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-:Diseases Caused by Smoking:There's no denying the fact that smoking can make a person susceptible to serious
medical conditions. This write-up will provide you with information on some of the
serious health problems and fatal diseases caused by smoking.
"Smokers never become old, because they die younger."
This saying reveals a harsh fact about the hazardous effects of smoking. There are
millions of people who are addicted to cigarette smoking throughout the world. Why
do people start smoking? Well, there are several different reasons for smoking.
Some people start smoking in their teens just for the sake of the thrill and
sometimes, it's peer pressure. Eventually, they become addicted to the nicotine
present in cigarettes. Some people smoke to get relief from stress. People with low
self-esteem become more addicted to smoking. Whatever the reason, once a
person gets addicted to smoking, he/she has to face a number of serious health
problems. Let's take a look at what are some of the health complications that an
average smoker is exposed to.
Diseases Caused Due to Smoking:
There are several harmful health effects of cigarette smoking. A person addicted to
smoking may suffer from a number of serious and fatal diseases. Smokers are more
likely to suffer from respiratory infections and several minor complaints such as
coughand cold. Smokers may suffer from some dreadful diseases such as cancer,
heart, cardiovascular and lung diseases. Also caused, are respiratory problems and
several other problems related to the kidneys, liver and pancreas.
Cancer: Smokers are at a higher risk of getting cancer than non-smokers.
Carcinogens, such as tar, present in tobacco smoke causes cancer of the lungs,
mouth, throat and gullet. About 90% of lung cancer cases are due to smoking.
Smokers can also develop other types of cancers such as bladder cancer, pancreatic
cancer, cancer of kidneys and esophagus cancer. Female smokers are at a greater
risk of cervical cancer.
Cardiovascular Diseases: These are diseases of the heart, blood vessels of the heart and other
blood vessels. It is a major cause of death due to smoking. Nicotine present in tobacco increases the
cholesterol levels in the blood. Cholesterol and other fats get deposited in the arteries, which causes
hardening of the arteries. The arteries become narrow, rigid or blocked. Due to atherosclerosis
(narrowing of arteries), blood clots are formed and this increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Common cardiovascular diseases found in smokers are coronary thrombosis, cerebral thrombosis,
coronary heart diseases, blockage in the legs (peripheral vascular disease) and cerebra vascular
diseases such as stroke.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): It is a group of health conditions, which blocks
airflow and causes difficulty in breathing. It causes health problems such as emphysema and chronic
bronchitis. Emphysema is breathlessness caused by damage to the alveoli (air sacs). Chronic
bronchitis causes frequent coughing with a lot of mucus. Smoking is responsible for about 80% of
COPD cases. Smoking increases the rate of decline in lung function to three times its usual rate.
Breathlessness starts due to regression of lung functions.
Other Conditions Caused by Smoking:
The chemicals present in tobacco damage the lining of the blood vessels and affect the levels
of fats in the bloodstream. It increases the risk of atheroma, which is the main cause of heart
diseases, strokes and aneurysms.
Smoking affects oral health. It can stain teeth and gums. Smoking can give rise to various
health problems of the gums and teeth, such as swollen gums, loose teeth, and bad breath.
Smoking causes an acidic taste in the mouth. It can increase the risk of developing mouth
Smoking can give rise to various sexual problems. People addicted to smoking are more likely
to face fertility problems and sexual performance issues.
Smoking increases the risk of high blood pressure which is a risk factor for stroke and heart
Smoking worsens asthma by increasing the inflammation of the airways.
Smoking can cause early aging. Due to smoking, the blood supply to the skin is reduced.
There is a decrease in the level of vitamin A. Hence, smokers have paler skin and more
Heavy smoking causes macular degeneration which results in gradual loss of eyesight.
Smokers are also at a higher risk of cataract.
Some other conditions caused by smoking are chest infections, diabetic retinopathy,
tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease.
There are even passive effects of smoking, which can be quite dangerous to the people who
come in contact with the smoke. If babies and kids come in contact with smokers, they
become more prone to asthma and infections of the ear, nose and chest. They are at an
increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Effects of Smoking during Pregnancy:
Smoking causes very serious effects during pregnancy on both the pregnant woman and the
baby. A pregnant woman who frequently smokes is at a higher risk of a miscarriage and other
complications such as bleeding, detachment of placenta, ectopic pregnancy and premature
birth. There is a possibility of giving birth to a baby with a low birth weight or a stillborn baby.
There may be some congenital defects in the baby (for instance, a cleft palate).
Why is Smoking Dangerous?
It is estimated that every minute about 7 people die due to tobacco use. According to
researches, tobacco in a cigarette contains more than 400 toxic substances and 4,000 chemical
compounds. Let us see how harmful smoking such substances can be.
The most hazardous substances in cigarettes are tar (which is a carcinogen), nicotine (which
increases cholesterol levels in the body) and carbon monoxide (which decreases the amount of
oxygen within the body).
Nicotine is the most addictive substance in tobacco. Smoking decreases the level of oxygen
from reaching the tissues, giving rise to different health problems such as strokes, heart
attacks or miscarriages.
It increases cholesterol levels in the blood, thus increasing the risk of heart attacks.
Smoking causes damage and constriction of blood vessels, leading to various diseases of blood
Smoking also causes chronic coughing, shortness of breath, premature aging, recurrent
infections and reduced overall fitness.
Smoking-related deaths are mainly because of heart diseases, cancers and COPD (chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease).
Smoking adversely affects the health of a smokers and of those around them. The only way to
prevent these health hazards is to quit smoking. It's never too late to stop smoking. It could
protect you and your family from many fatal diseases.
Diseases Caused by Smoking , ,
©2000-2011, 2012®. All rights reserved.
Abu Al saud , H . M .(2012) "Smoking”
Abu Muhammad Shajaat Ali .