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EDFN 528
Instructional Media Development
• One Volunteer Needed
• Introduction
• Syllabus and Policies
• Handout for Assignment
Strauss Computer Lab 356, Spring Semester 2005
Michael Beutner
Associate Professor,
Instructional Technology
Office: 342-3142
Office: Strauss 206 (203)
[email protected]
“boy” + “tner”
Website for class:
•Office hours
• Course files
This course prepares you to design and
produce print/Web educational content.
This course is “hands-on” and assumes
basic knowledge with computers.
This course is designed to be as
practical and useful as possible.
Course Goals
You will be able to integrate and apply
educational content in applications like:
• online tutorials
• presentations
• slideshows
• interactive guides
• print-based media
What You’ll Need
You will need approximately 10 megabytes
of permanent and secure storage space
for files.
• Recommended: a USB memory device.
• Don’t use floppy disks!
Class Policies (Part A)
Never panic. Just try something.
Work cooperatively, whenever possible.
Never give up.
You are not alone.
Read the syllabus. Keep it handy.
Class Policies (Part B)
No book is required.
You are responsible for your own work.
Never copy and use content as your own.
You are responsible for storing your files.
Do all your work on time.
No credit for late unexcused assignments.
Problem? Contact your instructor!
Late excused work is due within a week.
EDFN 528
Email :
Class Web Site:
Michael Beutner, Associate Professor, Instructional Technology
Strauss Hall 206 (203)
[email protected] Subject: EDFN 528 FirstName LastName, MessageSubject
Activity 1: Draft Interview
Interview a classmate. Describe your classmate’s professional, educational, or
personal interests. Describe your classmate’s interest in developing content.
Describe something about your classmate that you think is interesting.
2. On the desktop, create a folder called TEMP STORAGE.
3. Inside of TEMP STORAGE, create a folder called
YourFirstName-YourLastName Folder 01
4. Inside of this new folder, use Mozilla Composer to create an HTML document
(or “web page”) called
5. Create an appropriate title with an appropriately sized font, centered, and bold.
6. Create an “internal page title” called::
YourFirstName YourLastName EDFN 528, Spring 2005, Activity 1
7. Use an appropriate format for the body of the text.
8. Type up your interview notes as a very rough draft. (This will not be graded!)
Then, save the file in your folder.
9. Take a picture of your classmate with the digital camera.
Save the digital image to your folder.
10. Expect to use and edit these files to create an introduction of your classmate.