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11.6 revision
Variation and genetics
1. Differences can be c………………………… (e.g. height)
2. or d…………………………… (e.g. blood group, ear lobes)
3. They can be due to genetic causes or to
e………………………….. ones.
4. The nucleus of a cell contains c…………………………
5. These carry g…………….. that control the characteristics
of the body.
6. These are passed on from parents in the sex cells
(g………………..) from which the offspring develop.
Types of reproduction
7. S……………….. reproduction is the joining (fusion)
of male and female gametes.
8. The mixture of the genetic information from two
parents leads to v…………………………. in the
9. A…………………….. reproduction – there is no
fusing of gametes.
10. Only ..................... parent is needed.
11. Genetically identical individuals are known as
12. New plants can be produced quickly and
cheaply by taking c…………………..from older
13. Modern cloning techniques include:
t................ c………………. - using small groups of
cells from part of a plant.
14. E………………. t………………... splitting apart cells
from a developing animal embryo before they
become specialised.
15. A………………… c………………… c…………………. – this
is how Dolly the sheep was cloned.
More cloning and genetic engineering
16. The ………………….. is removed from an unfertilised egg
17. The nucleus from an adult b…............. cell is then
inserted into the egg cell.
18. An e………………….. s……………………. then causes the
egg cell to begin to divide to form embryo cells.
19. When the embryo has developed into a ball of cells,
it is inserted into the w……………… of an adult female.
20. In genetic engineering, genes from humans and other
organisms can be cut out using ………………………… and
transferred to cells of other organisms.
1. Differences can be continuous(e.g. height)
2. or discontinuous(e.g. blood group, ear lobes)
3. They can be due to genetic causes or to
environmental ones.
4. The nucleus of a cell contains chromosomes
5. These carry genes that control the
characteristics of the body.
6. These are passed on from parents in the sex
cells (gametes) from which the offspring
Types of reproduction
7. Sexual reproduction is the joining (fusion) of
male and female gametes.
8. The mixture of the genetic information from two
parents leads to variation in the offspring.
9. Asexual reproduction – there is no fusing of
10. Only one parent is needed.
11. Genetically identical individuals are known as
12. New plants can be produced quickly and
cheaply by taking cuttings from older plants.
13. Modern cloning techniques include:
tissue culture - using small groups of cells from
part of a plant.
14. Embryo transplants splitting apart cells from a
developing animal embryo before they become
15. Animal cell cloning – this is how Dolly the sheep
was cloned.
More cloning and genetic engineering
16. The nucleus is removed from an unfertilised egg cell.
17. The nucleus from an adult body cell is then inserted
into the egg cell.
18. An electric shock then causes the egg cell to begin to
divide to form embryo cells.
19. When the embryo has developed into a ball of cells,
it is inserted into the womb of an adult female.
20. In genetic engineering, genes from humans and other
organisms can be cut out using enzymes and
transferred to cells of other organisms.