases as organisms
increase complexity
• Even simple organisms that can regenerate
entire organisms generally prefer to utilize a
different method to reproduce
Vegetative reproduction
• MERISTEM: area on plant with unspecialized cells (cells
that can become any kind of cell) that frequently divide
using mitosis
• Meristematic cells can be found in the vegetative
structures of a plant (roots, stems, leaves)
• Given proper treatment, meristem cells can reproduce
mitoticlly then differentiate into new independent plants
• Structures include bulbs, corms, tubers, runners,
• Can also be artificially propagated using cuttings,
layerings or grafting
• short underground
stem with
thickened storage
• small new bulbs
sprout from the
old ones
• Eg. onions, tulips
• short underground stems with no fleshy leaves
• Eg. gladiolas, crocuses
• enlarged part of an
underground stem
that contains stored
• potatoes (eyes are
tiny buds)
• AKA stolon
• is a stem that runs sideways and contains
• Eg. strawberry
• a stem that
grows sideways
under the
• ferns, irises
• a stem, root or
leaf cutting
used to make a
new plant
• part of a stem is bent and covered in soil
• once it roots the original can be cut off
• Eg. raspberries, roses
• stem or bud removed
from one plant and
permanently joined
to another plant
• Eg. grapes and many
seedless fruits