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Gross Morphology
Tentorium cerebelli
 Falx cerebelli
Anatomical Plan I
Left and right hemispheres:
Anterior and posterior lobe:
Subconscious movements of skeletal
Flocculonodular nodes:
Concerned with equilibrium
Anatomical Divisions
Cerebellar cortex:
Gyri = Folia
Myelinated medulla:
Arbor vitae
Cerebellar Peduncles
Inferior (restiform bodies):
Connects to medulla
Middle (brachium pontis):
Connects to pons
Superior (brachium conjunctivum):
Connects to midbrain and thalamus
Intracerebellar (paired):
Pontine nuclei (pons):
 Inferior olivary nuclei (medulla)
Plan II: Flocculonodular Lobes
 Vestibulocerebellum
 Flocculi separated by nodulus
 Functions:
Regulation of muscle tone
Maintenance of equilibrium (axial
Regulation of head/eye movements
Plan II: Anterior Lobe
 Functions:
Receives proprioceptive information
Regulates muscle tone
Plan II: Posterior Lobe
 Cerebrocerebellum
 Functions:
Receives cerebral input via pons
Involved in muscle movement
Involved in planning and coordination
Anatomical Plan III
Medial (vermal) zone:
Fastigial nucleus
Part of spinocerebellum
Paramedian (paravermal) zone:
Globose and emboliform nuclei
Part of spinocerebellum
Lateral (hemispheric) zone:
Dentate nucleus
Equivalent to neocerebellum (cerebrocerebellum)
Afferent: Mossy Fibers
Via inferior cerebellar peduncles:
Dorsal spinocerebellar
Via superior cerebellar peduncles:
Ventral spinocerebellar
Via middle cerebellar peduncles:
Afferent: Climbing Fibers
Climbing fibers arise from inferior olivary
Efferent Tracts
All efferent fibers from cortex are from
Purkinje cells:
 Purkinje cells project to intracerebellar
Efferent Tracts
Via inferior cerebellar peduncles:
To vestibular nuclei:
From flocculonodular lobe
= (vestibulocerebellum)
From fastigial nucleus
To lateral vestibular nucleus:
From anterior vermis (spinocerebellum)
Efferent Tracts
Via inferior cerebellar peduncles:
To reticular formations in pons and medulla:
Cerebelloreticular tract:
From fastigial nucleus
Efferent Tracts
Via superior cerebellar peduncles:
To red nucleus (nucleus ruber):
Cerebellorubral tract:
From dentate, emboliform, and globose nuclei
To ventral anterior and ventral lateral
thalamic nuclei:
Cerebellothalamic tracts:
From dentate, emboliform, and globose nuclei
Efferent Tracts
Thalamocortical tracts:
To motor cortex
Through internal capsule
Corticopontine tracts:
To pontine nuclei
Skeletal muscle coordination
 Maintain equilibrium and posture
 Synergic control of muscle activity
 Kinetic memory?
Cerebellar Cortex: Layers
Molecular layer (outer)
Granular layer (middle)
Purkinje layer (deeper)
Cerebellar Cortex: Cell Types
Stellate cells
 Basket cells
 Granular cells
 Golgi cells
 Purkinje cells
Cerebellar Cortex Organization
Climbing and mossy fibers convey
excitatory input from spinal cord and
brainstem to deep cerebellar nuclei and
Cerebellar Cortex Organization
Climbing fibers originate from inferior
olivary nuclei and are excitatory to deep
cerebellar nuclei and Purkinje cells.
Cerebellar Cortex Organization
Mossy fibers originate from spinal cord
and other parts of the brain and are
excitatory to granular cells.
Granular Cells
Granular cells receive input from mossy
Excitatory input.
Collaterals from mossy fibers also to
intracerebellar nuclei.
Granular cells project into molecular layer
and give off left/right axon collaterals.
Granular Cells
Granular cells are excitatory.
 Synapse with:
Stellate, Golgi, basket, and Purkinje cells
Other Cortical Cells
Stellate cells synapse with dendritic tree of
Purkinje cells (inhibitory).
 Basket cells synapse with axon hillock of
Purkinje cell (inhibitory).
 Golgi cells synapse with cell bodies of
granular cells (inhibitory).
 Purkinje cells synapse with intracerebellar
nuclei (inhibitory).
Cerebellar Cortex
Climbing fibers from inferior olivary nuclei:
Synapse with intracerebellar nuclei:
Axon collaterals
Synapse with dendritic tree of Purkinje cells:
Excitatory burst “cleans” Purkinje cells
Cerebellar Cortex
Only efferents from cerebellar cortex are
Purkinje cell axons.
 All efferents from cerebellum are from
intracerebellar nuclei.
Cerebellar Cortex
Noradrenergic projections from locus
 Serotoninergic projections from raphe