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Sun, Moon, and Earth
By: Hailey, Sara, and Raymond
by: Hailey Roovers
earth spins like a giant top. The
Moon spins around earth. The Moon
is nearest to earth. The Sun gives the
Moon light.
The word month actually comes
from the name moon. The moon
is about 239,000 miles away. 7
astronauts have visited the Moon
and could see the planet earth
from it.
The Moon is the same age as
the earth. The Moon doesn’t
have an atmosphere.
Without an atmosphere
there is no air to breathe.
Craters are formed when meteoroids
crash into the Moon. You can jump six
times higher on the Moon than you can
on Earth. It takes three days to get to
the Moon in a space ship.
The Moon doesn’t have gravity.
Astronauts foot prints stay on the
Moon forever. Luna 3 took the first
pictures of the dark side of the Moon
in 1959
The changes in the Moon are
called Moon phases. New Moon
means no Moon. When the right
side of the Moon is lit up it is
called first quarter.
The moon
orbits the
earth and the
earth orbits
the sun.
By: Sara
The Sun is made of gases. The Sun has been
burning for 5,000,000 years. The Sun is
93,000,000 miles away. It takes 3.5 years to
get to the Sun from the Earth The Earth
would be to hot if it was a planet like Mercury
but it would be too cold if it was a planet like
A solar Eclipse comes around every 5 years. The Sun
is a star. You can jump 6x higher in space than on
earth. There are 8 planets in the solar system.
All the planets orbit the sun. The Sun spins. We can
not live with out the sun. If we didn’t have the
sun the earth would freeze!
The sun spins while the earth orbits the sun and the
moon orbits the earth. It takes 24 hours for the
earth to spin around once. It takes 365 days for
the earth to orbit the sun once.
The sun is 1,000,000 times larger than the earth.
Never ever look directly at the sun it will damage
your eye sight. The sun is the closes star to
the earth.
The earth is like a big blue marble. The earth rotates
and orbits around the sun. Our earth has an
atmosphere,the mesesphere protects us from meteors.
When the earth rotates it creates day and night.
Earth has lots of continents seven to be exact.Earth is the only planet that has
The earth is made up of five lares one of those lares are called the core
The earth is the only planet with life because it is just the right distance f
The earth is so amazing .The earth is 93,000,000 miles away from the
The earth is the third planet away from the sun .It orbits the sun.