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Section 9.4
Geometry’s Most Elegant
“Pythagorean Theorem”
Pages 384-391
Rebecca Sproul
Pythagorean Theorem
As the plays of Shakespeare are to
literature, as the Mets are to Mr. Pricci,
so is the Pythagorean Theorem to
geometry. The Pythagorean is the rule
for solving right triangles, it’s widely
applied because every polygon can be
divided into right triangles by diagonals
and altitudes, and it enables many
ideas (and objects) to fit together very
simply. “Indeed it is elegant in concept
and very powerful” (Rhoad 384).
Theorem 69- The square of the
measure of the hypotenuse of a right
triangle is equal to the sum of the
squares of the measures of the legs
(Pythagorean Theorem)
• [ a2 + b2 = c2]
Use the Pythagorean
92 +122 = x2
81 + 144 = x2
225 = x2
225 = x
+\- 15 (reject -15)
x = 15
Another Look at the Theorem
The Pythagorean Theorem must work in
any 90 degree triangle. This means that if
you know two of the sides, you can always
find the third one.
In the right triangle at the left,
we know that:
h2 = 62 + 82
Simplifying the squares gives:
h2 = 36 + 64
and then:
h2 = 100
h = 10
(by doing the square root of
Another Theorem
• Theorem 70: If the
square of the measure
of one side of a triangle
is equal to the sum of
the squares of the
measures of the other
two sides, then the
angle opposite the
longer side is a right
If a2 + b2 = c2
Then  ABC is a right
and  C is the right angle
Extension of Theorem 70
If in the diagram on the last slide
we increased c while keeping
a and b the same, c would
become larger. Thus, a
valuable extension of Theorem
70 can be stated:
• a2 + b2 > c2, then the  is
• a2 + b2 = c2, then the  is right
• a2 + b2 < c2, then the  is
Extension of Theorem 70
Examples: Given the following
sides in a triangle, classify the
triangle as acute, right, or obtuse
1. 9, 12, 15
2. 11, 13, 7
3. 4 3, 6 3, 5 2
92 + 122 _ 152
72 + 112 _ 132
(4 3)2 + (5 2)2 _ (6 3)2
81 + 144 _ 225
49 + 121 _ 169
48 + 50 _ 108
225 = 225
170 > 169
98 < 108
Right 
Example Problem
1. Triangle ABC is equilateral with
a perimeter of 18. Find x.
Since ABC is equilateral, divide its perimeter into
3 equal sides
Segment BD is the perpendicular bisector of
segment AC, so AC can be divided by 2
 BDC is a right angle (perpendicular lines form
right angles), so we can use the Pythagorean
Theorem to find x.
x2 + 32 = 62
x2 + 9 = 36
x2 = 27
x=3 3
Example Problem
Draw both diagonals in the rhombus, and
since diagonal bisects each other in a
rhombus, cut each diagonal in half.
Diagonals in a rhombus are perpendicular,
so the angles formed in the middle of the
diagonals are right angles (perpendicular
lines form right angles).
Since we have right angles, use the
Pythagorean Theorem to solve for x, one
side of the rhombus. Once you find x,
multiply it by 4 because all 4 sides in a
rhombus are =.
62 + 122 = x2
36 + 144 = x2
169 = x2
x = 13 (reject -13)
4x = 52 = perimeter of rhombus RSTU
2. RSTU is a rhombus with
diagonals of 12 and 24. Find
the perimeter of RSTU.
Example Problem
Draw Domo (1)’s path to Domo (2) and label
the distance traveled
Notice how the distance apart (x) forms a right
triangle when the sides are drawn out
Label each side of the right triangle by adding
the distance traveled of the corresponding
sides of Domo (1)’s path
5 + 10 = 15
Now use the Pythagorean Theorem
82 + 152 = x2
64 + 225 = x2
289 = x2
x = 17 (reject -17) = distance apart from
3. Domo (1) traveled 5 km north,
2 km east, 10 km north, and 6 km
east to find another Domo (2).
How far is Domo (1) from where
he started?
Example Problem
Since this is a square, all sides are =, so
divide its perimeter (36) by how many
sides it has (4) to get a single side of the
square (9).
Squares contain right angles, so we can
use the right triangle formed by the
diagonal drawn in the square by doing the
Pythagorean Theorem
92 + 92 = x2
81 + 81 = x2
162 = x2
x = 9 2 (reject the negative) = the
4. A square has a perimeter of 36.
Find the length of its diagonal.
Example Problem
Draw new altitudes in the trapezoid to form
a right triangle. The altitudes will have the
same length (x)
Each altitude forms a right angle
Since the top of the trapezoid is parallel to
the bottom, subtract the top from the
bottom (27 – 17) to find the difference (10)
Then divide the difference by 2 to get each
of the small legs of each right triangle (5)
Now use Pythagorean Theorem
x2 + 52 = 122
x2 + 25 = 144
x2 = 119
x = 119 (reject the negative) = the
5. Find x in the trapezoid
Example Problem
Since the ladder against the wall forms a
right triangle, the Pythagorean Theorem can
be used
42 + x2 = 112
16 + x2 = 121
x2 = 105
x = 105
6. How far up a wall will an 11m
ladder reach, if the foot of the
ladder must be 4m from the
base of the wall?
Sample Problem
1. Find x
Click for answer
Sample Problem
obtuse, acute,
2. What type of triangle is demonstrated
by the 3 sides in each set: obtuse,
acute, or right?
acute, right
16, 24, 32
17, 9, 15
3, 5, 4
14, 50, 48
Click for answer
Sample Problem
3.Domo walks 15 km north, 4 km west, 3 km
north, 9 km west, and 2 km north and got
very lost. How far is domo from where is first
5 17
Click for answer
Sample Problem
18 5
4. The lengths of the diagonals of a
rhombus are in the ratio of 2:1. If the
perimeter of the rhombus is 60, find
the sum of the lengths of the
Click for answer
Sample Problem
5. Find the length of the altitude of an equilateral triangle with a side of 8.
4 3
Click for answer
Sample Problem
6. What is the diagonal length of a TV screen whose dimensions are
80 x 60 cm?
Click for answer
Sample Problem
7. Find the altitude (length of a segment perpendicular to both bases) of the
isosceles trapezoid shown.
Click for answer
Sample Problem
8. Domo’s pet bird pecked at
a 13-m wooden pole until is
cracked and the upper part
fell, with the top hitting the
ground 7 m from the foot of
the pole. Since the upper part
had not completely broken off,
Domo’s bird pecked away
where the pole had cracked.
How far was Domo’s bird
above the ground?
2 15
Click for answer
Works Cited Page
Willis, Bill. "The Pythagorean Theorem." 1999 28
May 2008
Rhoad, Richard, and Milauskas, and Whipple.
Geometry for Enjoyment and
Challenge. New
ed. Boston: McDougal Littell, 1991.