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North American Forestry Commission
Air and Climate Change Working Group (ACCWG)
Meeting Report
Date: April 16, 2010
Location: Marriot Renaissance Hotel, Asheville North Carolina
Objectives: 1) Update on air and climate change research activities by member countries; 2)
Establish Terms of Reference given current emphasis on climate change impacts; 3)
Discuss possibilities for enhancing inter-country collaboration on air pollution and
climate change issues.
Welcome and Overview
Introduction of members
Member presentations of current research
Establishing Terms of Reference
Possible Options for Future Direction of ACCWG
Electing new Chair
Steve McNulty (outgoing chair, USFS), Rick Scott (NAFC Liaison) , David Pare (incoming
chair, CFS), Silvina Carou (EC), Rich Pouyat (USFS).
Attending members gave excellent and interesting presentations which sparked discussion of
possible research partnerships. Two major areas of discussion emerged. One a North America
wide simple mass balance model estimate of critical acid forest soil loads and exceedences; 2) a
North American wide integrated carbon sequestration, water availability, biodiversity modeling
project. Each of these ambitious projects have data development, and interpretation challenges,
but the attending member felt that both projects were doable given sufficient interest from
participating scientist members. A proposal was made to present these options at the upcoming
NAFC Commissioners Meeting in May, 2010, with further discussion to follow within the group.
An updated Terms of Reference and ACCWG Charter was adapted, and set to the
Commissioners and BOA for approval.
There was general agreement to continue to have future meetings in association with the Air
Pollution Workshops to the extent that the meetings would rotate between member countries.
The Meeting thus concluded.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven McNulty
Outgoing Chair ACCWG