Download Digestive system - Bingham-5th-2012

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Aerik, Damon
 Mouth
You Chou and then the tongue splits your food
apart .
 Make’s saliva and breaks down chemicals.
 The tongue pushes food around
 When your food is chewed up it is called Bolus
 Trachea
Swallow the food
 It
is a muscular tube that food passes
 It is located between the thorax and stomach
 The
stomach is located between the
esophagus and small intestine
 It has enzymes called protease and strong
acids that help digest food.
 The
small intestine is located between the
stomach and large intestine.
 Most of the digestive process happens here.
It absorb nutrients and minerals found in
 It
is the last part of the digestive system.
 It’s job is to absorb water from the remaining
food that we can’t digest.
 It is made up of the cecum, colon, rectum
and anus.
 It gets rid of waste material.
 The
digestive system is located in between
the waste and the nose.
 The major functions of the digestive system
is breaking down food in to absorbable
 The digestive system works with the
circulatory system because it supplies
nutrients to blood(and oxygen) to tissues
allowing them to live. The digestive system
works with the muscular system. Chewing
swallowing and digestion.
Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic inflammation of the
lower intestine(colon).The symptoms of Ulcerative
Colitis are abdominal pain, Diarrhea and rectal
bleeding. The cause is unknown but it is thought to
be an infection and to be contagious
Stomach Cancer is when a tumor grows in your
stomach. One of the ways it is causes is H. pylori
which also causes ulcer. Some of the symptoms in
the early stage is stomach discomfort, a bloated
feeling after eating , and mild nausea. In the late
stage some symptoms are discomfort in the middle
and upper abdomen ,blood in the stool, weight loss
pain or bloating after eating and weakness or
 We
make 1-3 pints of saliva a day. That is
about 1-3 cartons of milk we drink at lunch!
 Food stays in your stomach for 2-3 hours!
 It takes your mouth, esophagus, stomach,
small intestine, large intestine, gull bladder,
pancreas and liver just to digest a glass of
milk THAT’S SEVEN ORGANS!!!!!!!!!
 How
much saliva do you make a day?
How long does food stay in your body.
 How
many organs does it take to digest a
glass of milk
 we
make 1-3 pints of saliva a day
 It
takes 2-3 hours
 It
takes seven organs to digest a glass of milk