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Help Session VI
Miscellaneous Topics
Colin Tan,
[email protected]
Topic 1
Instruction Encoding
• Computers can only understand numbers!
• Computers cannot make sense out of instructions
– lw $1, 0($3)
– add $5, $2, $1
• This form of representation is called assembly
language, and is meant to simplify the
programmer’s life.
– Before the machine can understand this code, it must be
assembled into machine code, which is the numerical
equivalent of the assembly instruction
Topic 1
Instruction Encoding
• The design of the numeric representation for these
assembly instructions is called instruction
encoding, or simply instruction coding.
• Instruction encoding forms a very important part
of instruction set architecture (ISA) design
– Encoding designs can affect the type of operands an
instruction can accept, and the range of operands
• If more bits are designated as operand bits, then we can
support more (or bigger) operands.
Topic 1
Instruction Encoding
• A typical instruction looks like this:
Operand 1
Operand 2
Operand n
• The opcode portion of the instruction tells us
what operation to perform (e.g. add, subtract,
• The operandx portions either provide the data
directly (Immediate addressing), tells us which
registers (register addressing), or which
addresses to fetch the data from.
Topic 1
Instruction Encoding
• Instructions can either be fixed length or variable
• Fixed Length
– All instructions are exactly n-bits wide. E.g. in MIPS
all instructions are 32-bits wide.
– Simplifies and speeds up instruction fetching, resulting
in better overall performance.
– Places limitation on the operands that you can support
• E.g. in MIPS the 32-bit instruction length restrictions prevents
us from having immediate operands > 16 bits!
• Hence we need the lui instruction to help us to deal with larger
immediate operands
Topic 1
Instruction Encoding
• Variable Length
– The instruction can be anywhere between x and y bits in
• E.g. Instructions can be anywhere between 8 bits to 256 bits.
– This results in great flexibility in placing operands
• Can have instructions with dozens of operands! No length
• Can have very big operands e.g. 128 bit immediate values.
– This also complicates and slows down instruction
• No way to predict in advance how many bits of instruction to
fetch. Must fetch opcode portion first and then decide.
Topic 1
Instruction Encoding
• Instructions are divided into different classes.
Some examples include:
– Arithmetic Instructions: add, sub, mul, div etc.
– Bitwise Instructions: asl (left shift), asr (right shift), or,
and, etc.
– Branch Instructions: beq, bne, etc.
– Test and set instructions: slt, slti
– Floating Point Instructions: fadd, fsub, fmul, fdiv, etc.
Topic 1
Instruction Encoding
• Example: Suppose the opcode for the add
instruction is 010102, and the opcode for
registers $1 and $2 are 00012 and 00102
respectively, what would be the machine code
translation of add $1, $2, $2?
• Placing the opcode and operand values in their
respective places, we get:
Topic 1
Instruction Encoding
• This is what is actually read and understood by the CPU
when it executes your program.
– In the memory this instruction is stored as a number. Here it is
01010 0001 0010 00102, or A12216, or 4125010.
– This number is picked up by the CPU, interpreted and executed.
• Note that the CPU has no way of differentiating between
data and instructions!
– To the CPU, the number 4125010 is either instruction or data.
– YOU are responsible for telling the CPU which is which!
– If this is not done properly, the CPU could end up trying to execute
data instead of instructions
• Unpredictable results
• Cause of those irritating “Illegal Instruction” errors in Windows.
Topic 1
Instruction Encoding
• Tutorial 3, Question A-4
A certain machine has 12 bit instructions and 4-bit addresses.
Some instructions have 2 addresses, some have one
address, and the rest have zero. ALL these three types of
instructions exist in the machine (i.e. there is at least one
instruction from each type).
a) What is the maximum number of instructions with 1 address?
b) What is the maximum number of instructions with zero address?
c) What is the minimum total number of instructions, assuming that the
encoding space of the instruction word is completely utilized?
d) What is the maximum total number of instructions, assuming that
the encoding space of the instruction word is completely utilized?
• I: Class of instructions with 2 addresses
4 bits
4 bits
4 bits
• J: Class of instructions with 1 addresses
OpCode1 OpCode2
4 bits
4 bits
4 bits
• K: Class of instructions with 1 addresses
OpCode1 OpCode2 OpCode3
4 bits
4 bits
4 bits
• Key idea: Opcodes differentiate between instruction
• The instruction decoder looks at the opcode1 field, and
decides if the next field is opcode2 or memory address.
