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•Hitler’s Rise
•National Socialism (Nazism) 1933-1939
•The Early War
•The Holocaust
•Canada’s Military Role/1941-45
•The Home Font
This short quiz is only meant to be an overview of the unit and cannot serve
as a substitute for note review and real study.
1.Hitler was a veteran of ________________________.
a) World War I
2. Hitler’s official membership number was 555. The actual number was
_______________, because the Nazi Party wanted to seem larger than it was.
a) 55
3) Hitler attempted a putsch (revolution) in Munich in 1923 (often called the
“Beer Hall Putsch”). It failed. Hitler received a light sentence because...
a) the judge had been lenient at Hitler's previous trial for
inciting violence
4. The German government felt threatened with political violence after WW I. It
hired right-wing mercenaries (called __________________ in German) to
defeat communist revolutionaries.
a) friekorps
4) In 1928, the Nazis had only won about 2% of the vote. What economic
reasons help explain their growing popularity over the next 3 years?
1- German unemployment
2- The failure of major German banks
3- fear of inflation (like the early 1920’s)
4- fear of communism
5) The leadership of the _____________________ was eliminated in the “Night of the Long
Knives” in 1934. Afterwards, the _______ became the most powerful group in the Nazi
Party, having control over all police forces and administering the concentration/
extermination camp system
a) Brownshirts
b) The SS
6. After the 1933 election, no political party won a majority of votes. President
_____________ appointed Hitler as chancellor after being convinced to do so by an important
group of German ________________________.
a) Hindenburg
b) business leaders
7. In 1933, right after the election, the __________________________ was set ablaze. Hitler
used this “crisis” to invoke the “__________________ Act” which gave him dictatorial powers.
a) Reichstag
b) Enabling
7. In 1935, the Nazi government introduced the __________________ _______ which defined
who would be considered Jewish; this document also eliminated basic rights for German
a) Nuremberg Laws
8. In 1938 there was a government-organized pogrom against Germany's Jewish population.
It became known as “_____________________”
a) kristallnacht
9. The people who were the first to be imprisoned in _________________
(the first concentration camp ) were not “racial” enemies; they were the
_____________ enemies of the Nazis.
a) Dachau
b) political
10. The ______________________ was the secret police force responsible for
identifying Jews and opponents of Hitler. They relied on information volunteered by
citizens in order to carry out their work.
a) Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei)
11. National Socialism affected all aspects of German life, Including
_________________, ______________________, _____________________ and
_____________________________; for this reason it is called a “________________”
political system .
a) Many possible, including religion, the home, education,
employment, leisure, marriage, childrearing
b) totalitarian
1. ____________________________ is the term used to describe the strategy used by
other European powers to avoid war with Germany.
a) appeasement
2. Hitler had no idea what the response would be when he occupied the
______________________ on his border with France. He was encouraged to be
even more confrontational when absolutely nothing happened.
a) Rhineland
3. Hitler justified occupying the _________________________ and
_______________________ by saying that he wished to unite all German speaking
people. In the case of the former, what he really wanted was the industry located in
this area.
a) Sudetenland (borderlands of Czechoslovakia)
a) Austria
4. The _______________________________ with the Soviet Union enabled both
countries to invade ______________________ without worry. The result was the
beginning of the Second World War.
a) Non-Aggression Pact
a) Poland
5. List the countries that Hitler occupied between September 1939 and June 1941:
a) Poland (1/2); Czechoslovakia; the Netherlands (Holland);
Belgium; France (1/2—the other half was Vichy administered);
Norway; Luxemburg; Denmark
6. List the countries that the Soviet Union occupied as a result of its pact with Germany:
a) Poland (1/2) ; Latvia; Lithuania; Estonia
7. Germany’s success in battle was largely due to the ________________ strategy which
was first developed during WW I.
a) blitzkrieg
8. The Battle of _____________ was crucial to continuing the war against Germany; this
represented Hitler’s first defeat.
a) Britain
9. Germany attempted to bomb Great Britain into submission. This was termed the
“__________” by the British. Hermann Goering, commander of the
________________________ promised Hitler that air power alone could defeat the
a) Blitz
a) Luftwaffe (German Air Force)
10. Canadian and Polish pilots accounted for _________% of the strength of the
RAF during the fighting in 1940
a) 30
11. ______________, protected by British and Canadian naval vessels, were
necessary for the survival of Great Britain during the Battle of the Atlantic.
a) convoys
12. U-boats were often organized into groups, called “__________________”, in order to inflict
the greatest damage possible on Allied shipping.
