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PROCESSA change that occurs quickly.
 Earthquakes- Movement or vibration in the rock that
make up Earth’s crust.
 Earthquakes are caused by the release of stored
energy in the Earth’s crust.
Learning From Earthquakes
 Scientists “feel” and
“listen to” the Earth
by using
 Seismograph- An
instrument that
detects, measures,
and records the
energy of earthquake
 Not all earthquakes
are violent.
The 2011 Japan earthquake
measured a 9.0 on the
Richter Scale.
What Causes Earthquakes?
 The plates that make up the Earth’s crust
sometimes rub against each other. This spot
is called a fault.
 Movement begins in the focus. This causes
the fault to move and release energy called
seismic waves.
 Scientists use seismograph readings to learn
about the Earth’s interior.
Earthquake Examples
Find the focus and the fault.
Most earthquakes occur
along boundaries between
continents and oceans.
The San Andreas Fault in
Effects of Earthquakes
 Earthquakes can cause landslides or avalanches.
 Landslide- Rocks and other material that are shaken
loose by an earthquake or heavy rain.
 Sometimes heavy rain can cause mudslides.
 With all three processes, soil and
rock are moved from
a high place to a lower place.
Earthquakes cannot be prevented.
Effects of Earthquakes
 Tsunamis- Giant waves of water created by
underwater volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and
 Tsunami waves crash into land and pull rock and soil
back into the ocean and destroying entire villages.
 Volcano- When volcanoes erupt, the lava
cools to create new land. For example,
the Hawaiian Islands.
 Volcanoes also occur along boundaries
between continents and oceans.
 Magma from below the surface explodes
onto the Earth’s surface. With it comes
ash, steam, rock, soil, and lava.
 The mountain is now different and the
lava cools to form new rock or land.
These are the before and after photos of Mount St. Helens.
What changes were caused by the volcano’s eruption?
Do you think this could create air
The effects of the 2011
earthquake on Japan. Look
what it has done to humanmade structures. What would
it do to the land?