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one wishing to boost his or her immunity, especially during times of physical stress
or active disease processes, such as in cancer and infectious diseases.
Beta-Sitosterol is an immune-boosting,
has been shown to relieve symptoms of:
High Cholesterol
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Depressed Immunity
cholesterol-blocking nutrient which
Colon Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Lymphocytic Leukemia
Reducing high cholesterol levels is one of the biggest challenges in the battle
against coronary heart disease. Beta-sitosterol, a nutrient known to benefit a
number of conditions, is particularly prized for its ability to help reduce lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), a known risk factor for heart disease.
Beta-sitosterol is a plant sterol that essentially “bluffs” its way into the
body by posing as cholesterol. Because its chemical structure is similar to
that of cholesterol, cell membranes readily incorporate this remarkable nutrient, thereby blocking the absorption of real cholesterol by competitive inhibition. Although only 5 to 10% of the beta-sitosterol is absorbed by the body,
even this small amount effectively blocks cholesterol's uptake. Beta-sitosterol has been shown to balance the ratio of high-density lipoprotein, the
"good" cholesterol, to low-density lipoprotein, the "bad" cholesterol.
Beta-sitosterol is only manufactured by plants, not by mammals, and is found
in such oils as corn and soy. Unfortunately, the average American consumes only
200 to 300 mg of beta-sitosterol daily. This dietary intake is far less than the optimum levels required for beneficial effects on not only cholesterol, but also colon
and prostate health, inflammation, lymphocytic leukemia, ulcers, unstabilized
blood sugar levels in diabetics and depressed immunity in endurance athletes.
Nutrient Benefits
Research indicates that this nutrient goes far beyond reducing high cholesterol and that its remarkable properties can benefit various human ailments.
Prostate Health - Beta-sitosterol is one of several plant sterols that improve
prostate health and quality of life and reduce urine volume and residual urine levels. Incredibly, these plant sterols exert these apparent benefits without reducing
prostate size. One research team reported that beta-sitosterol itself is an effective
option in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). For those partially
unresponsive to supplement formulas for BPH (ProstaCol, Pygeum africanum,
Saw Palmetto Extract, Stinging Nettle, etc.), the addition of beta-sitosterol could
yield even greater improvements than the original formulas alone.
Cancer - Diets high in beta-sitosterol-rich vegetables and fruits lower the
incidences of cancer of all types. Diets high in soy, which contain large
amounts of beta-sitosterol, have long been associated with anti-cancer benefits in many organs and with low cancer mortality rates. In addition, numerous other studies have indicated that beta-sitosterol may have powerful anticancer properties. It has reduced growth of human prostate and colon cancer cells, and displayed antitumor activity against lymphocytic leukemia.
Immunity - Marathon runners and endurance athletes often suffer from immune
suppression and reduced inflammatory response during intense training periods.
Research demonstrates that beta-sitosterol prevents this immune system breakdown. Furthermore, beta-sitosterol also enhances immune cell proliferation and
natural killer-cell activity. This immune system enhancement should benefit any-
CP ver. 082203
Blood Sugar - Beta-sitosterol has been shown to normalize blood sugar and
insulin levels in Type II diabetics. Beta-sitosterol accomplishes this by stimulating
the release of insulin in the presence of non-stimulatory glucose concentrations.
It also inhibits glucose-6-phosphatase, the enzyme that helps convert dietary carbohydrates to blood sugar in the liver. This process ultimately leads to elevated
blood sugar levels. Slowing the rise of blood glucose levels by down-regulation of
glucose-6-phosphatase helps delay the age-related worsening of glucose tolerance and delay the onset of Type II (maturity onset) diabetes.
Other Benefits - An extensive review of the scientific literature reveals studies showing beta-sitosterol's anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal actions.
In studies, it has demonstrated an ability to relieve inflammation, enhance
uterine tone and alleviate cramps.
Due to beta-sitosterol's ability to lower cholesterol, it is used in Europe as a
primary and secondary treatment for coronary heart disease and severe high
cholesterol. In addition to the aforementioned benefits, clinical studies have
pinpointed beta-sitosterol's effectiveness in treating pulmonary tuberculosis
and ulcers. Research supports the fact that this is a potent nutrient with
numerous uses.
Take one capsule, three times daily with meals.
90 capsules (200 mg)
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Amount Per Serving
Hesperidin Bioflavonoid Concentrate
100 mg*
100 mg*
*Daily Value not established
1. Weizel A, Richter WO. Drug therapy of severe hypercholesterolemia. Eur J
Med Res. 1997; 2(6):265-9.
2. Field FJ, Born E, Mathur SN. Effect of micellar beta-sitosterol on
cholesterol metabolism in CaCo-2 cells. J Lipid Res. 1997; 38(2):348-60.
3. Mason R. Beta-sitosterol-The "Natural Prostate Miracle." Young Again
Products, DTM, Inc., NY.
4. Klippel KF, et al. A multicentric, placebo-controlled, double-blind
clinical trial of beta-sitosterol (phytosterol) for the treatment of benign
prostatic hyperplasia. German BPH-Phyto study group. Br J Urol.
1997; 80(3): 427-32.
5. Wilt TJ, MacDonald R, Ishani A. Beta-sitosterol for the treatment of
benign prostatic hyperplasia: a systematic review. BJU Int. 1999;
Information contained in this Product Technical Sheet is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide personal medical advice.
Such advice should be obtained from a medical professional. Reproduction of any part of this work is prohibited.
® 2003 Complementary Prescriptions™, a division of Vitamin Research Products, Inc.