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Chapter 1 - Introduction
Basics of Forensic Science
Definition and Scope
 Forensic science is the application of
science to law:
 Applies the knowledge and
technology of science to the
definition and enforcement of
 Laws are continually being
broadened and revised to
address the alarming increase
in crime rates
The Role of Science
 Science cannot offer final and
authoritative solutions to all
 Social and psychological factors are
always present
 Science plays an important and
unique role in the criminal justice
system – ability to supply accurate
and objective information that
reflects events that have occurred
at a crime scene
Definition of Forensics Science
 The application of science to
the to the criminal and civil
laws that are enforced by
police agencies in a criminal
justice system.
Diversity of Professions Involved
 According to the American Academy of Forensic
 Criminalistics (synonym for forensic science)
 Engineering Science
 General
 Jurisprudence
 Odontology
 Pathology/Biology
 Physical Anthropology
 Psychiatry/Behavioral Science
 Questioned Documents
 Toxicology
Additions to the list of 10:
 Fingerprint examination
 Firearm and tool mark
 Technology analysis
 Computers
 Digital data analysis
 Photography
History and Development
 Individuals who developed the
principles and techniques needed
to identify or compare physical
 Those who recognized the need to
merge these principles into a
coherent discipline that could be
practically applied to a criminal
justice system
Early Developments
 One of the earliest records:
 3rd century China – manuscript Yi Yu Ji
 Case solved where a woman was suspected
of murdering her husband
 Evidence showed that he was murdered
and she admitted her guilt
 Chinese were also the first to recognize the
potential of fingerprints for identification
 Often the exception rather than the rule for
criminal investigations
Early Developments (continued…)
 Limited knowledge of anatomy
and pathology
 Hampered the development of
Forensic Science until late 17th and
early 18th centuries
 First recorded notes about
fingerprint characteristics
 1686, Marcello Malpighi
 Did not acknowledge the value of
fingerprints as a method of ID
Initial Scientific Advances
 1798; “A Treatise on Forensic
medicine and Public Health”
 François-Emanuel Fodéré
 Breakthroughs in chemistry also
 1775; Carl Wilhelm Scheele devised
first successful test for detecting
arsenic in dead bodies
Initial Advances (continued…)
 1814; Mathieu Orfila
 Father of forensic toxicology
 Published the first scientific treatise
(study) on the detection of poisons and
their effects on animals
 Mid-1800s
 Advance of several scientific disciplines
which advanced the field of forensics
1828; William Nichol – polarizing microscope
1839; Henri-Louis Bayard – microscopic detection of sperm
1839; toxicological evidence first used at a trial
1853; microcrystalline test for hemoglobin
1863; first presumptive test for blood
1850s and 1860s; use of photography in forensics
Late 19th-Century Progress
 Beginning to apply knowledge from all
scientific disciplines to the study of
 Anthropology/Morphology (structures
of living organisms) applied to the first
system of personal identification
 1879; Alphonse Bertillon
 Named anthropometry – systematic
procedure for using a series of body
measurements as a means of distinguishing
one person from another (later replaced by
 Father of Criminal Investigation
More on the 19th century…
 Bertillon’s anthropometry later
replaced by fingerprinting
 Thomas Taylor (American) said that
fingerprints could be used for ID
 Supported by Scottish physician
Henry Faulds
 1892; Francis Henry Gaulton
undertook the first definitive study
of fingerprints and developed a
method for classifying them
Sherlock Holmes
 Not a real person
 Legendary but fictional detective in
stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
 Had a considerable influence on
popularizing crime-detection methods
 Applied newly developing principles of
serology (blood/body fluids),
fingerprinting, firearms ID and
document analysis in his stories
 Doyle’s “A Study in Scarlet” is a classic
example (see excerpt)
20th Century Breakthroughs
 1901; Karl Landsteiner
 Discovered ABO blood types
 1910; Albert S. Osborne
 Wrote the first significant text on Questioned
Documents (document examination)
 1915; Dr. Leon Lattes
 Developed a simple procedure for identifying
the blood group from a dried blood stain
 Immediately applied to criminal investigations
 Acceptance of documents as scientific evidence
by the courts
 1923; Calvin Godddard
Used comparison microscope to refine techniques of
firearms examination
Edmond Locard
Formal education in both medicine and law
Started the first police lab in 1910
