Download Theodor Adorno, "On the Fetish-character in music and the

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“On the Fetish-character in
music and the Regression
of Listening”
Reading notes for the 1938 essay
by Theodor Adorno
Reading Adorno
 Adorno
is a member of the Frankfurt
school of philosophers and social critics.
These thinkers were (are) strongly
influenced by the thought of Karl Marx,
and also by Freudian ideas; they use
these ideas as tools for social criticism.
This essay uses Marx’s idea of
“commodity fetishism” to analyze the
phenomenon of popular music.
More background on Adorno
Adorno is not only a philosopher but a musician and
composer, a student of Schoenberg’s student Alban
 The “popular music” Adorno is writing about is jazz in the
late 1930’s. But his ideas are at least as valid for
contemporary popular music as they were for the jazz of
his day.
 For some background on Adorno’s theory of music, here
are two web address:
The basic idea
– both popular and the classical
music played in concert halls and on the
radio – is driven primarily by commercial
interests. “Music, with all the attributes of
the ethereal and sublime which are
generously accorded it, serves in America
today as an advertisement for
commodities which one must acquire in
order to be able to hear music.”
 Music
The basic idea (continued)
 In
other words, commercial music exists to
sell CD’s, stereos, i-pods and concert
tickets rather than these things existing to
make music available. Both the music
makers and the listeners have become
submerged in the commercial process,
and neither is really musically free.
Commodity fetishism
A fetish is a substitute object of desire. So, in the most
familiar kind of case, sexual desire might be displaced
onto garments worn by the individual whom one cannot,
for whatever reason, directly desire or have.
Karl Marx said that commodities can be fetishes. In this
case, the displaced desire is the desire for freedom, and
for the fruits of your labor. Here’s what happens.
You are alienated (estranged, separated) from the fruits
of your labor. The products you help make are too far
from your control for you to recognize them as your own.
In return for your labor, you get dollars, which are only a
small percentage of the value you have added to the
Commodity fetishism (continued)
 “Marx
defines the fetish character of the
commodity as the veneration of the thing
made by oneself which, as exchange
value, simultaneously alienates itself from
producer to consumer….’the relation of the
producers to the sum total of their own
labor is presented to them as a social
relation existing not between themselves,
but between the products of their labors.’”
Commodity fetishism (cont.)
So instead of a relationship between you and
some musicians, who would play for you in
exchange for some service you would render to
them, there is now a relationship between your
dollars and their CD.
 But the dollars and the CD are part of a capitalist
system that is driven by the need to make
money, not the need to make and hear good
Commodity fetishism (3)
To put this in everyday terms, you work hard. You know
you should get back more than you do, and what you get
should not just be money but also freedom and
enjoyment. When you can get enough money to afford a
good concert ticket, it feels like you are getting back a
little of what you put out. The price of the ticket, spent
on your own pleasure, makes you feel good.
But this is actually an illusion, say Marx and Adorno.
Underneath the surface of the transaction, commercial
interests are taking even more of the fruits of your labor
from you. And what they are giving you in exchange is
fake music. It is bland, repetitive, and formulaic. It
disappears quickly, to be replaced by more of the same,
because that is what makes money. It is not free.
Popular (and classical) music as
What do you really like when you like a popular song, a
rap concert, or a performance at the symphony? Not the
music, says Adorno. Rather, it’s the (illusory) feeling of
your own wealth (when you buy the concert ticket); the
feeling of belonging, of being “cool”, when you like what
is popular, or of being “individual” when you like
“alternative” music or “non-commercial” rap. (The
illustration of the ham radio operator. Translate it to your
own case!)
The entertainment system, and the money you give it,
contain the fruits of your labor, which you want. But the
freedom and satisfaction you want won’t be found by
giving the system money. It won’t be found, says
Adorno, by listening to commercial music.
Regressive Listening
The commodity system of music requires regressive
(i.e., childish) listeners. “Their (our) primitivism is not
that of the undeveloped, but of the forcibly retarded.
Whenever they have a chance, they display the pinched
hatred of those who really sense the other but exclude it
in order to live in peace….”
Regressive listening is “tied to production by advertising.
[It] appears as soon as advertising turns into terror, as
soon as nothing is left for the consciousness but to
capitulate before the superior power of the advertised
stuff and purchase spiritual peace by making the
imposed goods literally its own thing.”
Watney’s ad: “We demand (what you are selling us).”
Regressive Listening
The illusion of freedom: Alternative music.
Notice Adorno’s remarks (top of page 540)
about the “wire fences” between different kinds
of music, and the remarks from the bottom of
544 to 546 about individuals trying to break free
from the system and establish an individual
 Adorno’s point: there is a commercial slot
waiting for every “individualist”.
 Vocabulary tip: “reified” = “made into an object”
Advertising as terror
 Why
does Adorno describe advertising as
terror? Do you think he is right?
 How does the advertising system work to
promote music? Does it shape musical
Thinking about Adorno
 How
much truth is there in Adorno’s
analysis of popular music?
 How does the commercial music and
entertainment system work?
 How did you acquire the musical tastes
you have?
 How much musical training do you have?
Thinking about Adorno
 Is
popular music simple-minded?
 Is classical music (as played by orchestras
and on the radio) just as commercial as
popular music, as Adorno claims?
 Does commercialism tend to swallow up
musical originality, substitute simpleminded formulas, and keep the audience
Thinking about Adorno
Can you think of some ways that Adorno is
wrong? In particular, can you think of examples
of genuine originality in popular music?
 What about musical taste? Are you growing in
your ability to hear and appreciate different kinds
of music? Do you hear more than you used to?
 What about your musical expression? Do you
sing? Dance? Are you a better musician than
you used to be?