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• List any battles that you know take place
during WWII.
• Describe what you believe fighting will be
like during WWII.
Fighting in World War II
Today’s Vocabulary
• D-day
– Turning point in Europe.
• Battle of Midway
– Turning point in the Pacific.
• Island Hopping
– Strategy of hopping around the Pacific to take only
those islands that were most important.
Battle of the Atlantic
• Allies needed control of the
– German u-boats used
the “wolf pack” strategy
to gain the advantage.
• Allies traveled in convoys
and were protected by
aircraft from above.
• Broke the German code.
– U-boats become known as
“iron coffins”.
Battle of Stalingrad
• Hitler breaks the NonAggression Pact with Stalin.
– Uses blitzkrieg to take the Soviet
• The Russian winter slowed the
Germans but Hitler was
determined to take Stalingrad.
– A major industrial center and
railroad junction.
• The Russians were forbidden
to retreat and practiced
scorched earth policy to gain
the advantage.
– Both sides lost nearly ½ a million
soldiers each.
North Africa and Italy
• U.S. and British defeated Rommel in North
– Vital for control of the Suez Canal.
• Soviet Union wanted an Allied invasion of
– Fighting continued in Italy for nearly a year.
Casablanca Conference
• Allied powers agreed to
step up the bombing in
– Dropped 53,000 tons of
bombs every month.
• Caused oil shortage,
wrecked the railroad
system, and destroyed
factories and air force.
Tehran Conference
• Stalin promised the
Allies he would:
– Divide Germany after the
– Help the U.S. against
– Create an international
organization after the war.
D-Day (Operation Overlord)
• Occurred on June 6, 1944
at Normandy, France.
– Americans land at Utah and
Omaha beaches.
• Germans were slow to
respond b/c they believed
the invasion would occur at
a different location in
• Costs were high, but D-Day
was a success.
Battle of the Bulge
• Germany launches one last
surprise attack.
– Wanted to cut Allied supplies.
• Allies faced below zero
temperatures, 6 inches of
snow and were low on
• George S. Patton arrived to
provide relief for the
American force.
The Pacific
• Japan was strong and gained
many islands in the Pacific with
oil reserves.
• In the Philippines, General
Douglas MacArthur and his
troops were surrounded at the
Bataan Peninsula with no
– MacArthur were ordered to leave
his men, but promised to return.
• Bataan Death March
– Forced to march 65 miles in
tropical heat with little food or
– 7,000 to 10,000 died.
Doolittle’s Raid on Tokyo
• James Doolittle led 16
American bombers on an air
raid of Tokyo.
• Planes had to land in China.
• Had little effect but did
change American and
Japanese thinking.
Battle of Coral Sea
• U.S. had broken Japanese
navy’s secret code.
• Japanese advance had
been halted for the 1st
– Kept Australia safe.
Battle of Midway
• Admiral Chester Nimitz
knew of the attack before it
happened and was
• Americans were able to fire
on Japanese ships before
the Japanese planes had
even taken off.
– Protected Hawaii from
Japanese invasion.
• The Japanese had airfield
on the island.
– The rest of the island offered
• U.S. navy came under
heavy fire and were forced
to retreat.
– Left 100,000 marines to hold
the island.
• Bloody 6 month battle.
Island Hopping
• The Pacific Fleet would
advance by “hopping” from one
island to the next.
– American industrial power was
able to replace supplies.
• Pacific benefited from Allied
gains in Europe.
– More troops available to fight in
the Pacific.
• Navajo code talkers.
– Unwritten, complex Native
American language.
Back to the Philippines
• Battle of Leyte Gulf
– Largest naval battle ever
• Japan starts using
kamikaze pilots.
– Suicide bombers.
• MacArthur finally returned
to the Philippines.
– 80,000 Japanese are killed
in the attack.
– Less than 1,000 surrender.
Battle of Iwo Jima
• For the 1st time, Japanese
troops were fighting for land
that was a part of Japan.
– Americans needed an island
closer to Japan so they could
• Japanese hid in caves and
tunnels and fought viciously.
– 19,000 Japanese died.
– Only 1,000 surrendered.
Battle of Okinawa
• Would be the launching pad
for the final invasion of
– Only 350 miles away from
• The island was filled with
caves and tunnels.
– Japanese civilians also lived on
the island.
• Bloodiest battle in the Pacific.
– 12,000 Americans died.
– 110,000 troops Japanese died.
• What were the most important battles of
Europe and of the Pacific and explain why
they were significant.