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Taking a Trip Through the
World’s Terrestrial (Land)
By: Kelly Ewing and Amy Schwarz
Table of Contents
Definition of the word biome.
– Tundra film clip
Tropical Rainforest
– Tropical rainforest film clip
Temperate grassland
– Temperate grassland film clip
Tropical savanna
– Tropical savanna film clip
Deciduous forest
– Deciduous forest film clip
– Desert film clip
Coniferous forest
– Coniferous forest film clip
– Chaparral film clip
Definition of a Biome
• Global associations of plants and animals
classified by vegetation type and
primarily determined by climate.
The tundra is the coldest and driest with
only 6 to 10 inches of precipitation each
Animals that live in the tundra have thick
coats of fur to protect them from the harsh
winds they experience, such as the polar
bear or arctic fox.
This biome is a cold treeless land mass that
covers 20% of Earth’s surface.
In this biome, trees can not grow because
the roots can not break through the frozen
Tundra Video Clip
Tropical Rainforest
The tropical rainforest receives an average
of 50 to 260 inches of rain per year.
There are four layers of trees in the rain
forest: the emergent, the upper canopy, the
lower canopy, and the forest floor.
The tropical rain forest produces 40% of
Earth’s oxygen.
The tropical rainforest is generally located
near the equator, which means the sun hits
it at a high intensity for the whole year.
Tropical Rainforest Video Clip
Temperate Grassland
The temperate grassland is known to have
a cold, dry climate, a very hot and wet
climate, or a moist and humid climate.
Common animals that are found in the
temperate grassland are grazing animals
such as buffalo and bison.
The temperate grassland contains terrains
of grasses, flowers, and herbs.
The temperate grassland is known as the
prairies in North America, whereas, in
South American they are known as the
Temperate Grassland Video Clip
Tropical Savanna
Grant’s Zebra is a species that is part of this
biome. This species feeds off of the grass, and has
many defense mechanisms against its predators.
A wet season, which occurs in the summer, and dry
season, which occurs during the winter, happens
throughout the year in this biome.
The lion is the king of this biome. The tan, beige,
color of the lion’s fur is excellent camouflage for
hunting its prey.
The Baobab is an amazing tree that can grow up to
25 meters tall, and is leafless. During the wet
season of this biome, the tree soaks up every ounce
of moisture it can, so that it can survive during the
dry season.
Tropical Savanna Video Clip
Temperate Broadleaf Forest
(Deciduous Forest)
The temperate broadleaf forest truly experiences all four
seasons. In the summer it is hot and warm, in the fall and
spring it is cool, and plants either begin to lose their leaves, or
they start to develop, and in the winter it is cold with snow
covering the ground.
The White Oak Tree is the most common plant in the temperate
broadleaf forest, which is found throughout the Midwest of the
United States.
The average temperature of the temperate broadleaf forest is
50 degrees Fahrenheit, with an average rainfall of 30 to 60
inches a year.
The European Red Squirrel has a bushy tail to stay balanced and
four toes with claws on it’s feet to help it climb up the many
deciduous trees in the temperate broadleaf forest.
Temperate Broadleaf Forest
(Deciduous Forest) Video Clip
The plants that have adapted to the desert
are ground hugging shrubs that can conserve
The average temperature of the desert is
64 degrees Fahrenheit.
The only animals which can survive the
desert are animals which can burrow under
The Saguaro Cactus survives in the desert
because it does not rely on water to survive.
Desert Video Clip
Coniferous Forest (Taiga)
The plants that are mostly found in the coniferous forest are
conifers, such as spruces, pines, and firs. These plants can
survive the harsh winters and warm summers due to their
waxy needles which lock in moisture, preventing them from
drying out.
The average temperature of the coniferous forest ranges
from 20 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit in the
summer and -65 degrees Fahrenheit to 30 degrees Fahrenheit
in the winter.
Cutting down trees is a major issue the coniferous forest
faces. Logging is causing the animal life in this biome to
An example of structure fits function is the Grizzly Bears
claws and fur. The sharp claws of the mammal help it dig food
out of the cold hard ground, and its fur helps keep the bear
warm in the coniferous forest.
Coniferous Forest (Taiga) Video
Plants which have adapted to the chaparral have
hard, small leaves which trap in moisture.
Some plants will not germinate until a natural forest
fire occurs. These forest fires start because of
the lack of rain in this biome.
The black tailed jackrabbit’s feet are surrounded
by fur, which help this animal adapt to the extreme
hot temperatures of its environment.
The chaparral can be found in most all continents on
the west coast.
Chaparral Video Clip
• Chaparral:
• Coniferous Forest:
• Desert:
• Temperate Broadleaf Forest:
• Temperate Grassland:
• Tropical Forest:
• Tropical Savanna:
• Tundra: