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Instructional Plan
Advanced Enterprise Java Platform Training
Presentation Tier Design using an Event Driven
Design Methodology
Mark K. Reha
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1
Needs Assessment
What is the learning problem or opportunity?
Software Engineers in the industry with 1-5 years of experience do not have the fundamental training to
properly design web applications using the Enterprise Java Platform.
What is currently available?
A search of the top bachelor and masters computer science programs showed that only introductory Java
and Enterprise Java programming classes are available for students.
What should be available?
An advanced Enterprise Java Platform design and programming training class needs to be put in place to
teach Software Engineers how to model and design the Presentation Tier of a web application.
Explain the gap analysis between what is available and what should
be available.
College students are only taught the Java platform fundamentals, which does not prepare the student
properly for entry level programming positions in the IT or Software Engineering industry.
What is your recommended solution for filling the gap?
Prepare a 1 hour training class that will demonstrate to the Software Engineer how to properly model and
design the Presentation Tier of a web application targeted for the Enterprise Java Platform.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 2
Instructional Goal
After completing the Enterprise Java Platform training class the student will
be able to properly model and design the Presentation Tier of a web
application leveraging the Enterprise Java Platform. The students will be
introduced to industry best practices, technology frameworks, and learn an
Event Driven design methodology. The student will demonstrate the following
learning goals when the training class is complete:
• Ability to identify the common standard HTML DOM methods.
• Ability to identify the common JSF Event methods and how these are associated to
the HTML DOM methods.
• Learn how to model and design a JSF Event Handler and Backing Bean using an
Event Driven design methodology.
• Ability to apply industry Best Practices when designing the Presentation Tier.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 3
Performance-Based Objectives
The Software Engineer will be introduced via classroom instruction to the core
principles and best practices for modeling and designing a Presentation Tier for
a web application leveraging the Enterprise Java Platform.
1. Students will demonstrate the ability to identify and list the different HTML
DOM events that would be generated from a static HTML page provided to
2. Students will demonstrate the ability to convert and map HTML DOM events
to the appropriate JSF events that would be processed by a JSF event handler
in the Enterprise Java Platform.
3. Students will demonstrate how to apply an Event Driven design
methodology, leveraging the Performance Based Objectives listed above, to
model a JSF event handler that is used to design the Presentation Tier of a
web application.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 4
Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes
The Software Engineer will be evaluated in their knowledge of the Presentation
Tier design of the Enterprise Java Platform by completing a Use Case Study.
The Use Case Study will be a real world problem and provide an example User
Interface for the students, which will be modeled and designed to measure
whether the Performance Based Objectives were achieved.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 5
Learner Characteristics
The Advanced Enterprise Java Platform training class will consist of 10-20
students, male or female students, and of age 21 to 65. The students will be
taught in a classroom setting.
Prerequisite skills for the student needs to include at least 1-5 years of
experience working in Software Engineering or Information Technology, and
have a firm understanding of Object Orientated principles. The student must
have be familiar and have working experience using the Java Programming
language, Enterprise Java Platform (Servlets, JSP, HTML, etc).
The students must have access to a modern PC running Windows XP (or later),
Mac OSX 10.5 (or later), or Linux Ubunto (or like distribution) and have access to
the Internet.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 6
Learning Context
The Advanced Enterprise Java Platform training class will be taught in a
classroom setting. The class will be 1 hour in duration. The class will not be
offered via an online classroom setting. The student must have a modern
PC that is capable of running the design and development tools. The
student must have access to the Internet.
The classroom setting will include a typical instructor led lecture that will
introduce the student to the best practices for modeling and designing a
Presentation Tier for a web application. The learning foundation introduced
in the classroom environment will be used to model and design an actual
web application based on a real world Use Case Study, which will be
provided to the students via email by the instructor. The Use Case Study
will be completed outside the training class.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 7
Delivery Modality
The Advanced Enterprise Java Platform training class will
be taught in a classroom setting. The training class will not
be offered via an online classroom setting. Delivery of the
training material will be from instructor-led courses and be
a synchronous learning environment.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 8
Instructional Strategies
The following instructional strategies will be used to validate each of the
performance based objectives.
1.Students will demonstrate the ability to identify and list the different HTML DOM events
that would be generated from a static HTML page provided to them.
Expositive strategies using traditional PowerPoint slides and handouts will be used to introduce
the core concepts.
