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Topic One: Functions, Equations, Systems, and Matrices
Core Plus Mathematics Unit 1 and Core Plus Unit 2 Lesson 3 Practice Test
Name: _______________________
Benchmark Assessment:
1) A local business has decided to give away T-shirts and hats to advertise for business. The T-shirts cost the business $6 each, and
the hats $10 each.
a. The promotional cost C for the business depends on the number of shirts x and hats y given away. Write a rule
expressing C as a function of x and y.
b. How will the business' cost change as the number of shirts given away increases?
c. How will the business' cost change as the number of hats given away increases?
d. Suppose the business has budgeted $1800 for the promotion. Write an equation that represents the question "How many
shirts and hats can the business give away for $1800?"
v 1.0
BTK Curriculum Team
© 2011 Mesa County Valley School District 51
e. Rewrite your equation from Part d to express y as a function of x. Explain what the slope and y-intercept of this linear
function tell you about the situation.
Identity Slope explain what the slope means in context:
Identify the y-intercept and explain the y-intercept in context.
2) Kris deposited 279 coins into a coin-counting machine and received $56.70. All of the coins she had saved were dimes and
a. Write a system of linear equations in which one equation expresses the condition about the number of coins that Kris
deposited, and the other relates the numbers of dimes and quarters to the total value of the money deposited.
b. Solve the system using the substitution method. Clearly show each step and describe what your answer means in
My answer means: _________________________________________________________________
v 1.0
BTK Curriculum Team
© 2011 Mesa County Valley School District 51
c. Solve the system using the elimination method. Clearly show each step, and describe how your answer would be seen in
the graph of the system.
On the graph: _________________________________________________________________
d. Write the matrix equation that would model this situation.
e. Solve the system using matrices.
v 1.0
BTK Curriculum Team
© 2011 Mesa County Valley School District 51