Founder and director of the Institute of
Criminalistics @ the University of Lyons (France)
 Leading international center for study and
research in forensic science
 Strongly believed every criminal can be
connected to a crime by dust particles carried
from the crime scene
 Locard’s successes helped start police labs in
Vienna, Berlin, Sweden, Finland and Holland
Locard’s Exchange Principle
When two objects (or
people) come in
contact with each
other, a cross-transfer
of materials occurs
Modern Scientific Advances
 Mid-20th century
 Revolution in computer technology
 Dramatically impacted the field of forensics
 Wide array of sophisticated techniques for
analyzing evidence available
 Chromatography
 Spectrophotometry (measuring the
absorption/reflection of light by materials)
 Electrophoresis
 Most significant modern advance
 DNA typing and profiling
 1984; Sir Alec Jeffries developed the
first DNA profiling test
 1986; DNA profiling used to solve the
“Pitchfork” murders of two young
English girls (Colin Pitchfork)
 Precise ID of a suspect can be
Computer Databases
 Fingerprints
 Bullets and shell casings
 Significantly reduced the time it
takes to analyze evidence and
increase accuracy of the results
Key Points:
Forensic science is the application of science to
criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police
agencies in a criminal justice system
The first system of criminal ID was called
anthropometry. It distinguished one individual from
another based on a series of body measurements
Forensic science owes its origins to individuals such
as Bertillon, Gaulton, Lattes, Goddard, Osborne and
Locard, who developed the techniques needed to
identify or compare physical evidence.
Locard’s Exchange Principle states that when two
objects come in contact with each other, a crosstransfer of materials occurs that can connect a
criminal suspect to his/her victim.
Crime Laboratories - History
 1923; Los Angeles Police Dept. crime lab is the
 Established by August Vollmer
 1948; School of Criminology formed at UCBerkley
 1932; FBI established under President Herbert
 Offered forensic services to all law enforcement
agencies in the USA
 1981; Forensic Science research and Training
Center for research and development of new
 Train lab personnel in the latest techniques
 Most labs are run locally or at the state level
Organization of a Crime Lab
 Characterized by rapid growth
 Lack of national/regional
 Levels: federal, state, county,
 Size and diversity makes it impossible
to adopt a single model of operation
 Most function as part of the local police
department, prosecutor, district
attorney or medical examiner
 Several reasons explain the rapid
growth of crime labs in the past 40
 Supreme Court decisions requiring
scientific, objective treatment of evidence
 Constitutional rights of suspects (Miranda
 Changing judicial requirements due to the
staggering increase in crime rates in the
USA, especially drug-related crime
 DNA technology/profiling needs more
qualified personnel to analyze the evidence
 Drug cases still outnumber DNA cases
Crime Labs in the USA
 Desire to retain local control
 Produced a variety of
independent labs
 Government has no single law
enforcement agency with
unlimited jurisdiction
Crime Labs in the USA (continued)
FBI (Department of Justice)
Maintains the largest crime lab in the world
Ultramodern facility located in Quantico, VA
Analyzes drugs seized in violation of federal laws regulating
production, sale and transport
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration - (Department of
ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms)
Analyzes alcoholic beverages
Examines documents related to alcohol and firearm excise tax
law enforcement
Examines weapons, explosive devices and related evidence
Gun control Act of 1968
Organized crime Control Act of 1970
U.S. Postal Service
Criminal investigations related to the postal service
Local and International Crime Labs
 Most state governments maintain a
crime lab some wit regional or satellite
offices (larger states)
 Try to be cost-effective by not duplicating
 Most countries have created and
maintain facilities
 Organization can vary from country to
 Often operate on a fee-for-service basis
(some can be private companies)
Services of the Crime Lab
 Wide variation in total services
 There are many reasons for this
 Variations in local laws
 Different capabilities/functions of the
organization to which the lab is
 Budgetary and staffing limitations
(often very limited)
 Some labs have strict functions like
processing drug specimens only
Basic Services
Physical Science Unit
Principles of chemistry, physics and geology
ID/comparison of crime-scene evidence
DNA profiling, ID/comparison of biological evidence including
botanical materials
Biology Unit
Firearms Unit
