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History of
computers 19561959
ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)
In the late 1950's the Advanced Research Projects
Agency (ARPA) was founded in the United States with
the primary focus of developing information
technologies that could survive a nuclear attack.
Werner Buchholz coins the term Byte in 1956.
A group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated
on as a unit.
A byte considered as a unit of memory size.
1956 305 RAMAC
On September 13, 1956 the IBM 305 RAMAC is the first
computer to be shipped with a hard drive that
contained 50 24-inch platters and was capable of
storing 5 million characters and weighed a ton.
Is a multiple-disk storage subsystem from IBM that
emphasizes fault-tolerance and is intended for large
The programming language FORTRAN is introduced to
the public October 15, 1956.
One of the oldest programming languages, the
FORTRAN was developed by a team of programmers at
IBM led by John Backus, and was first published in 1957.
The name FORTRAN is an acronym for FORmula
TRANslation, because it was designed to allow easy
translation of math formulas into code.
1956-FORTRAN Continued
FORTRAN was the first high-level language, using the first
compiler ever developed.
Prior to the development of FORTRAN computer
programmers were required to program in
machine/assembly code, which was an extremely
difficult and time consuming task, not to mention the
dreadful chore of debugging the code.
1956-FORTRAN Continued
The objective during it's design was to create a programming
language that would be: simple to learn, suitable for a wide
variety of applications, machine independent, and would
allow complex mathematical expressions to be stated similarly
to regular algebraic notation. While still being almost as
efficient in execution as assembly language.
Since FORTRAN was so much easier to code, programmers
were able to write programs 500% faster than before, while
execution efficiency was only reduced by 20%, this allowed
them to focus more on the problem solving aspects of a
problem, and less on coding.
1958-Integrated Circuit
The first integrated circuit is first developed by Robert
Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor and Jack Kilby of
Texas Instruments. The first IC is demonstrated on
September 12, 1958.
an electronic circuit formed on a small piece of
semiconducting material, performing the same function
as a larger circuit made from discrete components.
Net Sales*7,736.5 billion yen
Number of Employees*
Number of Consolidated Companies*505 (including
parent company)*as of March 31, 2014
Panasonic is ranked 105th in the fortune 500 companies
Panasonic was founded by: Konosuke Matsushita