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Biosphere. Origin and evolution.
Ecological system: structure.
Classification operation. Structure
social ecosystem.
The biosphere is the biological
component of earth systems
component of earth systems
global biogeochemical
other elements
ecosystem is called a set of organisms that live
together, and their conditions of existence that
are naturally in connection with one another,
pooling a biotic environment and living organisms
that live in it.
Basic ecosystem must include the
organisms of all tropic levels and
have a vicious cycle of basic
To be sure ecosystems are producers
that provide storage of solar energy
and the creation of organic matter,
monument engaged in processing,
and consumenty that dispose of
waste producers and redutsenty.
Characteristics of ecosystems
species composition of
living organisms, typical
for the ecosystem
ratio in the ecosystem of
organisms with different
types of power;
To use characteristics of ecosystems:
the intensity of energy flow
through ecosystems and the
speed of rotation of
mode a biotic conditions
and resources
Bio-geocenosis - a set on a specific surface area
of homogeneous natural phenomena
A biotic
A biotic factors in
ecosystems act as a
link that connects the
different groups of
organisms and to
provide structural and
functional integrity of
A biotic components of
a biotic factors
determining the existence
of groups of organisms in a
particular environment
According to its value a biotic factors
in ecosystems are divided into two
1. Resources, factors that
are used by living organisms
and are shared between
them. This, for example,
water, nutrients, etc..
2.Conditions of existence,
indivisible a biotic factors
that are not spent in the
process of life and to have
the same impact on all living
organisms in this ecosystem.
A biotic factors are divided into three groups:
a) climatic factors - temperature,
illumination mode, the air and some others
b) soil and water factors include the resources and
conditions associated with the soil: this type of soil,
its physical and chemical characteristics of soil
solution composition, etc.
c) factors that operate in water depth
and relevance to aquatic ecosystems.
d) tropical zone is defined by an average
temperature of the coldest month is lower
than 15 ° - 20 ecosystems
Climatic zone
The temperature here never fall below 0 °.
Vegetation plants continues throughout the year
subtropical zone - lies to the north and south of the tropical
zone. The temperature of the coldest month is higher than
the temperature plus 4 ° C. Reducing the temperature below
0 ° are rarely observed
temperate zone - is under north and south subtropical. It is
well expressed within the seasonal changes, the pip.
Duration of vegetation period of plants at least 2 - 3 months.
In winter snow falls, for the fall and spring characteristic
cold zone - adjacent to the North and South poles. The
vegetation period lasts only 1,5-2 months
Solar radiation
 light for plants is the energy source for
photosynthesis, causing a change form and
growth is a signal to transition from one
phase of development to another. For most
species light, at least the minimum, provides
for the developed organs of orientation in
space. This same role and perform light to
humans. In humans and some animals only
under the influence of light is the synthesis
of vitamin D.
In all organisms cells are highly Water present to 80 - 98 ° / o. This water is essential for life.
Overland water present source for living
organisms are Air and ground waters. Additional
inflows of moisture, dew, including underground
fogs and dew (at night appearance of water
droplets in the upper layer of soil).
Plants are divided into three
main groups:
hydrophytes - growing in water bodies and
areas with high humidity.
Mezofit - for residents with an average
Xerophytes -suited to the steppe and
desert ecosystems, where the humidity
conditions are poor.
Gas composition
of air
carbon dioxide
In C4 plants such sinks two:
to add more zoobiophosfat
phosphorus phenol acid
Living organisms. Biocenosis
A set of all living organisms is called
biocenosis of ecosystems. Biocenosis
(group) called the group of
organisms of different species that
coexist on the same site area and
interact through trophic
and spatial relationships.
Among the structures bio enosis
usually produce three to
a) species, which shows the Species of living organisms;
b) strophic demonstrating the nature of the relationship
between food organisms bio enosis;
c) spatial, showing the physical location of plants, animals
and microorganisms.
composition biocenosis
composition biocenosis
biocenosis composition conforms to
one general rule: the natural
biocenosis must be producers,
consuments and redutsenty.
Periphyton Biocenosis divided into:
a) phytocenoses that established plants;
b) zoocenozy that represent a
combination of all animal ecosystems;
a) microbiccenozy, which are formed by
microorganisms that inhabit the
underground part of the ecosystem.
