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ITEC 745
Instructional Web Authoring I
Instructor: Ray Cole
Week 3
Recall from Last Week:
Writing a Web Page
Anatomy of a Web Page
• Structure, not layout
• Markup marks sections by their function, not by
how they look
Headings, not “Large font, bold”
Citations, not “Italicize”
Quotations, not “Change the indent”
Paragraphs, not “Type a blank line to separate”
• Markup is implemented as tags and attributes
• Most tags come in two parts
– Open: <tag>
– Close: </tag>
• Between the open and close tag comes the
content that the tag marks:
– <cite>Teach Yourself Web Publishing</cite>
– <p>This is a short paragraph. It contains only two
sentences, and they are placed between the open
and close paragraph tags.</p>
Tags (cont.)
• Some tags don’t require content. They can be
closed and opened all at once:
– Place a horizontal rule (line) on the page: <hr />
– Place an image (picture) on the page: <img
src=“photo.jpg” alt=“photo of something interesting” />
• The space before the slash
– XHTML specification says: not required
– For compatibility with older browsers: required
Tags (cont.)
• Note: Lower case for all tags
– Required by XHTML standard
– Contradicts older HTML conventions
• White space: tabs, spaces, newlines
• White space in content
– Collapsed: e.g.,
• 5 spaces followed by a tab  reduced to a single space
• 20 newlines  reduced to a single space (use <p /> instead)
• Most tags support one or more attributes
• Attributes are always attached to the open tag:
– Associate special indentation rules with this paragraph:
• <p class=“fancy_indent”>This paragraph will render with a fancy indent.</p>
• Attributes come after the tag name but before the closing
angle bracket:
• <img src=“mypictures/rayc.jpg” alt=“Photo of Ray Cole” />
The src attribute tells
the browser where to
find the image file.
The alt attribute tells the
browser what text
message to display if
the browser can’t
display or can’t find the
image file.
Required Minimum Markup
• Web pages have three sections
– A prologue section—more on this later; ignore for now
– A head section that does not render (display) in the
browser window’s content area, and
– A body section that does render in the browser
window’s content area
Head Section: Doesn’t Display
Body Section: Does Display
Required Minimum Markup
• Minimum web page:
<title>This is my title</title>
Other Useful Tags: Headings
• Headings: h1 – h6
<h1>This is the topmost heading</h1>
<h2>This is a subheading</h2>
<h3>This is a sub-subheading</h3>
… etc…
<h6>This is a sub-sub-sub-sub-subheading!</h6>
<h1>ITEC 745, Spring 2008</h1>
<h2>Class Description</h2>
<h2>Contact Information</h2>
<h2>Class Slides</h2>
Other Useful Tags: Paragraphs
• Paragraphs:
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>Here is another paragraph.</p>
<p /> (empty paragraph)
<p>This class will give you a solid
grounding in web authoring
fundamentals, focusing on three
key areas:</p>
Other Useful Tags: Citations
• Citations:
<p>J.R.R. Tolkien is most
famous for his Middle
Earth novels, <cite>The
Hobbit</cite>, <cite>The
Fellowship of the
Ring</cite>, <cite>The
Two Towers</cite>, and
<cite>The Return of the
Other Useful Tags: Block Quotes
• Block Quotes:
<blockquote>Quotation goes here.</blockquote>
Block Quote
Other Useful Tags: Strong, Em
• Strong:
<p>To reiterate, I
encourage you to keep the
structure, rather than look,
of your pages foremost in
your mind.</p>
• Emphasis:
<p>Do <em>not</em> be
Other Useful Tags: Strong, Em
• Why use <strong> instead of <b> (for bold),
since they usually look the same?
– <strong> identifies purpose, not look. Screen readers
may read words tagged <strong> with a different
inflection. Bold (<b>) is primarily a visual tag, and as
such, really shouldn’t be used, since it violates the
web’s “structure not layout” philosophy (use CSS—
covered later in this course—to affect the look of your
web pages, including making words bold, instead).
• Why use <em> instead of <i> (for italic)?
– Essentially, same answer as above.
HTML Entities
Complete list:
• Allows you to include “meta” characters in your
web pages:
– E.g., can’t write “I like to use the <strong> tag!” in
your web page because the browser will interpret
<strong> as an unclosed tag!
– Instead: write “I like to use the &lt;strong&gt; tag!”
• Entities begin with an ampersand (&) and end
with a semicolon (;). They allow meta and
foreign characters into your web page’s text.
HTML Entities: Examples
Complete list:
• Vowels with umlats:
– M&ouml;tley Cr&uuml;e
• Vowels with forward-tilted
– Mikl&oacute;s
• Vowels with backwardtilted accents
– Departament de
F&iacute;sica Aplicada i
University of Barcelona
• Vowels with slashes
– Tor
• Only two image formats are directly supported by the
majority of browsers: JPEG and GIF
– Filenames should end with the extension .jpg or .jpeg
(preferably .jpg).