• If it decides that the next field is opcode2, it will look at
opcode2 and decide if the field after that is opcode3 or
memory address.
• Once it has made the decisions, it will treat each field
– Opcode fields are sent to the instruction decoder
– Memory address fields are sent to the MEM stage.
• Part a) Maximum number of instructions with one
To get this, we must minimize the number of class I and
class K instructions. The minimum for each is one. We
start with the class I instruction, and assign 0000 to opcode
1. When the CPU sees 0000 in opcode1, it knows that the
next 2 fields are memory addresses, and looks no further.
4 bits
4 bits
Now we minimize class K. We set opcode1 to be 0001
(cannot be 0000 as this indicates class I instructions), we
set opcode2 to be 0000 (to indicate that there is an opcode3
field), and we set opcode3 to be 0000 (the one single class
K opcode!)
OpCode1 OpCode2
Now comes the hard part: We find the maximum number of
class J instructions.
If opcode1 is between 0010 and 1111, we have no problem,
as these patterns have never occurred before, so opcode2
can be any value between 0000 and 1111.
But if opcode1 is 0001, then opcode2 cannot be 0000 as
this indicates a class K instruction. So opcode2 must be
between 0001 and 1111. This gives us 2 options:
OpCode1 OpCode2
4 bits
Option I: Opcode1 is 0010 to 1111 (14 combinations),
opcode2 is 0000 to 1111 (16 combinations). Total number
of combinations is 14 x 16
4 bits
Option II: Opcode1 is 0001 (1 combination), opcode2 is 0001
to 1111 (15 combinations). Total number of combinations
is 1 x 15
The total number of combinations is therefore 14x16 + 1 x 15
= 239. Therefore we can have a maximum of 239 class J
• Part B: Maximum number of class K instructions?
– Tackled in identical manner to Part A, but we minimize
classes I and J instead.
– All logic and rational exactly the same.
– Final answer is 3824 instructions.
• Part C: To get the minimum number of
instructions that can be encoded, assuming the
instruction word space is fully utilized (i.e. there
are no unused bit combinations), we start
maximizing from the smallest class.
– Rational is that maximizing the smallest class will give
us a tiny number of instructions, yet take away bitcombination possibilities from the larger classes.
Maximize class I first: Opcode1 can take any value between
0000 and 1111, but at least 1 bit combination must be set
aside to indicate class J and K instructions. We set aside
0000. So class I Opcode1 values can be between 0001 and
1111, giving us a maximum of 15 instructions.
Maximize class J now: Opcode1 can only take the value of
0000 (any other value belongs to class I), and opcode2 can
take any value between 0000 and 1111, but again we must
set aside 1 value to indicate class K instructions. We set
aside 0000 for opcode2 to indicate class K instructions.
Thus opcode2 for class J instructions can take the values of
0001 to 1111, giving us 15 instructions.
Maximize class K instructions: For class K instructions,
opcode1 and opcode2 must be 0000 0000 (any other values
would indicate class I or class J instructions).
Opcode3 is free to take any value between 0000 and 1111,
giving us 16 class K instructions.
Hence the minimum total number of instructions, assuming
encoding space is fully utilized, is 15+15+16 = 46
• Part D: To get the maximum number of
instructions that can be encoded, assuming the
instruction word space is fully utilized (i.e. there
are no unused bit combinations), we start
maximizing from the largestclass.
The largest class is class K, and the maximum number of
instructions in class K is 3824 (see part b).
To derive this figure, we assumed that there are minimal
instructions in class I and J, i.e. class I and J consist of 1
instruction each.
Thus total number of instructions is 3284 + 1 + 1 = 3826
• For a more complete treatment of this
tutorial, see my website at:
Topic 2
Instruction Execution
• We’ve seen how instructions can be encoded as numbers
that the CPU can understand.
• But how precisely does the CPU execute the commands?
• Usually instruction execution is divided into a number of
phases (each phase typically takes 1 clock cycle to
Fetch phase
Decode phase
Execute phase
Memory phase
Writeback phase
Topic 2
Instruction Execution
• Fetch Phase
– The program counter PC gives the address of the next
instruction to be executed.