Examines firearms, discharged bullets, cartridge cases, shotgun
shells, ammunition, residues, tool marks
Determine composition, distance, angles
Handwriting/typewriting on questioned documents
Ascertain authenticity/source
Examines/records photographic evidence
Uses highly specialized techniques such as digital imaging, IR,
UV, X-ray to make invisible images/information visible
Document Examination Unit
Photography Unit
Optional Services Provided by a Fullservice Crime Lab
 Toxicology Unit
 Examines body fluids/organs to determine the
presence/absence of drugs
 Latent Fingerprint Unit
 Processes and examines fingerprint evidence
 Polygraph Unit
 Lie detecting
 Voiceprint Analysis Unit
 Involves cases of telephone threats or recorded
 Trained analysts tie the voice to a suspect
 Sound spectrograph creates a voiceprint
 Sound patterns produced in speech are unique
Optional Services (continued)
Crime-Scene Investigation Unit
Dispatched specially trained personnel to a crime scene to
collect/preserve evidence to be analyzed later in the lab
Forensic Psychiatry
Examines the relationship between human behavior and legal
Behavior patterns of criminals/behavior profile
ID victims based on dental evidence
Bite mark analysis linked to tooth structure on a suspect
Failure analysis, accident reconstruction, causes/origins of
Includes forensic pathology, entomology and anthropology
Forensic Odontology
Forensic Engineering
Forensic Computer/Digital Analysis
Identifying, collecting, preserving and examining information
derived from computers/digital devices
Key Points:
The development of crime labs in the USA has been characterized
by rapid growth accompanied by a lack of national and regional
planning and coordination
Four major reasons for the increase in the number of crime labs in
the USA since the 1960s are as follows:
The fact that the requirement to advise criminal suspects of their
constitutional rights, right to immediate access to counsel has all but
eliminated confessions as a routine investigative tool;
The staggering increase in crime rates in the USA
The fact that all illicit drug seizures must be sent to a lab for confirmatory
chemical analysis before a case can go to court;
The advent of DNA profiling
The technical support provided by crime labs can be assigned to 5
basic services:
Some crime labs offer optional services such as toxicology,
fingerprint analysis, polygraph administration, voiceprint analysis,
and crime-scene investigation.
Special forensic services available to the law enforcement
community include forensic pathology, entomology, psychiatry,
odontology, engineering, computer/digital analysis.
Functions of the Forensic Scientist
 Analyzing Physical Evidence
 Apply principles of physical/natural
sciences in analyzing evidence
 Only physical evidence is free of
 Must undergo scientific inquiry – the
integrity of evidence comes from
applying the scientific method
 Not tainted by human error/distortion
of facts
Functions of the Forensic Scientist (continued)
Determining the admissibility of evidence
 Frye vs. The United States
 Procedures/techniques/principles are
“generally accepted” by the scientific
 Federal Rules of Evidence
 Governs admissibility of evidence including
expert testimony on a scientific/technical
matter if:
1. Testimony is based on sufficient facts/data
2. Testimony is the product of reliable
3. Witness has applied the principles/methods
reliably to the facts of the case
(also used in state courts)
Functions of the Forensic Scientist (continued)
Judging Scientific Evidence
Judge assumes ultimate responsibility for
admissibility/reliability of evidence
The Court offers some guidelines
Whether the scientific technique/theory can be tested
Whether the scientific technique/theory has been subject of
peer review/publication
Technique’s potential rate of error
Existence/maintenance of standards controlling the technique’s
Whether the scientific technique/method has attracted
widespread acceptance within the relevant scientific community
Providing Expert Testimony
Performing the analysis of evidence
May be required to testify in court about their methods, etc.
Education/training is very important
Key Points:
 A forensic scientist must be skilled in applying
the principles and techniques of the
physical/natural sciences to analyzing evidence
that may be recovered during a criminal
 The cases Frye vs. the United States and
Daubert vs. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
set guidelines for determining the admissibility
of scientific evidence into the courtroom.
 An expert witness evaluates evidence based on
specialized training/experience.
 Forensic scientists participate in training law
enforcement personnel in the proper
recognition, collection and preservation of
physical evidence.