Form ties biocenoses
1. Topical relations arising
due to the fact that one
organism modifies the
environment in the
direction favorable for
other organisms. For
example, sfahnovi moss
pidkyslyuyut soil solution
and create favorable
conditions for the
settlement of these
wetlands sundew,
cranberry and other plants
typical of wetlands
Ukrainian Polesie.
2. Trophic relationships are that the specimens of
one species using another
type of products his life or
dead remains a source of
food. For example, only on
the basis of trophic links
storks belong to the water
marsh tsenoziv and elk
inhabit mainly aspen
3. Name ties - ties, in which the specimens
of one species using another type of
individuals or their body parts needed to
build their nests or shelters. Such, for
example, the relationship of forest birds in
the forest biocenosis providing them
hollows or branches to build nests.
4. Foruc relationships - relationships that
provide individuals carrying one type of
species other species. Settlement and
germination of many plants with juicy fruits
on the presence of animals that ensure the
transfer of their seeds.
1) of limited natural resources. Some
scientists believe that solar energy is
practically inexhaustible, but it does not
take into account that the major obstacle
to its use of a biosphere, anthropogenic
changes in which more than permissible
limit (for the rule - 1%) can cause serious
and dire consequences: the artificial
introduction of energy biosphere has
reached a value close to the boundary;
2) reduction of natural resources - within
the same socio-economic formations or
production method and one type of
technology - is the fact that natural
resources are becoming increasingly less
accessible and require increased costs of
labour and energy for their extraction and
3) pyramid of energy - from one
strophic level ecological pyramid is
moving to other levels of less than
10% of energy, the law allows you to
calculate the required land area for
the provision of food, etc.;
4)same all of life - all the
natural conditions
environment necessary for
life, play
equal role;
5) development of the natural system
by the environment - any natural
system can evolve only use
a) totally non-waste production is
b) any highly organized system of biotic use
and chancing their living environment is a
potential threat to the more highly organized
c) in the Biosphere of the Earth as a system
developed not only by the resources of the
planet, but also indirectly, through and
under the influence of space systems;
6) system genetic
many natural
in particular
periodically system
natural systems
combination of environmental factors
9) sucsesytivity slowdown - processes that
occur in mature balanced systems usually
show a tendency to slow down, here is
unpromising attempts to "create" nature of
economic activities without the withdrawal
of its system with a balance or creating any
other special conditions for business
promotion. For example, domestication of
new species of cultivated plants gives effect
first, then Population explosion fades away,
and if this species does not become a
massive pest, its economic value decreases
10) accelerated evolution - the speed of the
forming run of geological time increases, and
the average length of existence inside a big
Unity (group) decreases, highly organized
forms are less time than organization. The
acceleration of evolution and provides a more
rapid disappearance of species, their
extinction, which occurs slower pace than
forming as a result the number of species in
the biosphere in the evolution of increase.
Cross process - increase the rate of
extermination of certain species - linked to
anthropogenic impacts, and not with actions
above the law;
11) ) evolution, which are in three aspects:
a) how animals communicate with the
outside world, living elements;
b) the gradual formation of everything in nature, nothing eternal, everything
has its history;
c) complication of the organization - is
the complication of a particular organism
and ecosystems due to the growth and
differentiation of functions that perform
these functions;
12) environmental correlations - in
the ecosystem, as in any natural
holistic education, all its components
are functionally responsible to one
another, pulling one part of the
system (the destruction of species)
inevitably leads to exclusion of all
closely related to that part of its other
parts to a functional change in the
law of the internal dynamic
General patterns
environmental factors :
1) of optimum;
2) the ambiguity of the factor for different functions of the body or
3) variability, variability and diversity of the relevant reactions
to effect environmental factors in some animals species;
4) adaptation of species to each of the environmental
factors are relatively independent means;
5) environmental incompatibility of certain types of spectra;
6) interaction factors;
7) rule limiting factors.
Kommoner B. (1974) formulated
four environmental laws:
1) is concerned with all;
2) it should get to go somewhere;
3) nature knows best;
4) nothing is given for free.
Oles Berdnikov
"basic principles of a new vision of the world"
1) community - all around;
2) protein - eternal escape
stress, that modern scholars
identify as the principle non
3) eternal metamorphosis;
4) analogy, identity;
5) correlations instantaneous interaction in
the universe;
6) saturation - the
completeness or loss;
7) appointment - all in
the life of "appointed"
for something, as in any
organism, a significant
number of accidents and
caused by the violation
of this principle.