2.Students will demonstrate the ability to convert and map HTML DOM events to the
appropriate JSF events that would be processed by a JSF event handler in the Enterprise
Java Platform.
Expositive strategies using traditional PowerPoint slides and handouts will be used to introduce
the core concepts.
3. Students will demonstrate how to apply an Event Driven design methodology to model
a JSF event handler that is used to design the Presentation Tier of a web application.
Experiential strategy using some simple white board examples will be presented during the class
and use class participation to work through some real world examples. The students will also be
given a Use Case Study in the class materials.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 9
Plan for Implementation
The Advanced Enterprise Java Platform instructor-led training class will
be a 1 hour training class.
• Lecture: HTML DOM Events and JSF Events – 15 minutes
• Lecture: Event Driven Design Methodology – 15 minutes
• Lecture: Additional Resources and Information – 5 minutes
• Lecture: Introduction to the Use Case Study – 10 minutes
• Questions and Answers – 15 minutes
An instructor will be required for the class. The students will be
provided all materials via handouts.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 10
Instructional Resources
The Advanced Enterprise Java Platform training class will require the
following materials to develop the course content and validate the Use
Case Study:
Modern PC with 2G Hz. dual core CPU with 2G Ram running Mac OSX
10.5 or later.
Microsoft Word
Access to the Internet
Tools: Eclipse, Glashfish v2 Application Server, MySQL 5.0
Projector and whiteboard for lectures
Copies of all lecture materials
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 11
Formative Assessment
The following formative assessment strategies will be used to validate each of
the performance based objectives.
1.Students will demonstrate the ability to identify and list the different HTML DOM events
that would be generated from a static HTML page provided to them.
Design reviews will be completed before the instructional development begins
2.Students will demonstrate the ability to convert and map HTML DOM events to the
appropriate JSF events that would be processed by a JSF event handler in the Enterprise
Java Platform.
Design reviews will be completed before the instructional development begins
3. Students will demonstrate how to apply an Event Driven design methodology,
leveraging the Performance Based Objectives listed above, to model a JSF event handler
that is used to design the Presentation Tier of a web application.
Design reviews will be completed before the instructional development begins
To further ensure a high quality instruction is designed and developed usability studies and field
trials will also be completed where additional data will be collected to ensure learner satisfaction
is achieved.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 12
Evaluation Strategies
A student survey (using a Likert scale) will be delivered to
these students to measure the effectiveness of the class.
The survey will focus on measuring whether the students
learned the necessary foundation principles and best
practices to build modern Presentation Tier for a N-Tier
web applications.
The Use Case Study completed offline by the students can
be reviewed by the instructors. Careful evaluation of all
design and code artifacts will also be used to determine the
effectiveness of the class.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 13
Outcome Review
Design Goals (measured with classroom participation):
• Students can identify the DOM events generated by HTML page.
• Students can identify the associated JSF events associated with
these same DOM events.
• Students understand how to model and design a JSF based
Presentation Tier.
Design Goals (measured with Use Case Study exercises):
• Students can model, design, and build a Presentation Tier for a NTier web application from a Use Case Study that defines business
requirements and non functional requirements for the web
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 14
Possible future recommendations and enhancement for this course may
• Introduction to AJAX and how to design and build AJAX aware JSF pages.
• Advanced options for building Presentation Components. This may include
the inclusion of instruction for using JSF component libraries, such as JBoss
RichFaces, ICEFaces, and Apache Tomahawk.
• Expand the course to a 2 hour training course to expand instructional
content that will include a comprehensive study of the industry Best
• This course needs to be continuously re-evaluated to ensure that changes
in industry trends and technology shifts are accounted for and any
necessary changes in the curriculum be considered to account for these
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 15
U.S. News and World Report. (2009, June 27). Best Graduate Schools.
Retrieved June 27, 2009 from
GRE Guide. (2009, June 27). GRE College Guide.
Retrieved June 27, 2009 from
Anonymous. (2009). Wikipedia.“History of Java EE Platform”,
Retrieved September 6, 2009 from
Cable, Larry. (2009). Sun JavaOne Presentation. “Server Side Java: What’s Next?”,
Retrieved September 6, 2009 from
Java Programming Training - Sun Microsystems Classes. (2009, June 27).
Retrieved June 27, 2009 from
Sun Microsystems – Training Course Catalog. (2009, June 27).
Retrieved June 27, 2009 from
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 16