Download Chemistry Department Colloquium: Fall 2011 "2D IR: What is it Good For?"

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Chemistry Department
Colloquium: Fall 2011
Friday, November 4TH; 3:30
Seminar Hall (room 1315 Chemistry)
"2D IR: What is it Good For?"
Prof. Martin T Zanni
Professor Martin T. Zanni joined the Physical Chemistry faculty at
UW in 2002. He has received a good deal of recognition while at
Madison, including the Beckman, Coblentz, and Sloan Awards. In
2010, he was awarded the ACS Nobel Laureate Signature Award for
Graduate Education in Chemistry and the PECASE through the NIH
(NIDDK). This year, he received the NAS Award for Initiatives in
Research and the Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences. He is
a UW-Madison H. I. Romnes Faculty Fellow and a Fellow of the
American Physical Society.
Marty has taught Advanced General Chemistry and several Physical
Chemistry courses. He is the Meloche-Bascom Professor of
Over the past few years, 2D IR spectroscopy has undergone a transition from an esoteric
technique to a useful tool in the physical, biological and analytical sciences. This talk will cover
some of the directions my research group has pursued in applying 2D IR spectroscopy.
Specifically, I'll present data on the drug inhibition of amylin in type 2 diabetes and the aggregation
of gD-crystallin in cataracts. We have obtained some of the most detailed structural information
available on these aggregate assemblies. I will also present recent experiments extending the 2D
technology to surface-sensitive spectroscopy and utilizing native chemical ligation to isotope-label
domains of proteins, which are two exciting directions that my group is developing.
Please stay for refreshments at about 4:30 in the Charter Street Atrium