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• When you talk about the interface of a class you typically mean
the public methods of the class.
• Often the implementation is postponed until the interface is
settled, this can give a more “high-level” construction phase.
• But also changing and extending the interface without changing
the implementation is considered to be a great quality of objectoriented development. The classes which is dependent of the
changed class might be subject to a “sound” revision.
An Interface Can Be Seen
As a Protocol
• An interface is an agreement on behavior.
• A class which implements an interface agrees on
supporting the specified behavior.
• An interface can also be seen as a definition of a
role, classes which implements the role are able to
play that role.
Example: The auto-pilot of an airplane can act as a pilot the
same is true about some humans. The auto-pilot and the
human is quit different types of objects, but they can both
play the same role. Many different types of objects can
implement the interface, so the interface is not the same as
a “class to subclass from”.
Interfaces in Java
• In Java you can explicitly declare an interface.
• Definition (JavaSoft): An interface is a named collection of
method definitions (without implementations). An interface can
also include constant declarations (no fields).
• In C++ you can declare interfaces through abstract
• Java do not have multiple-inheritance (multiple-inheritance
is considered difficult both conceptually and when it comes to implementation
of compilers). With interfaces you can achieve much the same as
when you use multiple-inheritance. It is possible to inherit from
one class and at the same time implement several interfaces.
• All methods in an interface must be public and abstract so it is not
necessary to explicitly specify this.
• Example: If you have a set of objects (of the same type) and you
want to sort this objects, then it must be possible for each pair of
objects to do a comparison and decide if one object is “larger”
then the other.
The objects must implement the interface Sortable:
public interface Sortable {
public int compare(Sortable b);
Sorting an Array
of Person-objects
int compare(sortable)
static void bubbleSort(Sortable[])
String name
String getName()
int compare(sortable)
Person[] reg
void sort()
Sorting an Array
of Person-objects
public class Sort {
public static void bubbleSort(Sortable[] array){
// Find index of last used arrayelement
int len = array.length;
for(;(array[len-1] == null) && (len>0); len--);
for(int pass = 1; pass < len; pass++){
for(int i = 0; i<len - 1; i++){
if(array[i].compare(array[i+1]) > 0){
Sortable hold = array[i];
= array[i+1];
= hold;
Sorting an Array
of Person-objects
public class Person implements Sortable{
public int compare(Sortable other){
if (!(other instanceof Person)) return 0;
String otherName = ((Person)other).getName();
return name.compareTo(otherName);
public class Register{
private Person[] reg;
public void sort(){
if (noOfPersons==0) return;
The clone-method
• The Object class has a clone-method which do a byte by byte copy.
class Object{
protected native Object clone()
throws CloneNotSupportedException{..
• This method is not always applicable. If you have a reference field,
than the object which is referenced will not be copied just the
reference to the object. The clone-object and the original object will
both have a field which have a reference to the same object.
• Cloning is considered a serious matter. The method is protected, so it
can only be used inside a derived class. If you want to have a clonemethod or use the one from the Object class, than you have to
implement the Cloneable interface.
If You Have
a cloneable Class
• Assume:
class MyClass implements Cloneable{................}
MyClass obj1 = new MyClass(...);
MyClass obj2 = (MyClass)obj1.clone();
• Than the following is typically true:
obj1 != obj2
// the two references are to different objects
obj1.equals(obj2) // values of the two different objects are compared
obj1.clone.getClass() == obj1.getClass() // they are of the same class
Making Your Own Clone-method
Example No. 1
class Person implements Cloneable {
private String name;
Person(String newName){
name = newName;
public String getName(){
return name;
public Object clone(){
return super.clone(); // remember Strings are not mutable
}catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){
return null; // should not happen, Cloneable is implemented
} } }
public class TestClone {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person p1 = new Person("Olsen");
Person p2 = (Person)p1.clone();
System.out.println("p1.Name: " + p1.getName());
System.out.println("p2.Name: " + p2.getName());
while(true); // let the user see the output
} }
Making Your Own Clone-method
Example No. 2 - Will Not Work
public class TestClone {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person p1 = new Person("Jan"); Person p2 = (Person)p1.clone();
StringBuffer temp = p2.getName();
temp = temp.append(" Olsen"); // is also changed
System.out.println("p1.Name: " + p1.getName());
System.out.println("p2.Name: " + p2.getName());
} }
class Person implements Cloneable {
private StringBuffer name;
Person(String newName){ name = new StringBuffer(newName); }
public StringBuffer getName(){
return name;
public Object clone(){
return super.clone(); // NOTE!!! the following is not good enough
// StringBuffer is mutable and a reference to the same
// object can give you problems
}catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){
return null; // should not happen, Cloneable is implemented
} } }
Making Your Own Clone-method
Example No. 3 - This Will Work Ok
public class TestClone {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person p1 = new Person("Jan"); Person p2 = (Person)p1.clone();
StringBuffer temp = p2.getName();
temp = temp.append(" Olsen"); // will not be changed
System.out.println("p1.Name: " + p1.getName());
System.out.println("p2.Name: " + p2.getName());
} }
class Person implements Cloneable {
private StringBuffer name;
Person(String newName){ name = new StringBuffer(newName); }
public StringBuffer getName(){
return name;
public Object clone(){
try{ // this will work
Person temp = (Person)super.clone(); = new StringBuffer(name.toString());
return temp;
}catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){
return null; // should not happen, Cloneable is implemented
} } }