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Resistance Training
Wayne Larsen
B.S. Exercise and Sports Science
What is Strength
Training that applies resistance against the
force created by a contracting (shortening)
Goal is to gradually and progressively
overload the musculature system so it gets
Many ways to use gravitational forces to
increase muscular tension through a range of
Ways to Strength Train
Free weights
Elastic resistance (bands, tubing, etc.)
Body weight
Suspension training (TRX)
Ankle weights/hand weights
Who Should Strength Train?
Answer: YOU!
American College of Sports
Medicine Position Statement
“Resistance training should be an integral
part of an adult fitness program and of
sufficient intensity to enhance strength,
muscular endurance, and maintain fat-free
(It’s not just for Wonder Woman and Super Man!!)
Benefits of Strength Training
Increased strength and function in daily life
Improved body composition
Increased metabolic rate
Increase bone density
Improve GI mobility
Decrease resting blood pressure
Improve blood lipids
Enhanced self confidence
Relieve depression
Increased strength of connective tissue
Decreased arthritic pain
Strength training and
 Degenerative diseases assoc with aging are related to
loss of muscle mass, strength (Evans & Rosenberg 1992)
 The amount of muscle we have is the single biggest
factor affecting metabolic rate
On average, lose ½ lb muscle/yr after age 30
by age 50 that’s 10 lbs. of muscle gone! ..but which way did scale
Rate of muscle mass loss doubles after age 50. (Nelson et al. 1994)
Muscle is metabolically active tissue – it burns calories
while you sleep!
FITT Principle and Strength
Frequency: 2-3x/wk,
on non-consecutive days
 Intensity: expressed as a percentage of the 1repetition
maximum, or the most you can lift in one rep (% 1-RM)
60-70% 1RM =12-15 reps
70-80% 1RM= 8-12 reps
80-85% 1RM= 6-8 reps
the number of sets
1-3 sets of each exercise
Time commitment needed to improve less than for aerobic fitness
lots of different types of resistance to try!
Basic Beginner Workout
Perform a proper warm-up
Do 1exercise for each major muscle group
Work in order of large muscles to small
Select weight you can do 12-15 reps each exercise
Start with 1 set per exercise
Allow 1-2 mins. rest
between sets
After 4 weeks, increase load 5%
 Build up to 8 -12 RM
 When more than 8 -12 reps can be
completed with good form, add another 5%
to weight
 Gradually increase the number of exercises
per muscle group to 2-3
 Gradually increase # of sets to 3
 Vary routine often! use different exercises to
train same muscle(s)
process of structuring training into phases
causes muscle to continually adapt to new conditions and
allow recovery from the stress of training
Example: 4-week cycles
Increase volume / intensity for 3 wks, then recover for 1 wk
Week 3
Week 1
Week 4
Training Volume
Proper form is the KEY
Proper breathing – Exhale on the Effort
 Proper technique = recruiting desired muscles
Watch demo
Learn each movement before using any weight
Use mirrors to keep an eye on your technique
Always use full movement range
Control speed as you lift AND lower weight
Don’t use momentum
Work negative(eccentric) as well as positive (concentric)
phase of movement)
Proper posture and stabilization
Every exercise can be a core exercise!
Watch grip
Caution with carpal tunnel, osteoarthritis, etc.
Free weights vs. machines – which is
Advantages of free weights:
simulate motor unit recruitment patterns that occur
during performance more closely than machines
Inexpensive and convenient for home use
Allow for greater variety of exercises
Accommodate individuals of any body size
Free weights vs. machines–which is
Disadvantages of free weights:
◦ Safety issue, especially for novices
◦ Requires spotters
◦ Requires more skill
◦ Cumbersome to change
weights /resistance
Free weights vs. machines–which is
Advantages of machines (“selectorized”)
Can isolate specific muscle easier and more
Simple to use
Safe - do not need a spotter
Can change resistance quickly
Disadvantages of machines
Limited availability
Limited number of exercises/machine
Don’t develop inter-muscular coordination
Minimal effect on core stabilizing muscles
Myth #1: Women and Strength Training
“But I don’t want big, bulky muscles!!”
REALITY: you won’t get them!
Muscle tissue denser than fat, so takes up less space
You get smaller, not bigger, as you gain muscle and
lose fat
Testosterone is necessary for hypertrophy
Hypertrophy takes lifting near-maximal loads at low
More common to lift too LITTLE weight!
Myth #2: Spot reducing
“If I do leg-lifts, it will burn the fat off my
Reality: exercises that focus on a certain
area will build tone and endurance of those
muscles, but won’t burn localized fat
 Study on tennis players arms
 Univ of Mass: 13 males, vigorous abdominal training
program for 1 month (>5000 sit-ups)
 Fat biopsies from abdomen, back, and hips showed no
change in fat lost off abdomen
Myth #3: Muscle turns to fat
“If I stop lifting weights, all the muscle I
developed will turn into fat!”
Reality: muscle and fat tissue are separate
tissues, and are NOT inter-changeable
If calorie consumption stays constant as your
lean mass atrophies due to disuse and your
metabolism slows, you will store excess as fat
tissue…..but fat is not flabby muscle
Compound vs. Isolation exercises
Compound exercises are key
ingredient in today’s “functional
fitness” programs
Multi-joint, multiple muscles involved a large
movement pattern used in real-life
Usually performed with free weights/minimal
equipment, weight–bearing (closed chain)
No external stability; activation of core
musculature is required to maintain posture
Benefits of Compound
Using more muscle groups…
improves posture, coordination, reaction
time and balance
means more calories burned during
simulates real-world exercises and activities
gives you a full body workout in less time
improves joint stability
may decrease injury risk
allows you to lift heavier loads
Examples of Compound Exercises
Isolation Exercises
Isolation exercises work only one muscle
or group, and one joint, at a time
Usually done on commercial weight
machines in gym
Move from one machine to next until work
your “whole” body
Activation of core not as great, as external
support for posture (spine) is provided
Used in physical therapy to correct specific
muscle weakness or imbalance after injury
Examples of Isolation
bicep curls
tricep kickbacks
leg extensions
hamstring curls
Compound vs. Isolation Exercises
Isolation easier to perform correctly
 Isolation good way to target specific
weakness, or emphasize a specific
 Most exercise programs include both
 As fitness level increases, include
MORE compound movements for the
most efficient and functional routine
Myth #4: Strength training and hypertension
“I’ll get high blood pressure if I lift heavy weights”
Reality: BP spikes quickly during a heavy lift,
then returns to normal in between
Avoid the Valsalva manuever (forced expiration against
a closed glottis) to minimize increases in blood
Chronic hypertension is culprit in CAD; studies show
regular strength training lowers resting BP
Myth #5: Strength training & flexibility
“Strength training decreases flexibility - I
don’t want to be muscle-bound!”
 Reality: strength training can actually
improve flexibility
Be sure to go through your full range of motion on
every exercise!
Myth #6: Stretch to warm-up
 “Stretching is the best thing to do during a warm-up”
Reality: low-level aerobic exercises a more effective way
to increase circulation and muscle temperature
 Increasing muscle temperature is the most important
element in preparing for resistance training
 Stretching is most effective at increasing flexibility when a
warm muscle is cooling (after your workout)
Strength training and posture