– Use this format when your image has lots of colors (e.g., a
photographic image, or a lit 3-D model with lots of gradients).
• GIF:
– Filenames should end with the extension .gif
– Use this format when your image has few colors (e.g., cartoons,
drawings, simple illustrations and diagrams) or requires regions
to be transparent.
Images (cont.)
• Tag (simplest form): <img src=“image.gif”
alt=“text description for screen reader” /> or
<img src=“image.jpg” alt=“text description for
screen reader” />
• The “alt” attribute is required in XHTML:
– It specifies alternate text to display in case the
browser is unable to display the image (e.g., if the
specified image file can’t be found, or if the browser
is text-only (like “Lynx”), or if the “browser” is actually
a screen-reader for the visually impaired).
Images (cont.)
• More image attributes
Align: specify how the image affects the flow of text.
<img src=“image.gif” alt=“description” align=“right” />
<img src=“image.gif” alt=“description” align=“left” />
Cancel the alignment attribute’s effect with
• <br clear=“right” />
• <br clear=“left” />
• <br clear=“all” />
– See: and
htttp:// for
Images (cont.)
• More image attributes
– Height: specify the height of the image (in “pixels”).
– Width: specify the width of the image (in “pixels”).
– Border: specify the presence and width of a border around the
image (in “pixels”).
– Hspace: specify the horizontal space (in “pixels”) to be kept
clear around the image horizontally (i.e., to its left and right).
– Vspace: specify the vertical space (in “pixels”) to be kept clear
around the image vertically (i.e., above and below it).
– <img src=“image.jpg” height=“240” width=“320” border=“2”
hspace=“10” vspace=“10” alt=“alternate text goes here” />
Images (cont.)
<img src=“user_illusion.gif"
width="150" height="237"
hspace="20" vspace="10"
alt="cover of The User
Illusion by Tor
Norretranders" align="left“ />
Keeping Your Code Tidy
• To keep your code readable, you need to pay
attention to how you use indentation.
– Use it to line up matching open and close tags.
Remember that white space is collapsed anyway, so
you can freely place line breaks around tags.
Poor indenting:
Better indenting:
<p>My first paragraph.</p>
<p>My 2nd.</p><p>And my
<p>My first paragraph.</p>
<p>My 2nd.</p>
<p>And my third.</p>
Tidy Code
• Use 4 spaces to indent each level.
• Use line breaks to separate logical chunks of
• Use lower case for all tags (required by
• Use lower case for all file names (e.g., the
names of image files specified in the src attribute).
This Week:
URLs, More Tags, and
First: Review of Bio Pages
Turn in your biography pages and
accompanying photos by creating a folder with
your name in the Student Work folder in the
Week03 folder on the class server.
Then, we’ll review and critique them in-class.
Is there a close tag for each open tag?
Are all nested tags closed in the correct order (opposite from the order in
which they were opened)?
– Are all required elements there
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
How to Read a URL
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
• Note: Uniform, not “universal”!
• Example URL:
Scheme: http
Hostname: www
Port: 80
Resource: index.html
Path to resource: ~itec/program/
URL Schemes
• URLs can point to many kinds of Internet
resources, not just web pages:
• ftp scheme for File Transfer Protocol services
– gopher:// [seems to be dead now]
• gopher scheme for Gopher and Gopher+ Protocol services
• http scheme for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (web) services
– mailto:[email protected]
• mailto scheme for email (usually Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP)) services
URL Hostnames
• The hostname/domain name is the “human readable”
network name of the computer that hosts the resource.
• Each computer on the Internet is assigned an Internet
Protocol (IP) address.
– 
• The Domain Name System (DNS) handles mapping
between IP addresses and human readable hostnames.
• Your browser consults DNS to convert hostnames in
URLs to IP addresses as needed.
URL Ports
• Any given computer on the Internet may be
providing multiple services, such as:
Network management (SNMP)
• Each service “listens” for requests on a different
“port.” The default port for web services (http) is
port 80.
URL Ports (cont.)
