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A habitat.
What is a grassland?
 A grassland is a wide areas, covered in a native
 There are many different kinds of grasslands
around the world, each with different kinds of
plants and animals living in each one.
 Grasslands may be flat or have rolling hills. There
may be some scattered trees.
 Many grasslands are used by their native people to
plant crops because flat land is easier to cultivate.
The Prairie, a North
American grassland
 Much of the middle of North America is the prairie.
It is a type of grassland where tall grass and
wildflowers grow, but few trees because there is not
enough rain.
The Prairie, a North
American grassland
 Animals found on a North American Prairie:
The Savanna, an African
 The hot grasslands of Africa are called the savanna.
 Like the prairie, it is covered in tough grasses, some
bushes, and a few scattered trees.
 Watering holes exist on the savanna, but only
during the rainy season, otherwise it is very dry.
Animals must be able to resist the heat and travel
long distances to find water.
 At these watering holes, animals will share the
water as needed.
The Savanna, an African
 Scenes of the Savanna
The Pampas, grasslands of
South America
 The Pampas is a grassland. There is very little
rainfall and cool winds that keep it dried out. There
are few trees, but mild temperatures.
The Pampas, grasslands of
South America
 Animals of the Pampas:
Dangers Facing Grasslands
 Over farming of soil, draining nutrients.
 Global warming, drought and dryness.
 Dryness contributes to fires, which can temporarily
destroy a grassland, however, given enough time,
the roots of the plants run very deep, so it doesn’t
stay barren for long.
Deciduous Forest
Deciduous means to fall off. Therefore, a forest with
trees where their leaves “fall off” is a deciduous
forest. Most of New England was once fully
forested. Our impression of the seasons comes from
viewing our forest.
Trees of the Deciduous
Dangers Facing Deciduous
 Over foresting- taking too many trees and not
replacing them as a natural and renewable resource.
 Acid rain, pollution in the sky causing rain to be
more acidic which harms the trees.
 Droughts can cause massive forest fires.
 In some instances, the seasons assist in the health
and support of species. For example, the connection
between; bees, flowers, fruit, and honey, as well as
distribution of seeds (plant or tree).
Animals of the Deciduous
Your Challenge
 Working in groups of 4, you will learn about a habitat.
 You will draw two posters/diagrams of your habitat.
One will be on the landscape, the other on the animals
that live there.
 You will present to the class as a group, giving us
information on your habitat.
 These questions must be answered:
Where can this habitat be found?
What are the characteristics of this habitat?
What animals are unique to this habitat?
What dangers does this habitat face?
Final Challenge
 You will now work in pairs. Each pair will be given an
animal that is native to our habitat- the deciduous forest.
 You will imagine that this animal has to be transplanted
to the habitat that you studied. You must imagine that
enough time goes by to allow your animal to naturally
adapt and survive in this new habitat.
 Describe the adaptation, what the animal will look like
and how the adaptations help it survive.
 Note: natural and thoughtful adaptations, ex: a mammal
can’t become a reptile, a snake cannot sprout wings.
Ocean habitat
Rainforest Habitat
Dessert Habitat
Polar Habitat
Freshwater/Lakes Habitat