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Teaching with case studies: cardio-oncology
Effective treatment of severe hypertensive crisis
in 2-year-old child with neuroblastoma
Anna Raciborska1, MD PhD, Katarzyna Bilska1, MD,
Jolanta Antoniewicz2, MD PhD, Magdalena Rychłowska-Pruszyńska1, MD PhD,
prof. Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo3, MD PhD, prof. Anna Fijałkowska4, MD PhD
Department of Surgical Oncology for Children and Youth, Institute of Mother and Child,
Warsaw, Poland
Department of Nephrology, Kidney Transplantation and Hypertension, The Children’s Memorial
Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
Pediatric Oncology, Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Department of Cardiology, Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland
Received: 08.04.2015. Accepted: 01.05.2015.
We describe a case of a 2-year-old boy with neuroblastoma and high catecholamine levels which developed a severe hypertensive crisis. An oral propranolol and oral angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor were used with a mild short transient
benefit. However, an intravenous labetalol and oral doxazosin used for over 3 weeks resulted in successful blood pressure control. This report highlights the prolonged use of α and β-adrenergic antagonist therapy in children with neuroblastoma with
refractory catecholamine-induced hypertension.
KEY WORDS: neuroblastoma, hypertensive crisis treatment, labetalol, doxazosin, children
Anna Raciborska, MD PhD
Department of Surgical Oncology for Children and Youth,
Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland
01-211 Warsaw, ul. Kasprzaka 17a
tel.: (22) 327-72-05
fax: (22) 632-98-51
e-mail: [email protected]
Effective treatment of severe hypertensive crisis in 2-year-old child with neuroblastoma
A. Raciborska, K. Bilska, J. Antoniewicz, M. Rychłowska-Pruszyńska, C. Rodriguez-Galindo, A. Fijałkowska
An acute hypertension (HTN) is a relatively frequent compli-
A 2-year-old boy (16 kg weight) was diagnosed with N-MYC
cation in children and adolescents with cancer. However, if
amplified neuroblastoma after he was admitted to the ho-
not recognized and treated promptly, it can lead to a hyper-
spital with a large abdominal mass extending into the chest.
tensive crisis with potentially significant morbidity and mor-
He had metastatic disease to the liver, bones and bone mar-
tality. HTN is defined as systolic blood pressure (BP) and/or
row. Treatment included a high-risk regimen with cisplatin,
diastolic BP equal or greater than the 95 percentile for age,
doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, carboplatin and
gender and height in at least three separate measurements.
In contrast to adults, approximately two-thirds of children
and adolescents have secondary hypertension. A hyperten-
The patient had hypertension (160/110) when admitted to
sive crisis is defined as a rapid increase of BP 5 mm above
hospital and had very high level of dopamine in urine test
the 99th percentile for age, gender and height plus 5 mmHg
(2900 µg/24 h). Oral angiotensine-converting enzyme inhibi-
[1–6]. Traditionally, a hypertensive crisis has been divided
tor (captopril 0.3 mg/kg four times a day) and hydrochloro-
into two categories: hypertensive emergency and hypertensi-
thiazide (1 mg/kg/day) were administered with a very short
ve urgency. Both require prompt pharmacologic intervention
transient benefit and because of that an oral beta-blocker
for BP reduction [1–3, 5]. The current recommendation is to
was added (propranolol 0.5 mg/kg four times a day) with
reduce mean arterial pressure (MAP) by no more than 25%
small improvement. The patient subsequently developed
within the first 8 to 12 h and then gradually normalize it in
a full-blown hypertensive crisis (225/145) with brain distur-
the next 48 to 72 h. Treatment should not be too rapid to
bance (headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, seizures) and
avoid inducing organ ischemia including cerebral hypoper-
oedema of the renal parenchyma with disturbed periphe-
fusion and death [1, 3]. Conscious patients initially treated
ral perfusion. The initial dose of intravenous labetalol was
with intravenous infusion should be transitioned slowly to
0.3 mg/kg/h in continuous infusion and was escalated to
oral medications after 24–48 h [2]. Many drugs are currently
1 mg/kg/h without improvement in BP control. Doxazosin
used to treat hospitalized children and adolescents with acu-
was then added (1 mg twice a day) and the dose of labeta-
te HTN and a hypertensive crisis. A number of hypertensive
lol was escalated to 2.7 mg/kg/h. Hydrochlorothiazide and
agents like many pediatric medications do not have pedia-
oral angiotensine-converting enzyme inhibitor were mainta-
tric FDA approval for use in acute HTN and a hypertensive
ined. This allowed to hold BP within acceptable levels and
crisis, and the treatment is based on adult indications and
to preserve organ function. Chemotherapy continued during
published reports.
