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A is for Angle
• An angle is two rays sharing a common
end point
B is for Base
• The bottom of a geometric figure, note
both the bottom and top of the figure are
the base
C is for Cube
• A regular polyhedron for which
all faces are squares
D is for Diameter
• A line segment between two points on
the circle or sphere which passes through
the center. The word diameter is also also
refers to the length of this line segment
E is for Equilateral Triangle
• A triangle with three congruent sides
F is for Formula
• An expression used to calculate a desired
result, such as a formula to find volume or
a formula to count combinations. Formulas
can also beequations involving numbers
and/or variables, such as Euler's formula
G is for Geometry
• The study of geometric figures in two
dimensions (plane geometry) and three
dimensions (solid geometry). It includes
the study
of points, lines,triangles, quadrilaterals,
other polygons, circles, spheres, prisms, p
yramids, cones, cylinders, and polyhedra.
Geometry typically includes the study
of axioms, theorems, and two-column
H is for Heptagon
• A polygon with seven sides. Some authors
also use the name septagon instead of
I is for Isosceles
• A triangle with two sides that are the same
length. Formally, an isosceles triangle is a
triangle with at least two congruent sides.
J is for AdJacent
• Two angles in a plane which share a
common vertex and a common side but do
not overlap. Angles 1 and 2 below are
adjacent angles
K is for sKew
• Lines in three dimensional space that do
not intersect and are not parallel.
L is for Line
• The geometric figure formed by two points.
A line is the straight path connecting two
points and extending beyond the points in
both directions.
M is for Measurement
• The process of assigning a number to a
physical property. Examples of
measurement include length, size of an
angle, area, volume, mass, time, etc.
N is for Numbers
• a numeral or group of numerals.
• the sum, total, count, or aggregate of a coll
ection of units
5-a number
O is for Obtuse Angle
• An angle that has measure more than 90°
and less than 180°.
P is for Parallelogram
• A quadrilateral with two pairs
of parallel sides.
Q is for Quadrilateral
• A polygon with four sides.
R is for Right Angle
• A 90° angle.
S is for Sphere
• A three dimensional solid consisting of all
points equidistant from a given point. This
point is the center of the sphere. Note: All
cross-sections of a sphere are circles.
T is for Trapezoid
• US usage, definition 1:
A quadrilateral which has a pair of
opposite sides which are parallel. The
parallel sides are called the bases, and the
other two sides are called the legs.
U is for Unit of Measurement
• any division of quantity accepted as a
standard of measurement or exchange
‘Pounds , and Ounces are units of
V is for Vertices
The highest point; the top or apex.
W is for Width
• The measurement or extent of something
from side to side
X is for X-Axis
• the horizontal axis in a plane coordinate
Y is for Y-Axis
• the horizontal axis in a plane coordinate
Z is for Z-Axis
• the horizontal axis in a plane coordinate
All definitions credit to
All definitions credit to