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The sky
Our place
in space
Polaris and
$1000 $1000
About 3000
About how many stars are
visible on a clear dark night
with just your eyes?
6 pm
If the moon rose tonight at 5
pm, about what time will it
rise tomorrow
1 hour
You have been sitting out watching the
star and you notice that the star you
are watching has moved about 15
degrees, how long have you been
23 hours and 56 minutes
If a star is directly overhead
tonight, how long will it take for
it to be directly overhead again?
In Gemini
When the sun rises it is located in
the constellation Gemini, what
constellation will it set in?
23.5 degrees
What is the tilt of the earth on
its axis?
The time it takes for Earth to
complete an orbit around the
Sun is called a
Universe, Local Group, Milky Way and
Solar System
Put the following in order
from largest to smallest:
Milky Way Local group, solar
system and Universe
We are not in the center of our solar system,
which is not in the center of the Milky Way
and we are just one of a billion galaxies in
the universe. Earth is made of common
elements found throughtout the universe.
Why is Earth considered
ordinary as a planet?
100 million stars
The Milky Contains which
of the following:
100,00 stars
100 million stars
100 Billion stars
Groups of stars making an
apparent pattern in the
celestial sphere are called
Brightest star
In general, what is true of the
alpha star in a constellation
If your astrological sign is
Aries according to tradition,
what constellation is the sun
actually in on your date of
If the sun rises in the
constellation of Taurus which
constellation will it set in?
Into how many constellations
is the celestial sphere divided
by the IAU?
26,000 Years
How long is the
Precession cycle
Shorter distance
Is a star with a large parallax
a great distance or short
distance from earth
What is inversely
proportional to the
distance to a star?
Light years
We measure distances
to stars in?
The one with 2.3 arc seconds is closer
Which star is closer one with a
parallax of 2.3 arc seconds or
one with a 1.2 arc seconds?
Celestial sphere
Astronomical objects are
viewed against the
background of the _?
What celestial line is a
product of the Earth’s orbit
around the Sun?
+90 to -90 degrees
What is the range of values
for declination?
0 hours to 23 hours
What is the range of values
for Right Ascension
1 hour after vernal equinox
If a star at vernal equinox
rises at 0hr what would a star
at 1.0 hour rise?
Of all the visible objects in
the sky, which appears to
move the least?
North Pole
Where on Earth would you be if Polaris was at
your Zenith
The fact that Polaris will not
always be the North Star is
due to what Earth motion?
26,000 years
How long is the precession
43 degrees
If Seattle is at 43 degrees north
Latitude, where is Polaris in the