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Chapter 25
Lecture Outline
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Plants and the Environment
Life Histories
Natural Cycles
The Impacts of Humans on Plant Communities
Global Warming
Aquifer Depletion
Loss of Biodiversity
At the Regional Level
Restoration of the Land
Plants and the Environment
Ecology - Involves the relationships of
organisms to each other and to their
• Determines whether or not a species or individual
member of a species can survive and reproduce
in a particular habitat
Environment of each habitat determined by
biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) factors.
• Biotic - Other organisms in habitat
• Abiotic - Wind, rain, sunlight, soil, temperatures
Plants and the Environment
Populations - Groups of individuals of the
same species
• May vary in numbers, in density, in genetic
diversity and in total mass of individuals
• Ways to investigate populations:
Count number of individuals
Estimate population density - Number of individuals per
unit volume
Calculate biomass - Total mass of living individuals
Plants and the Environment
Plant community - Unit composed of all
species of plants in a given area
• If include other organisms = biotic community
• Within a region, similar environments have
similar species composition.
• However, each species distributed according to
own responses to changes in physical and biotic
• Species composition of a community determined
by local availability of species, by unique
historical events, and by chance.
Plants and the Environment
Plant community
• Practical reasons to analyze and classify plant
communities (vegetation maps):
Land-use planning
Natural resource management
Biological conservation
Landscape restoration
Analyze changes in vegetation over time
Infer qualities of environment
Plants and the Environment
Ecosystems - Communities and their
physical environments, which interact and
are interconnected by physical, chemical
and biological processes
• Distribution of a plant species in an ecosystem
controlled mostly by temperature, precipitation,
soil type, and effects of other organisms.
Mineral content of soil
Competition for resources
Dispersal by animal community
Pattern of available water
Plants and the Environment
Ecosystems may be sustained entirely through
photosynthetic activity, energy flow through food
chains, and nutrient recycling.
Producers - Photosynthesize and store produced
Primary consumers - Feed on producers
Cows, caribou, caterpillars
Secondary consumers - Feed on primary consumers
Plants, algae
Tigers, toads
Decomposers - Break down organic material to forms
that can be reassimilated by producers
Bacteria, fungi
Plants and the Environment
• Producers and
interact, forming
food chains or
food webs.
Determine flow
of energy
through different
Plants and the Environment
• Trophic efficiency - Percentage of available energy
actually transferred from one trophic level to next
Available energy
to secondary
quickly drops off.
Sharp reduction
in numbers of
individuals and in
total mass at
each level of food
Plants and the Environment
Interactions among plants, herbivores and other
• Allelopathy - Production of chemicals that inhibit growth
of other plants
• Phytoalexins - Chemicals that kill or inhibit disease fungi
or bacteria
• Some bacteria and fungi limit plant growth by producing
inhibitory compounds.
• Some plants do not produce chlorophyll and depend on
plant hosts for energy.
• Plants have mutualistic relationship with mycorrhizal
• Herbivores and plants involved in co-evolution.
Plants and the Environment
Association between
Acacia and ants:
• Ants live in hollow
bodies at
leaflet tips
• Ants feed on sugar,
fats and proteins
from petiolar
nectaries and from
special bodies at
tips of leaflets.
• Ants attack other
organisms that
come into contact
with plant.
Hollow thorns
Life Histories
A species life history is composed of traits that
control its survival and reproduction.
• Big bang reproduction - Devote all resources to growth for
most of life until favorable conditions and then energy goes
into single reproductive burst
Desert agave plants
• Repeated reproduction - Produce seeds throughout lifetime
Most trees
• Annuals - Grow, reproduce and then die at end of season
• Biennials - Grow for one year, reproduce second year and
die after seeds produced
• Perennials - Produce vegetative structures that survive for
many years
Life Histories
Life histories also described in functional terms:
• Habitats with low stress and little disturbance select
for traits that confer competitive advantage:
Large, persistent, fast growing, slow to reproduce
• Habitats with high stress, but little disturbance select
for stress tolerance:
Small, slow growing, limited reproductive ability, do not
respond to nutrients
• Habitats with low stress, but substantial disturbance
select for weedy traits:
Fast growing, small, annual, reproduce quickly
Life Histories
Phenology - Timing of crucial life events:
germination, bud burst, flowering, seed
• Photoperiod or light quality trigger germination
and flowering in some species.
• Growth rates controlled by available moisture and
Effect of global warming
Natural Cycles
The water cycle:
• Earth’s water is constantly being recycled; total
amount remains stable.
98% of water in oceans, rivers, lakes.
Remaining water in living organisms, glaciers, polar ice,
water vapor and soil.
Rainfall percolates down through soil to water table, while
water is evaporated from bodies of water and is transpired
by plants.
Water vapor rises into atmosphere, condenses, and falls
back to earth in the form of rain, snow and hail.
Water cycle disrupted by humans.
