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Chapter 9
Discussion and Review
The Religion
and a Way of Life
Muhammad the Prophet
Born about 570
 He is not seen as
a god or a savior
 He is the
messenger of
 Received
revelations from
angel Gabriel
The Basic Teachings of Islam
Islam (surrender to the will of God) is
Based on the teachings of the Quran
based on the belief in one God (Allah)
Contain words of Allah
Are there any similarities to Judaism
and Christianity?
Five Pillars of Islam
All Muslims accept five duties
faith “There is no God but
Allah, and Muhammad is his
daily prayer (5 times facing
charity to the poor
fasting during Ramadan (9th
month of Islamic calendar;
Quran was revealed to
hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca
(once in lifetime)
Some of Muhammad’s
Each person is responsible for their
own behavior
 All are should be humble, show mercy
and give.
 If you have nothing to give you can
give a smile
 All believers are spiritually equal
 Allah
will judge each person and based
upon their actions, he will send them to
heaven or hell for eternity.
Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)
Pilgrims camp outside waiting to kiss
the Kaaba’s black stone
Built by Abraham
Reclaimed from pagan Arabs by Muhammad
The people march around seven times and
then kiss the Black Stone.
Black Stone
The Hajj ends as a Muslim kisses this sacred stone in
the Kaaba. Must be completed once in a Muslims
lifetime. This Black Stone was left untouched by
Mohammad when the 100 idols were destroyed in the
Jihad or Holy War
Jihad means active opposition to evil and injustice,
more than literal warfare.
Muhammad Flees!
•From Mecca to Medina in 622
and becomes the political
leader and leads many to
embrace the faith
•This journey becomes known
as the “hijra” a turning point
for Islam
Muhammad the Prophet
 Muhammad leads
10,000 back to Mecca
and captures the city
 He destroys the idols
in the Kaaba
 Unified Arabia by the
time of his death in
Sources of
Islamic Doctrine
• Koran/Quran (holy book):
– 114 suras, collections of Mohammed’s
teachings with no overall theme
– Considered sacred word of God and is a
complete guide for life
Islam as a Way of Life
•The Islamic system of law, called Sharia, regulated
moral conduct, family life, business practices,
government, and other aspects of a Muslim
•How do you convert to Islam?
•Gradually learn about Islam
•Must cite “there is no god but Allah, Muhammad
is the messenger”
The World of Islam Today
The Schism: Division of Islam
 Succession to Caliphate
(successor of Mohammed)
 Worldliness of Caliphs,
discrimination against nonArab Muslims
Sunnis and Shiites:
Find Common
Movements Within Islam
Shortly after Muhammad’s death, divisions arose within Islam.
Believed caliph, or
successor to
Muhammad, should
be chosen by leaders
of the Muslim
Viewed caliph as a
leader, not as a
religious authority.
Believed that only
descendents of
Muhammad could
become caliph.
Believed descendents
of Muhammad to be
divinely inspired.
Sought to
communicate with
God through
meditation, fasting,
and other rituals.
These are the
mystics of the
Muslim world.
Islam and its Women
An Age of Conquests
1. Abus Bakr, first
caliph aka
2. He was
close friend and
father in law,
3. He and the next
three caliph’s
spread Islam
throughout Syria,
Spain & North
Africa by military
How were the Muslims able to
conquer so many lands?
The Byzantine and Iranian empires were weak from years
of fighting each other.
People in the Fertile Crescent welcomed Arab conquerors
as liberators.
The Arabs used bold, efficient fighting methods, which
overwhelmed traditional armies.
The common faith of Islam united a patchwork of tribes
into a determined, unified state.
What is a Caliphate?
Caliph- head of state, military commander,
chief judge and military leader (emperor
and religious leader combined into one)
 Caliphate (Islamic Empire – Theocracy)
Succession brings trouble
No clear line of Succession
 First 4 caliphs: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman,
Ali ( Ali was assasinated and succeded by
his son Hasan)
 Prominent family in Mecca (Umayyad)
forced Hasan to relinquish his power and
started the Umayyad Dynasty with its
capital in Damascus, Syria
Umayyad Dynasty
Language (Arabic)
 Economy
Conquered subjects were “encouraged” to convert
or pay a tax
Gold and silver became standard monetary units
Expanded to northern Africa and Spain (stopped by
Frankish leader Charles Martel from further
advancement into Europe)
Spain – became center of learning; multiethnic
Split: Shiite Vs Sunni
Battle for control
 Abu al-Abbas (a descendent of
Mohamad’s uncle, supported by the
descendent of Ali, Shia, and Mawali-non
Arab Muslims, the Umayyad was defeated
and replaced by Abbassid Dynasty in 750
(everywhere but Spain)
Abbasid Dynasty 750-1258
Golden Age
Arts and science flourished
 Capital at Baghdad
 introduced credit, receipts and bills, steel in
weapons, medicine ( medical encyclopedia)
and mathematics (algebra) flourished
Acquired knwolege from India (math) and
China (paper)
 Bulit libraries and universities and
gathered information from all over the
world (preserved western culture)
The role of Sufis
Islamic mystics (missionaries)
Stressed a personal relationship to god
 Encouraged followers to practice their own
ways tom revere Allah, tollerant of others
 Responsible for converting large numbers to
the people of Islam
Islam Penetrates Europe
Decline of the Muslim Empire
Despite the decline of the empire,
Islam continued to link diverse people
across an enormous area.
• Around 850, the caliphs became unable to maintain
centralized control, and the empire fragmented.
• In the 900s, Seljuk Turks invaded the Middle East and
built a large empire in the Fertile Crescent.
• In the 1200s and 1300s, Mongol invaders dominated
the Middle East.