– The processor uses this address to access the instruction
cache, and fetches the next instruction (e.g. 01010 0001
0010 00102 in our previous example).
– The instruction is placed into a holding register,
normally called the Instruction Register.
– In the MIPS, the PC is then incremented by 4 to make it
point to the next instruction.
Topic 2
Instruction Execution
of next
Topic 2
Instruction Execution
• Decode Phase:
– The outputs of the Instruction Register are fed into an
Instruction Decoder, which looks at the opcode portion
of the instruction to interpret what instruction it is.
• In our example, the Instruction Decoder (somtimes called
“Control Unit”) will read 01010 from the opcode field, and
understand that this is an add instruction.
• The instruction decoder will generate control signals to tell
what the ALU, MEM and WB stages should do.
– Simultaneously, the operand portions 0010 and 0010
will be sent to the register file (where all the registers
$1, $2, etc. are). The data for register 0010 (i.e. $2) is
read off for both inputs to the ALU.
Topic 2
Instruction Execution
Signals to MEM and WB stages
Reg 1
Reg 2
Signal to
ALU to
Data f rom
Reg 1
Data f rom
Reg 2
Topic 2
Instruction Execution
• Execute Phase
– Here the actual instruction is actually carried out.
– For our example, it will take the data from the source
registers, add them together, and produce an output.
– For lw and sw instructions, this stage actually computes
the memory addresses to load from (lw) or write to
Topic 2
Instruction Execution
Data from
Reg 1
Data from
Reg 2
ADD/SUB etc. command
from Instruction
ALU Result
Topic 2
Instruction Execution
• Memory Phase
– In this phase memory data is read from memory or
written to memory, if necessary.
– The Instruction Decoder (aka Control Unit) will
generate MEMW signals (for sw instruction), MEMR
signals (for lw instructions), or nothing if the instruction
is neither a lw nor a sw.
– The address of the memory location to read or write
will be given by the ALU in the Execute Phase.
– In our example, neither signal is generated, as we have
an add instruction. Our ALU results will just pass
through this phase without anything happening to it.
Topic 2
Instruction Execution
Address from
Memory or
Data Cache
Data to be
w ritten
(sw only)
signals from
Data read
(lw only)
Topic 2
Instruction Execution
• Writeback Phase
– In this phase, the results of the computation (or memory
data read, in the case of lw) is written back to the
destination register.
– In our example, our result of $2 + $2 is to be written
back to $1.
– The Instruction Decoder had asserted the REGW signal
in the decode phase, while the destination register
portion of our instruction (the 0001 in our example,
indicating $1) specifies which register to write to.
– Note that the REGW signal will not be activated for sw
instructions, since sw does not require data to be written
to registers.
Topic 2
Instruction Execution
to w rite
(given in
Data to be
w ritten
from ALU
or Memory
(for lw )
REGW signal from
instr. decoder
• The Register File shown here is exactly the
same one as in the Decode Stage.
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• Assuming a 32-bit data word size, a fixed point
number system assumes that x bits are reserved for
the integer portion of a number, while 32-x bits are
reserved for the fraction.
• This limits the range of number representation.
– Limited number of bits in integer => limits size of
integer (e.g. 16-bit integer portion allows us to
represent integers between -32768 and 32767.
– Likewise with fraction portion.
• Floating Point number systems remove this
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• In the floating point number system, the binary
point separating the integer and fraction portions
is allowed to “float” along the number, by
adjusting the exponent value:
– e.g. 1 x 10^0 = 0.1 x 10^1 = 0.01 x 10^2 = 0.001 x
10^3 ad infinitum.
• This gives us very large ranges for our numbers.
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers Example
• Example 1: Represent 123.75 in floating point,
assuming 16 bits for significand, 8 bits for the
exponent. Assume that 2’s complements is used
for the exponent.
123.275 = 1111011.11
We will normalize this number such that all bits before the
binary point are 0, and the first bit after is 1. To do this,
we bounce the binary point 7 positions to the left:
For each bit we bounce to the left, we will add 1 to the
exponent. Since we have bounced 7 positions, our
exponent is now 7.
