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MGS 3040-05
Text Pages-323
Scudiero, Samantha Timpson, Pablo Torstrup, James Yasin, Modassar
Strategies For Auction
Well known website for all sorts of auctions including electronics and
it is recommended to sell here because large amount of consumers
buy here than on any other auction website.
Its mainly known for books but has other auctions as well including
Its also a well known site for electronic and other auctions as well.
But requires a membership fee in order to participate in auctions.
Supplier Relationship Management
 Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP use SRM (Supplier Relationship
Management) which plays an important role in the reduction of costs
and the optimization of performance.
 These products are commodities and their use of terminology is
 Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP are not Web 2.0 companies because with
these companies users are limited to the passive viewing of
information that is provided to them.
Violating Privacy?
After looking through and testing out I have come to the
conclusion that this site does in fact violate people's privacy. I believe
this because it is not right for everyone to be able to publicly see how
much a person pays monthly for their house or anything about their
property because it is only the owner's business.
This site might be considered a threat by traditional real estate companies
because it is letting the public have access to information that only real
estates should be able to see.
Real estate agents might use this site to market their services by
displaying ads for their company throughout the site and having links to
their company on the website.
Real estate brokers might use this site to an advantage by publicizing
themselves and the houses they are trying to market on this website in
order to attract more buyers.
XML Web Services
 XML is still fairly new in the market or web encoding. Many
industries, institutions and government organizations use EDI and
refuse to switch to XML. XML is still very costly and the size of the
XML files are a turn off for those using a space budgeted website or
website service. Also there is no standard coding for XML at the
moment, so it cannot be automated until a fully structured encoding
program can be implemented.
 XML is a benefit for EDI however, because it is promoting E-
Commerce, which EDI relies heavily upon. XML may one day
replace EDI; however there is still much to be done to the basic XML
so that is better than XML.
 SAP’s encoding uses mostly XML for looking at their source code.
However the website structure seems to be in the EDI format. The
source code for the XML is 655 lines long for a page that is no bigger
than 800x600!
Supply Chain & Web Services
 Example of company’s use of web services and supply chain?
 Fully protected web-based interface providing the ability to add, edit,
and update filings.
 Dedicated support to ensure your transactions are efficiently
transmitted in a timely manner.
 Record retention allowing you to retrieve data for 5 years.
 Administrative privileges allowing you to control the amount of
information you share with your supply chain partners.
 is easy to use in order to attract all sorts of customers.
 By having an user friendly web page it allows the most novice user
 Another industry that may benefit from user friendly Web services?
 Housing Market/Land
 Cut out the middle men
 Avoid Fees
 Reduce time/cost