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BBP & Biosafety Custodial Training Summary Questions
1. The most often reported occupational route of transmission for a bloodborne agent is?
contact with mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth
contact with broken or non-intact skin
skin puncture
2. Which of the following is a characteristic of all blood borne pathogens?
a) can survive outdoors for weeks
b) are found in human blood, can cause serious diseases in human and can be transmitted through
exposure to blood of an infected individual
c) are spread person to person through contaminated water supplies
d) do not cause serious disease and are never lethal
3. At Yale, all entry ways to areas that handle human blood and other potentially infectious materials
must be posted with a BL2 Biohazard sign.
a) True
b) False
4. The most important thing to remember when cleaning up sharps is?
a) wear disposible gloves when picking up sharps
b) if the sharp looks clean it can go out with the normal trash
c) pick up the sharp with tongs or a dust pan and brush (never by hand) and immediately dispose of it
in a sharps container
d) remove the needle from the syringe by hand, place needle in a sharps container and syringe in a
biohazard bag
5. When using a disinfectant to decontaminate a surface the contact time is very important?
a) True
b) False
6. What personal protective equipment should be worn when working in restrooms, laboratories and
clinical spaces?
Safety glasses and disposible gloves
Disposible gloves
Disposible gloves, safety glasses and a mask
Backfastened gown, disposible gloves, face shield
7. After removing your disposible gloves and/or other personal protective equipment, you must wash
your hands.
a.) True
b.) False
8. If you are exposed to blood, body fluids or other potential infectious materials by a needle stick,
splash to the eyes, nose or mouth or contact with non-intact skin you should immediately wash
hands and affected area(or use an eye wash) for 15 minutes, then:
a) Notify your supervisor and seek a medical evaluation immediately (within 1 to 2 hours after the
exposure incident)
b) call your personal health care physician and let them know
c) call the employee health office and set up an appointment within the next several days
d) let your supervisor know, and if appropriate, make arrangements for a medical evaluation.