Download breast lift (mastopexy)

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Executive Level E1, Excen Centre, 119 Willoughby Road, Crows Nest 2065
Tel: 02 9817 7585
1. What is mastopexy?
The mastopexy or breast lift operation can be done by different methods,
each with its own intended purpose to lift the breast up and reposition the
nipple to where it belongs to before drooping occured. Sagging happens for
several reasons including pregnancy and breastfeeding, weight gain or loss,
the aging process, and the effects of gravity. The goal is a breast lift is to
move the nipple back to a higher position and reshape the breast to create a
more pleasing appearance. Most often excess skin would be removed.
2. Who is the right candidate for mastopexy?
A woman with no serious health conditions, not prone to keloid scarring, have
good elastic skin, and have noticed that your breasts have started to sag, will
be a good candidate for mastopexy. The ideal surgical candidate should also
be mentally and emotionally stable and have realistic expectations from the
results of the surgery.
3. When is a breast lift usually performed?
A breast lift is usually performed after a woman experiences loss of breast
tissue and sagging. It is often sought out by women after they’ve lost a lot of
weight or following pregnancy. If a woman is planning to have children in the
future, she should postpone her breast lift or other breast surgery until after
she has completed her family. Mastopexy can be performed at any age if you
are in good health, mentally stable, and realistic in your expectations.
4. What will happen in my mastopexy consultation?
Dr Ansari will discuss with you the details of how a mastopexy is performed,
explain the possible risks and complications involved, outline the types and
placement of scars you can expect, go over any postoperative special care
instructions, and answer any questions you may have.
Dr Ansari will measure your breasts and general torso area to determine a
natural and aesthetically pleasing postoperative position for your breasts and
areola/nipple complex. He will take into account your age and skin condition,
including elasticity and thinness. He might offer you the option of having an
implant inserted to fill out a flaccid breast or create fullness and lift.
5. What are the different techniques for mastopexy?
The specific type of procedure chosen is determined by several factors. Most
important is the amount of sag or ptosis thats present. When a slight amount
of ptosis exists, a periareolar mastopexy (around the pigmented skin of the
nipple) can be performed. This is often performed in conjunction with breast
augmentation. The nipple can be lifted 2 to 3 centimeters (about 1 to 1 1/2
If a moderate amount of lift is required, the incision periareolar incision is
combined with a vertical incision that runs down to the bottom of the breast.
This is also known as a “lollipop lift”. To correct a great amount of ptosis, a
larger crescent incision in the crease at the bottom of the breast is made. This
is referred to as an “anchor lift.”
Whatever the technique, the goal of the mastopexy it to rid the patient of
excess sagging skin and to recontour the breast so that its pleasing to both
eye and touch. For the most part, the scars fade within a year. Scars around
and in the areola area seem to fade and flatten faster than those in
nonpigmented areas.
6. What should I expect postoperatively?
There is generally very little pain after this operation and only a moderate
amount of swelling. Sutures placed in breast tissue will dissolve over several
months. Sutures placed through the skin usually dissolve within few weeks. A
special tape called Steri-Strips or tissue glue are usually placed over the
sutures to protect the wound. A support bra should be worn continuously for 3
weeks. The patient may return to work in 3 to 4 days unless the work involves
bending or lifting. Casual walking may be resumed the day after surgery. It is
quite normal to lose sensitivity in the nipple and breast skin due to swelling,
which blocks the nerves ability to send and receive pain and pressure
messages. Most sensation returns within 1 to 3 months, but may take longer.
Unfortunately, sometimes the loss of sensation is permanent.
7. Is there much pain associated with mastopexy?
Normally, the pain is not severe, with most patients experiencing discomfort
and soreness. Prescribed pain medications should alleviate the pain
associated with mastopexy. If you feel that your pain is severe, do not hesitate
to call Dr Ansari.
8. Where are the final scars located in mastopexy operation?
The Periareolar / Benelli lift leaves just a scar around the areola, and the
Lollipop (or keyhole) lift leaves a scar around the areolae and straight down to
the mammary crease. The full mastopexy involves more incisions and more
scarring. Dr Ansari will attempt to make your scars as inconspicuous as
However, you must realize that mastopexy scars are extensive and
permanent. The scars will be red and raised for several months, gradually
fading in color and flattening out. Over the course of 12 to 24 months the
scars fade dramatically and in many individuals are not very noticeable. In
some women the scars will always be somewhat visible, generally seen as a
lighter area on the breast.
9. Is there a lot of swelling involved with mastopexy?
Swelling is an issue but can be lessened if the patient sleeps with the head
and chest higher than the rest of body for the first few weeks. Normally
swelling resolves within few months.
10. When will I be able to see the results?
Although the results of a breast lift are immediate, however there will be a
dressing covering your breast for few days. Your surgeon will remove the
bandages at a postoperative visit and you will switch to a soft support bra
which will be worn for 2-3 weeks.
11. What are the risks of mastopexy?
Risks and complications are associated with all the cosmetic surgeries.
Common risks are excessive bleeding, infection, hematoma, and seroma.
Scars are a given. Permanent loss of sensitivity in the nipple area and breast
skin is possible. If you smoke, your risks are increased and your scars will
heal slower and possibly wider than a non-smoker's would. Tissue necrosis,
or death, can happen to smokers or in patients with poor oxygen-tissue
saturation. Infections, although rare, can happen, so its important to wash
your breasts, neck and torso with an anti-bacterial soap for several days
leading up to surgery to reduce the amount of bacteria on your skin.
12. How long does a mastopexy last?
Regardless of how good the mastopexy results are, breasts will sag again
with time and aging. It may be years from a original surgery, but you may
need an additional mastopexy after some years.
13. Can exercise tighten the skin without Breast lift (Mastopexy)?
The Answer is “NO”. Exercise is good for toning the muscles but cannot
tighten the breast skin. To date, only mastopexy can tighten the loose skin
and saggy breast tissues.
14. Does Breast lift (Mastopexy) take care of stretch marks?
Stretch marks are scars. They are produced by distension of the skin. Some
of those stretch marks will be removed during the surgery with the extra skin,
especially at the lower part of the breast. Those located on the upper breast
will remain.
15. How can I book an appointment with Dr Ansari for Mastopexy?
There are many different ways you can book an appointment with Dr. Ansari.
You can call us on 0298177585 during working hours. You can book your
appointment online via our website or you can
send an inquiry through our website and we will come in contact with you as
soon as possible.