this process with some modifications to adjust for the decrease in clearance of creatinine and after 2 weeks levels of
A labetalol is an α and β-adrenergic blocker which reduces
dopamine (1200 µg/24 h) decreased. However, the patient
peripheral vascular resistance with little effect on cardiac
required the same intensive hypertensive management for
output and which can be administered intravenously in chil-
2 weeks. At the time dopamine levels reached 500 µg/24 h,
dren (bolus 0.2–1 mg/kg/dose, up to 40 mg/dose, infusion
the patient tolerated a gradual reduction with discontinu-
0.25–3 mg/kg/h) [1, 7]. A doxazosin is a selective α-blocker
ation of intravenous labetalol infusion and oral doxazosin
which needs to be followed by β blockade in neuroendocrine
after 4 weeks of treatment. The patient continued to receive
causes of acute HTN such as pheochromocytoma caused by
an oncological treatment which included chemotherapy, ra-
catecholamine excess. However, this agent is not registered
diation therapy and surgery. The patient required admini-
for use in children [1].
stration of an oral beta-blocker until surgery. The patient is
now 1.5 years after hypertensive crisis and does not have any
In this paper we present a case of successful treatment of
signs of organ failure, and is in remission of neuroblastoma.
a hypertensive crisis due to catecholamine excess in a child
with neuroblastoma with administration of intravenous la-
A 54
betalol and doxazosin for 4 weeks. Our case highlights the
possible use of an unusual drug combination for the treat-
We report the case of a hypertensive crisis in a child with
ment of a hypertensive crisis which allowed for the continu-
neuroblastoma who was successfully treated with an in-
ation of anti-cancer treatment without organ damage.
travenous infusion of labetalol and oral doxazosin for over
2015/Vol. 5/Nr 2/A53-56
Effective treatment of severe hypertensive crisis in 2-year-old child with neuroblastoma
A. Raciborska, K. Bilska, J. Antoniewicz, M. Rychłowska-Pruszyńska, C. Rodriguez-Galindo, A. Fijałkowska
3 weeks. To our knowledge this is the first case of effective
tes. However, according to the literature side effects of this
and safe prolonged administration of intravenous labetalol
drug are not significant [7, 10]. Long-acting oral medications
and oral doxazosin in children.
should be introduced in a conscious child within 24–48 h of
commencement of continuous infusion of the anti-hyperten-
Neuroblastoma is one of the most common solid tumors in
sive after the BP has been controlled. Effective continuous
children. Catecholamine release is a typical phenomenon in
infusion dosages range from 0.25 to 1.5 mg/kg/h with mean
neural crest cell tumors like neuroblastoma. However, the
infusion duration of 67.3 ± 57.1 h [7]. Prolonged use of in-
development of a symptomatic catecholamine release syn-
travenous infusion may result in sodium and water retention
drome with severe HTN is rare and these patients rarely
and tachyphylaxis [4].
require anti-hypertensive treatment before resection [8, 9].
Despite the rarity of this phenomenon, a hypertensive crisis
In our patient, because of the size of the tumor, upfront sur-
should be identified quickly to avoid organ damage and mini-
gery was not possible and therefore an aggressive anti-hyper-
mize morbidity and mortality. In a hypertensive crisis, pedia-
tensive regimen had to be instituted. Importantly, this treat-
tric literature recommends the use of intravonous infusions
ment did not interfere with the overall oncological manage-
of anti-hypertensive drugs [2–5, 7]. Several agents effectively
ment and did not result in severe side effects.
control hypertension in patients with pheochromocytoma or
neuroblastoma. The most commonly used agents are selective α antagonists (phenoxybenzamine, phentolamine, doxa-
zosin, prazosin) which are followed with β blockers (labeta-
In summary, this report highlights the safety and efficacy of
lol, propranolol, atenolol) if necessary [3, 4, 6–8, 10, 11]. Ad-
prolonged use of α and β-adrenergic antagonist therapy in
ditionally, fluid and salt repletion are important when α bloc-
a child with neuroblastoma with refractory catecholamine-
kers are used to prevent hypotension, since rapid reductions
-induced HTN. Our case offers a good rationale for the com-
in BP in children may result in acute neurological complica-
bined use of labetalol and doxazosin but more studies are
tions, visual loss and acute renal failure [3].
necessary to investigate and define the best approach to the
management of hypertensive emergencies in children.
Labetalol is α and β-adrenergic blocker which reduces peripheral vascular resistance and has a relatively long half-life
(3–5 h). Continuous intravenous infusion typically starts
with dose of 0.25–1 mg/kg/h (with a maximum dose of 3
Special thanks to the Children’s Medical Care Foundation
mg/kg/h) [1, 5, 7, 12]. Some authors documented that lower
and Mr Bjoern Martinoff, President, for the international
doses may also be effective [7, 10]. Labetalol should not be
used in patients with bronchospastic disease like asthma or
congestive cardiac failure as it has a negative inotropic effect
Conflict of interest: nothing to declare.
and should also be used with caution in children with diabe-
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Effective treatment of severe hypertensive crisis in 2-year-old child with neuroblastoma
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Authors’ contributions:
Anna Raciborska: A, B, D, E, F
Katarzyna Bilska: A, B, C
Jolanta Antoniewicz: B, D
Magdalena Rychłowska-Pruszyńska: B
Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo: A, D, E
Anna Fijałkowska: A, D
A. idea & design of the article; B. clinical data collection; C. analysis of the
data; D. interpretation; E. writing the manuscript; F. references
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2015/Vol. 5/Nr 2/A53-56