• If left unspecified in the URL, the default port for
the scheme is assumed
– (port 80 used by default)
– (port 70 used instead)
• Default port assignment for common services:
ftp: 21 (basic file transfer service)
http: 80 (basic web service)
smtp:25 (low-level email transfer protocol)
pop3: 110 (common email retrieval service)
https: 443 (secure sockets layer web access)
URL Resource Paths and Names
• Legal characters in URL resource paths and names
include the following:
Lowercase letters “a” to “z” and uppercase letters “A” to “Z”
Digits “0” to “9”
The plus character “+”
The period character “.” (pronounced “dot”)
The dash character “-”
The underscore character “_”
…plus a few others, depending on context…
• Note that the space character “ ” is not one of the
allowable characters. Do not put spaces in your file
URLs: Absolute vs. Relative
• URLs are used not only by web surfers to
request viewing specific web pages, but also by
web page authors
• For example, in the following <img> tag,
<img src=“my-photo.jpg” alt=“photo of T. K.” />
“my-photo.jpg” is actually a URL. It is known as
a “relative” URL, because the path to myphoto.jpg is relative to the page that contains
this code.
URLs: Absolute vs. Relative (cont.)
• Suppose the code <img src=“my-photo.jpg” alt=“[alt
text]” /> is contained in a page called “my-bio.html”,
located in a folder called “about-me” on a web server
with a hostname “”.
• Then you can convert the relative URL “my-photo.jpg”
to an absolute URL by making the full scheme,
hostname/domain name, and path explicit:
<img src=“” />
• It is also considered an absolute URL even if the
scheme, hostname, and domain name are left out—as
long as the path begins with a “/” it’s an absolute URL.
• We’ll have more to say about absolute and relative
URLs later in the is course. Stay tuned!
Anchor Tags
What Makes It the Web?
• Why is it called the “web”?
• Why is the web services protocol called the
“Hypertext Transfer Protocol” (http)?
• Why is the web’s markup language called the
“Hypertext Markup Language” (HTML)?
• What is hypertext?
Origins of the Term “Hypertext”
• Ted Nelson coined the
term “Hypertext” in 1963
• His definition: “A body of
written or pictorial
material interconnected in
a complex way that it
could not be conveniently
represented on paper.”
Ted Nelson in 2003. 40 years
earlier, he coined the term
What Makes It the Web?
• By Nelson’s original definition, the key part of a
hypertext system (such as the world wide web)
is that its material is interconnected.
• Anchor tags allow web pages to be
interconnected. They are one of the core
innovations of the web.
Making Links
• Links can be made from a web page on one
web server to a web page on another:
– The home page of the <a href=“”>W3C</a>
Making Links
• Links can be made from one web page to
another on the same server:
–<p>This page describes my work. To read about my
hobbies, visit my <a href=“hobbies.html”>hobby</a>
This is a relative URL,
located on the same
server (and in the same
folder) as this page:
Anchor Tags: Instructional Application
Putting Anchor Tags to Good
Instructional Use: An
Interactive Interview Example
An “Interactive” Interview (p. 1)
“Hi. My name is Rudresh. I’m an
Instructional Designer. I understand you
have some questions for me. Let’s see if I
can help answer them.”
Q1: In your opinion as an Instructional
Designer, which do you think is more
important to designing a successful
course: clear content presentation or good
design of learning activities?
Q2: As an Instructional Designer, do you
usually create final graphics or animations
for your e-learning projects?
Click each question to ask it of Rudresh.
When you are done, click Next to
<-- Back | Next -->
An “Interactive” Interview (p. 2)
Rudresh’s answer: “In my opinion,
although clear content presentation is
important, good design of learning
activities is actually the more important
feature of a successful course. Most
people who aren’t Instructional Designers
(and even a few who are) think that all you
have to do is present clear content. But I
think most of the real learning happens
when learners work with the material
during learning activities, not when they
read or listen to someone ‘data dump’
content, no matter how clear.”
<-- Back | Next -->
An “Interactive” Interview (p. 3)
Rudresh’s answer: “At my company, we
have an excellent team of professional
animators and graphic artists, so I am
rarely called upon to create final graphics
or animations myself. However, I still need
to know how to create simple graphics
because that is how I communicate to the
graphic artists and animators the details of
what I want them to create for me.”
 Back | Next 
An “Interactive” Interview (p. 4)
“I’ve enjoyed chatting with you. But now I
have to get back to work. Good luck in
your future pursuits as an Instructional
Designer. It’s a job I really enjoy, and I
hope you will find it enjoyable too.
<-- Back | Next -->
An “Interactive” Interview (p. 1)
An “Interactive” Interview (p. 1)
An “Interactive” Interview (p. 1)
An “Interactive” Interview (p. 1)
In-Class Exercise
Create this Interactive
Interview with Rudresh
For Next Week
• Create an interactive interview consisting of 2 questions.
Structure the interview like the interview we built in class
(see the four “Interactive Interview” slides for a mockup).
Make sure the Next and Back links on each page take
the learner to the correct new page. (Next on page 1
goes to page 4; Back on pages 2, 3 and 4 goes to page
1). Include a photo of the person being interviewed. Turn
in the interactive interview web pages and photo(s) next
• Download and read the ITEC745-Week04.ppt slides.