a) wolfpacks
13. The ___________________, established early in the war, was designed to train
Commonwealth air crews in Canada. The most obvious reason for choosing Canada was
b) safety---Canada was for from the fighting and had lots of open space
14. __________________ was the most important Canadian port during the war.
a) Halifax
1. The Holocaust can be understood as an evolution of Nazi racial policy that culminated in
mass murder on an industrial scale. List three or four basic steps in this evolution:
1-Anti-Semitic legislation
2- Establishment of ghettos/ slave labour
3- Einsatzgruppen
4- Extermination camps
2. __________________ had a much larger Jewish population than Germany. When Germany
invaded in 1939, it suddenly had apply its racial policy to a population that numbered in the
a) Poland
3. Conditions in the ghettos were terrible. _______________________ and _______________
were constant problems for the residents, along with violence from their oppressors
a) disease
b) malnutrition
4. Identify the following men:
a) Josef Goebbels
a) Heinrich Himmler
a) Reinhard Heydrich
a) Adolf Eichmann
5. The ____________________ Conference in January,1942, formalized Nazi plans for the “Final
Solution to the Jewish Question”. The plan was to use 6 ________________________ camps, all
located in _________________________, to wipe out Europe’s Jews.
a) Wannsee
b) extermination
6. In addition to around 6 million Jewish victims, the Nazis also killed millions of ____________
and ____________________ prisoners of war, both groups that the Nazis considered inferior
a) Gypsies (Roma)
b) Russian
1. As a result of the threat from Japan, Canada’s army fought its first action of WW II in
a) Hong Kong
2. In 1942, many Canadians were lost in the raid on __________________. The attack was a
complete failure.
a) Dieppe
3. Canada’s navy was mostly composed of destroyers and _________________, small ships
that were manoeuvrable and easily built.
a) corvettes
4. The Canadian Army landed in _______________ in 1943, then fought its way up the east
coast of Italy with the British Army. Canadians distinguished themselves in The Battle of
_________________ at the end of ’43.
a) Sicily
a) Ortona
5. In “Operation ______________” (the invasion of France, also called D-day), Canadian
forces landed at a beach, codenamed _________________. They made some of the
most significant progress of any Allied force in the following days and weeks.
a) Overlord
b) Juno
6. List some of the problems faces by the Allied forces during the D-day invasion:
a) inaccurate parachute drops
a) amphibious landing
a) fierce German defence
a) maintaining secrecy
Among others
The Soviet Union and Japan
1. The leader of the Soviet Union, ________________________, did not believe his
own intelligence services when they told him Hitler was about to invade.
a) Josef Stalin
2. The Japanese attacked _____________________ on December 7, 1941. Although
the attack achieved complete surprise, the ______________________ and
______________________________ were missed.
a) Pearl Harbor
b) aircraft carriers
c) oil supply
3. The German invasion of the USSR was eventually slowed down by
a) poor weather/early winter
4. In 1943, the German Army was defeated at _______________________.
a) Stalingrad
5. The Russians were able to recover by moving ________________________ far from
the front lines.
a) industry
6. An American B-29 dropped the first atomic bomb on __________________ in
August, 1945. The next target was ___________________ three days later.
a) Hiroshima
b) Nagasaki
Canada’s Home Front
1. Although rationing was not as severe in Canada as it was in Britain, key
resources necessary for war, such as ________________ , were always
limited. Other things, such as _________________ were rationed because
they came from overseas in high risk convoys.
a) oil/meat/rubber and others
b) sugar/silk
2. Some residents who were identified as a threat to national security were
German Canadians and ________________ Canadians. Those residents of
the latter group who lived on the west coast were placed in
__________________ camps.
a) Japanese
b) internment
3. Women took industrial jobs in substantial numbers. Two ways in which the
federal government assisted working women was the provide
____________________ and _______________________.
a) daycare
b) dormitories
4. As in WW I, the government raised large sums of money through the sale of
__________________________. These paid interest after a certain amount of
a) Victory Bonds
5. Young women were encouraged to join the ____________________________ at
a rate of $5 a say. These young women were expected to work 10 hour days.
a) Ontario Farm Service Force
6. A government program that survived the war was ________________, which
was designed to assist all families with childrearing expenses.
a) Family Allowance
7. As in WW I, propaganda became familiar to Canadians during WW II. The key
goals of propaganda were the same, and included:
a) create support for government and the military
b) encourage behaviours such as conserving resources,
buying Victory Bonds, watchfulness
c) demonize the enemy
d) recruitment