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers Example
7 in 8-bit 2’s complement is 0000 0111. The number 123.75 is
positive, so our sign bit is 0. Our final representation is
1111 0110 0000 0000
0000 0111
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• Because of normalization, the bit immediately to
the right of the binary point is always 1.
• We can always safely assume that this bit is 1, and
there is no need to explicitly represent it. In our
example above, using this technique we
effectively have 17 significand bits: this 1 hidden
bit, and the 16 bits that we can see. The hidden bit
is not shown (it is hidden!), so under this new
scheme our previous answer becomes:
1110 1100 0000 0000
0000 0111
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• Example 2: What is the floating point
representation of 0.2421875? Assume that the
exponent is 8 bit 2’s complement, the significand
is 16+1 bits (i.e. 16 bits that we can see, and 1
hidden bit).
0.1875 = 0.00111112
To normalize, shift the binary point 2 places to the right.
We get 0.11111. For each position we shift the binary point
to the right, we subtract 1 from the exponent. So our
exponent is -2.
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
Our significand is thus 11111 0000 0000 0000, where the
italicised 1 is the hidden bit (note that we have 17
significand bits!).
Our exponent is -2, or 1111 1110 in 2’s complement. Our
representation is thus:
1111 0000 0000 0000
1111 1110
Note that the first 1 has disappeared from the representation.
The hardware assumes that it is there, and we don’t
represent it in memory.
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• Example: Given a floating point value 1 1100
0111 0000 0000 0010 0111, and using the floating
point format of our previous 2 examples, find the
decimal equivalent.
1100 0111 0000 0000
0010 0111
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
With our hidden bit, the actual significand is 0.11100 0111
0000 0000
This is 1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/256+1/512+1/1024 =
Exponent (assuming 2’s complement) is 0010 0111 or 39. Our
value is thus 0.9443359375 x 2^39 = 5.192 x 10^11
Since the sign bit is 1, the final value is -5.192 x 10^11
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• Using 2’s complement (or even 1’s complement or
sign+magnitude) exponents leads to a
– Assuming 4 bit significand, 8 bit 2’s complement
exponent, then 0.111 x 2^3 is:
0000 0011
– 0.111 x 2^-3 is:
1111 1101
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• If we compared the bit patterns for 0.111x2^3 and
0.111 x 2^-3, we will be comparing 0 1100 0000
0011 vs. 0 1100 1111 1101respectively
• In binary form, it looks like 0.111x2^-3 is bigger
than 0.111 x 2^3!!
– This complicates matters when we want to use integer
compare operations (fast, cheap to use) to compare
floating point numbers!
• We introduce the bias concept to fix this problem.
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• Bias: For an n bit exponent, we add a bias of 2n-1
to the exponent to make it into a positive number:
– Old range for 8-bit 2’s complement exponent is -128 to
– If we add a bias of 28-1 (i.e. a bias of 128) to the
exponent, we can remap the exponent to the range of 0
to 255.
• For our example, the exponents for 0.11x2^3 will
be 128+3 = 131, while 0.11x2^-3 will have an
exponent of -3+128 = 125.
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• This gives us the following representations:
• For 0.11 x 2^3:
1000 0011
• For 0.11 x 2^-3:
0111 1101
• Now it is obvious from the binary representation
which number is bigger. Can now use integer
comparisons to compare 2 floating point numbers!
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• Find the decimal value of 1 1100 0111 0000 0000
0010 0111 given that we have 1 sign bit, 16
significand bits, and 8 exponent bits in biased
1100 0111 0000 0000
0010 0111
• The actual significand, including hidden bit, is 11100 0111
0000 0000 = 1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/256+1/512+1/1024 =
• The exponent here is 39. However we had added in 128 to
get the biased representation, and now we must minus 128,
giving us an actual exponent of -89.
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• Our value is thus 0.9443359375 x 2 ^ -89 or 1.717
x 10^-12.
• Since the sign bit is 1, this gives us a value of 1.717 x 10^-12.
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• Some problems:
– Certain numbers cannot be represented accurately. For
example the decimal value 0.11 (not binary!).
– There is a compromise between number of significand
bits and number of exponent bits, since word size of a
computer is fixed:
• More significand bits => more accurate representations,
smaller range
• More exponent bits => less accurate representations, larger
Topic 3
Floating Point Numbers
• For more information, please revise CS1103
Number Systems.