Aquifer depletion, creation of reservoirs, irrigation, global
Natural Cycles
The water cycle:
Natural Cycles
The carbon cycle:
• Plant life uses CO2 for photosynthesis.
CO2 = 0.038% of atmosphere.
• Respiration from all living things replace CO2.
As much as 90% produced by bacteria and fungi.
• Burning of fossil fuels significantly increases amount
of CO2 in air.
C3 plants increase growth with increased CO2 levels, but
C4 plants do not.
May give C3 plants competitive advantage and effect C4
Oceans become more acid, making shelled organisms
Natural Cycles
The carbon cycle:
Natural Cycles
The nitrogen cycle:
• Most nitrogen in living organisms is in protoplasmic
proteins of cells.
• Nitrogen in air unavailable to plants and animals.
• Most of nitrogen supply of plants derived from soil in
form of inorganic compounds and ions taken up by
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert nitrogen from air to ammonia
or other nitrogenous compounds.
Some plant species, particularly legumes, produce root
nodules in which these bacteria multiply.
• Constant flow of nitrogen from dead organisms into
soil and from soil back to plants
Natural Cycles
The nitrogen cycle:
Natural Cycles
The nitrogen cycle:
• Large amounts of nitrogen leach out of soil by erosion
of topsoil.
• Nitrogen lost by crop harvests.
• To offset loss, nitrogenous fertilizers added to
artificially increase soil nitrogen content.
Large amounts of energy expended to produce
inorganic fertilizer, with much lost by erosion.
If organic matter not added to soil at same time as
inorganic fertilizers added, then hardpan soil created.
Occurs wherever there has been disturbance of
natural areas
• Initially no signs of life
• Living organisms appear and alter environment as they
carry on metabolism and reproduction.
• Accumulation of wastes, dead organic material and
inorganic debris and other changes favor different
• These, in turn, alter environment until further changes in
species composition occur.
• Communities are constantly changing in response to
array of disturbances.
May help to enhance species diversity
Primary succession - Involves formation of soil
in beginning stages
• On bare rocks and lava:
Tiny cracks permit plants to invade.
Fern spores blow into
cracks of bare lava
Primary succession:
• On bare rocks and lava:
Lichens and mosses become established on surfaces.
Contribute to organic matter and small amount of soil
builds up
Other species become established.
As soil buildup continues, larger plants take over.
Eventually vegetation reaches equilibrium of a stable
plant community = climax community.
Communities can differ in response to available
species and chance events.
Primary succession:
• In wet habitats - Ponds
and lakes left behind by
retreating glaciers, like
those in northern parts
of Midwestern states
Grow a bit smaller each
year as a result of
Algae carried in by wind
or on feet of waterfowl.
Algae concentrated along water margins
and dead parts of algae sink to bottom.
Duckweeds form band around body of
water just offshore.
floating on pond
Primary succession:
• In wet habitats - Ponds and lakes left behind retreating glaciers:
Peat mosses encroach and become dominant floating plants.
Water lilies and other rooted plants with floating leaves
become established.
Accumulating organic matter turns to muck.
Cattails and other plants take root in muck around edges.
Algae, duckweeds and peat mosses move farther out.
Surface area of exposed water diminishes.
Floating mat may form.
Sedges, herbaceous plants and shrubby plants move in.
Coniferous trees eventually grow across entire site and pond
or lake disappears.
Primary succession:
• In wet habitats - Stream-fed lakes and ponds:
Eventually become filled with silt and debris
Nutrient content (particularly nitrogen and phosphorus)
of water rises = eutrophication.
Eutrophication facilitates growth of algae and other
Eutrophication accelerated by:
Sewage and other pollutants
Clearing trees from land - Land erodes, carrying soil
into water.
Secondary succession:
• May take place if soil is already present and there are
surviving species in vicinity
• On burned or logged land:
Grasses and other herbaceous plants become
Followed by trees with widely dispersed seeds
Ending in climax community
• Fewer stages than primary succession
Fire ecology:
• Natural fires, started primarily by lightning, have occurred
for thousands of years.
• In the Western US, forest burned on average of every 6-7
• Trying to eliminate fires
disrupts natural habitats.
• Fire plays role in
composition of forests.
Many species
repeatedly replace
themselves after fires.
Seeds of some species
must be exposed to fire
in order to germinate.
Fire ecology:
• Fires benefit grasslands, chaparral and forests by
converting accumulated dead organic material to
mineral ash, whose nutrients are recycled within
• In prairies of Midwest, grasses better adapted to fire
than woody plants.
Some of North American grasslands originated and
maintained by fire.
Since fire has been controlled, many areas invaded by
The Impacts of Humans on Plant Communities
At the global level:
• Many problems are global in scope and have
long-lasting impacts.
Climatic changes
Stratospheric ozone depletion
Loss of biodiversity
• These problems traced to human activities.
Global Warming
Human activities are accelerating the rate at
which global warming is occurring.
• Glaciers shrinking.
• Permafrost disappearing.
• Sea levels rising.
