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The Digestive System
How we receive nutrients and energy
to function.
By: Jayne Wadsworth, Melissa Turley, Anna Rathman, and
Nicole Evans
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Digestive system, click below.
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The Digestive System
The problems and diseases that can
effect our digestive systems.
And how we try to prevent them and
treat them.
Cancers can effect nearly every organ in the
digestive system.
Digestive System Cancers:
Berrett’s esophagus-condition in which abnormal
cells develop on the inner lining of the lower part of
the esophagus
carcinoid tumor-found in the appendix or the small
intestine sometimes found in pancreas tumor of the
network of glands that produce and secrete
hormones into the bloodstream
Primary liver cancer-two different types one type is;
hepatoma or hepatocellular carcinoma, arises from
the main cells of the liver, usually confined to the
liver other type; cholangiocarcinoma or bile duct
cancer, starts in the cells lining the bile ducts, rare
Secondary liver cancersThere are also cancers of the stomach, esophagus,
and pancreas
The treatments for these cancers are mostly
chemotherapy, surgery, and/or radiation therapy
Diseases in the Stomach
Gastritis-The mucous lining of the stomach is
vulnerable to irritation this is an inflammation of the
stomach lining. Can be irritated by alcohol or
Gastroenteritis is also an inflammatory condition of
the lining of the stomach and the intestine. Caused
by infection and/or food poisoning. Treatment
includes medication and a restricted diet.
Ulcers can not only happen in the stomach, but also
the small and large intestine. An ulcer occurs when
there is a break in the mucous membrane or skin of
an organ. This results in an open sore. Treatments
are for mild to moderate cases: lower quantity of
gastric acids and pepsin and medication. For severe
cases that are at risk for death there is surgery.
Diseases and Disorders in the Small
and Large Intestine
• Crohn’s Disease causes small nodules or masses tissue
to become inflamed and to penetrate deeply into the
walls of the intestine. Treatment includes bed rest and a
new diet.
• Hernia is when a tissue or organ moves out of position
and pushes against those nearby. Can be treated by
• Giardiasis is an infection of the small intestine caused by
parasitic protozoan Giardia lamblia. It is also the most
common cause of water borne disease in the United
Oral Hygiene
• Oral hygiene is a primary concern
because the mouth begins the whole
digestion process. To prevent tooth decay,
teeth should be brushed twice daily,
primarily after meals and snacks. Teeth
should also be flossed everyday to prevent
gum disease.
Diseases in the Liver, Gallbladder, and
The most common disease of liver is viral hepatitis. It is caused by one of three
closely related viruses transmitted to liver in different ways.
In the liver, cirrhosis is often caused by alcoholism, previous infections, toxins, and/or
malnutrition. Scarring, or fibrosis hampers normal duties. However, the liver can still
function. Serious problems may result as the scar tissue blocks the flow of blood to
and from the liver. Cirrhosis destroys the liver’s ability to kill invading bacteria and
can halt production of protein.
Cholecystitis is a disease found in the gallbladder, production of gallstones obstruct
the free flow of bile. Gallstones are made up of a hard cholesterol mass formed in
the gallbladder or in the nearby bile duct. The mass blocks the duct and inflames the
gallbladder. Surgical removal of the gallbladder and cleaning out the bile duct is the
Pancreatitis occurs in the pancreas and is an inflammation of the pancreas cells that
secrete digestive juices.
Heartburn occurs when the upper part of
the stomach is above the diaphragm, the
muscle wall that separates the stomach
from the chest. Drinks with caffeine, fatty
and fried foods, garlic, onions, citrus fruits,
chocolate, mint flavorings, spicy flavorings,
and tomato-based foods can all make
heartburn occur. Other factors are alcohol
use, overweight, pregnancy, and smoking.
Treatments include medication and a change
in diet.
coming back
• Vomiting is another serious problem
that occurs in the digestive system.
Some causes are: infection (viral
“stomach flu”), food poisoning, motion
sickness, over-eating, blocked
intestine, other illnesses (such as high
fever), and/or cough. The windpipe
closes and the abdominal wall and
diaphragm muscles tighten suddenly
and forcefully. The stomach itself is
limp, but then squeezed forcefully by
the abdominal wall, it ejects any food
or fluid up the esophagus and out.
Vomiting can cause severe dehydration
and more serious illness. Treatments
include drink more liquid and rest.
Functions the Digestive
system carry out in our
 The mouth is where the
digestion process
begins,with chewing and
with saliva. Also the mouth
is also both mechanical
and chemical. Saliva
enzymes help break down
food before it reaches the
The esophagus is a long tube which
connects the throat and stomach.
The esophagus then moves the
food slowly down to the stomach.
The esophagus is a mechanical and
it doesn’t have any digestive
secretion or enzyme.
Peristalsis is used by the
esophagus to transport food
through the rest of the digestive
tract. It is a muscle contraction that
happens automatically and can
sometimes be felt as gas in the
The Stomach
The stomach is made up of three layers;
Internal mucous, Muscular layer,and
Outer layer. The stomach is where
digestion begins. As soon as the food
enters the stomach the muscular layer
reduces it to a a small mass. The gastric
juices transform the proteins in your
food to amino acids with the help of
pepsin.After this whole process is
completed the result is a liquid called
chyme. The chyme is later used in the
small intestine. The stomach is both
mechanical and chemical and it uses
pepsin hydrochloric acid and mucus for
digestive secretions and enzymes.
Small & Large Intestine
* The small intestine
receives partially
digested foods from the
stomach and absorb all
the nutrients in the bile
from the stomach. It is
absorbed all along the
small intestine by villi.
Which are little sacs
inside on the wall of
the small intestine.
The small intestine is a
chemical type of
digestion and it uses
pancreatic juice
enzymes and bile.
*The only purpose of
the large intestine is
to store feces waiting
to be passed later
through the rectum.
The large intestine
and doesn’t have any
type of enzymes or
digestive secretion.
The large intestine
has a tiny tube with
a closed end coming
off of it called the
appendix. Although
the appendix is part
of the digestive
system, it doesn’t do
Gall Bladder & Pancreas
The purposes of the
gall bladder and
pancreas are to store
bile and release it into
the stomach and small
intestine. The
pancreas has no type
of digestion but it uses
chyme. The gall
bladder has neither
types of digestion,
digestive secretion, or
• The main function of
the liver is to process
nutrients in food and
distribute it to other
organs so that they
can function. The
liver is neither
mechanical or
chemical. Also the
digestive secretion is
New Technologies
 Phytochemicals, if used daily, increase
transit time in our digestive system therefore
reducing lipid absorption.
 Organ replacement surgery can be done in
order to replace damaged organs.
 Recent cloning advancements will soon
allow scientist to clone organs, such as
Food Irradiation
Irradiation eliminated disease-causing in food. Food doesn’t become radioactive.
Dangerous substances do not appear. And nutritional value remains
Nothing has gone wrong with irradiation in the US so far. However, there are a
small number of fatal cases in other countries.
The Digestive System
By: Regina Avranom
The Digestive System
Introduction by: Everett Koop, M.D.,
SC. D.
Foreword by: Sandra
The Digestive System
By: Invisible World
The Digestive System
Dr. Alvin Silverstein, Virginia
Silverstein, and Robert Silverstein
The Human Body: The Digestive System
By: Kathleen Elgin
Human Body
By:Time Life
Body Systems MacMillan Health
The Body and How it Works
Written by: Steven Parker