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Developing Multimedia
Applications for Business (Part 2)
Lecture 1: Introduction to IS2803
Rob Gleasure
[email protected]
Today’s lecture
 Discussion of IS2803
 Continuous assessment
 A note on databases
What are we covering?
 Semi-structured and unstructured data
Continuous Assessment
Date tbd
TheBigScreen website was a hit! The company that commissioned
you to build it is so excited by the new business it is generating that
they have hired you to expand the existing functionality to allow new
reviews to be entered by users
The new functionality concerns
 The creation of user accounts
 The addition and display of user reviews
Continuous Assessment
Login functionality
You have been asked to add login/register functionality to the site, so
that registered users can enter reviews.
 The company have requested this information be stored in an MS
Access database, as this is most compatible with their existing
 Each user record must contain:
 A unique username
 A password
Continuous Assessment
Login functionality (continued)
 Once a user has logged in, their name should be presented
discretely on each page, e.g. if a username is ‘Frank’, there should
be a simple message which says ‘Welcome, Frank’.
Every page must contain a logout button which logs out a user and
returns them to the homepage
Continuous Assessment
User review functionality
 Users must be capable of entering one or more reviews for each
Each album on the website must display all user reviews, along with
the username of the person who provided it
The company have requested that a second MS Access database
table be included to store these reviews
 Each movie review record must contain:
 The movie to which the review refers
 The username of the reviewer
 The text of the actual review itself
CA – a 'how to'
The steps required
Create an MS Access database with a users table and a reviews
Each page must contain some php code that checks if a session
variable called logged_in exists for that user
 If yes, it should simply output Hello + that person's username,
e.g. 'Hello Ruddiger' and a logout button that redirects to
 If not, it should output a HTML form with (1) a username textfield
(2) a password textfield (3) a 'login' button that sends this
information to login.php
CA – a 'how to'
The login.php page must
 Connect to the users table in the MS Access database
 Send a SQL query to this table requesting the password for that
 Compare the password provided with the password for that user
in the database and if they match, create the logged_in session
variable to store the user's name
 Return to the homepage
The logout.php page must
 Destroy the logged_in session variable
CA – a 'how to'
Each album page must
 Contain PHP code that checks if a user is logged in and, if so,
displays a form that includes (1) a textarea in which to type
reviews and (2) a button to submit the review
 Send this data to add_review.php when the button is clicked
This add_review.php page must
 Connect to the reviews table in the MS Access database
 Send a SQL query to this table updating it with the new review,
including the movie being reviewed, the review text, and the
name of the user
 Return to the homepage
A little bit on databases, while we’re here
Database design is a huge area, about which we could (and people
often do) speak for an entire module
This class is intended to give you a working understanding of some
concepts such that you can design a logical working database for a
medium-sized Website
What is a database?
A database is a central data store where data is recorded and
maintained in some standardised way
The data is organised in a way that allows both individual data items
to be accessed, as well as related groups of data
For our purposes, a database can often be thought of as a table,
consisting of rows and columns
 Each column represents one 'field' , i.e. a set of values that an
instance of a data type may possess
 Each row represents one 'record', which states the values for one
instance of that data type
What is a database?
Imagine the following database
These columns represent 'fields'
Combined, fields and records represent one 'table'
Relational Keys
Primary keys
 Usually one field in a table will act as the primary key
 This key acts as a unique identifier for any particular record
 As a result of this, the values in this field must be unique
In a table of registered users, we might use email addresses or their
screen name
Foreign key
 We sometimes also have a field that acts as a foreign key to some
other database table
 This foreign key will match to the primary key in the other table,
hence allow us to link together records across tables
Why do we use databases in Web
There are a number of cases where we want to store related groups
of data, e.g.
 Registered users of a Website, including their names, email
address, etc.
 Products that we sell, including specifications, price, etc.
 Reviews of products that have been left, including who submitted
the review, the date of the review, etc.
Designing a database
As with all design, the first thing we must consider is what we are
trying to achieve
 We can then consider what information we need to store
There are two basic approaches to database design
 Top-down
 Bottom-up
Top-down vs. bottom-up database design
Top-down design
 Usually begins with the question: what are the 'things' about
which I want to store data?
 Each 'thing' will be the type of record stored in one table
 Next we ask, what characteristics of these 'things' are important?
 These will be our fields
Bottom-up design
 Usually begins with the question: what data units do I need in
order to make my site work?
 These data units will be our fields
 Next we ask, how do these group together?
 Each group will be the type of record stored in one table
Top-down vs. bottom-up database design
Advantages of top-down design
 Can be used to make sure multiple developers are on the same
page from the off
 Allows for very systematic and logical design which may be
easier to maintain
 Starts simple
Advantages of bottom-up design
 Gets results quickly
 More suitable where development of the website is iterative and
changes are expected
 Functionalities can be added/removed more easily
Database Management Systems
A Database Management System (DBMS) is a software package
designed to store and manage databases.
This is different from a database file for several reasons
 DBMS makes tables visible and generates reports
 DBMS helps less technical users to use data efficiently
 DBMS protects data from inconsistency and duplication due to
multiple concurrent users
 DBMS handles crash recovery
 DBMS handles security and access control
Database Management Systems
DBMS operates at the physical level
and business
Conceptual model
Logical model
Physical model
This is where data handling becomes increasingly technical
Database Management Systems (DBMS)
A DBMS is a software program that allows us to create, use and
maintain a database
 These come in several categories
Desktop DB
e.g. MS Access
Enterprise DB
e.g. Oracle
Open Source DB
e.g. MySQL
We'll be using MS Access
in this course
Want to read more?
Links and references
 An article on top-down vs. bottom-up information system design
 Nice article/book chapter on entity-relationship modelling