• Greenhouse effect - Accumulation in atmosphere
of gases that permit radiation from sun to reach
earth’s surface, but prevent heat from escaping
back into space
• Gases involved - Carbon dioxide, methane and
others, such as chlorofluorocarbons
Global Warming – Carbon Dioxide
Carbon dioxide emissions from transportation and
burning fossil fuels are increasing dramatically.
• From 1990 to 2008 - CO2 emissions increased globally by
over 25%.
• Since1850, CO2 increased by 37%.
• Resulting unwelcome events:
Sea level rising, resulting in flooding
More extreme storms
Huge swings between wet and drought years
Rapidly expanding deserts
Dramatic drops in crop yields
Massive extinctions due to habitat changes
Expansion of vector-borne diseases
Global Warming – Methane
Methane is a greenhouse gas 23 times as potent
as CO2.
Produced by:
• Anaerobic bacteria in swamps and wetlands
• Animal digestive processes
• Wood-digesting organisms in guts of termites
Termites increasing as tropical rainforests are cleared.
• Melting of permafrost that releases trapped methane
Global Warming – Ozone Depletion
Methane gas and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
(refrigeration and industry) - Broken down into
active compounds by sunlight at high altitudes
• Breakdown products destroy ozone in the
Ozone provides natural shield against UV radiation.
Increased UV radiation increases skin cancers.
Halons (bromine-based), found in electronic
equipment, reported to be 3-10 times more
destructive than chlorofluorocarbons.
• Increased 20% per year between 1980 and 1986
Wind and water remove productive soil and degrade
Soil erosion is most significant limitation to
sustainable agriculture productivity.
Erosion removes topsoil faster than ever before.
• Takes away organic matter that makes soil fertile
• Ability to soak up water lost, so water runs off land,
increasing erosion.
• Runoff carries fertilizers and pesticides into streams and
Direct result of overgrazing, clearing land for
urbanization and roads, and plowing
Aquifer Depletion
Overpumping of aquifers is probably the most
underestimated ecological problem in the world.
• Water pumped from underground for:
Irrigation - 70%
Industry - 20%
Homes - 10%
Demands for water is growing, while sustainable
yield of aquifers is fixed.
Loss of Biodiversity
When natural habitats are destroyed, a few species
may be able to adapt, but most are not capable and
ultimately perish.
Extinction rates have accelerated enormously over
past 50 years as many types of habitats have been
damaged or destroyed.
Keeping crops from succumbing to diseases often
depends on our ability to breed new diseaseresistant strains by tapping into gene pools of wild
Loss of biodiversity in an ecosystem reduces
efficiency of production and nutrient use, and makes
the ecosystem less resistant to disturbances.
At the Regional Level
Acid deposition
• Burning fossil fuels releases sulfur and nitrogen
compounds into the atmosphere.
Chemical reactions with sunlight and rain convert the
compounds into nitric acid (HNO3) and sulfuric acid
Acid rain adversely effects living organisms.
Mycorrhizal fungi susceptible.
Trees die.
Alters soil fertility
Large amounts of nitrogen accumulate - Eutrophication
Increases soil fertility - Loss of plant species due to
At the Regional Level
Water contamination
• Pollution in lakes and streams
Dumping toxic wastes
Runoff over polluted land
Pesticide spraying
Exhaust from aircraft and ships
Combustion of fossil fuels
• Ground-water supplies
Wastes from septic tanks
At the Regional Level
Wetlands - Swamps, marshes, bogs, lagoons, river
margins, estuaries, floodplains
• Wetlands historically regarded as wastelands and routinely
drained and converted to agricultural land.
• One hectare of tidal wetland can perform same recycling
functions that wastewater treatment equipment capable of.
• Wetlands also:
Provide habitat for a
wide variety of wildlife
Purify streams and
Reduce erosion
Reduce flooding
At the Regional Level
Hazardous Waste
• Earlier generations routinely disposed of toxic
industrial wastes in a casual fashion.
• Even under increased regulations, serious
accidents and spills occur.
• At most solid waste dumps, it is now illegal to
dispose of almost any form of hazardous material.
• Promise for future - Genetically engineered
bacteria that can dismantle and render harmless
many types of wastes
At the Regional Level
Invasion of foreign species
• Often aggressive weeds
Reproduce quickly and crowd out native plants
Have no natural pests or herbivores, thus selection for
reproduction and less for defense, allowing
outcompetition of native plants
More phenotypic plasticity
More genetic differentiation (rapid evolution)
Restoration of the Land
Restoration ecology assumes that much of
environmental damage can be mitigated.
• Applies successional concepts to assist and
accelerate recovery process
Restoration ecology “is the means to end the
great extinction spasm. The next century will,
I believe, be the era of restoration in ecology.”
E. O Wilson
Plants and the Environment
Life Histories
Natural Cycles
The Impacts of Humans on Plant Communities
Global Warming
Aquifer Depletion
Loss of Biodiversity
At the Regional Level
Restoration of the Land