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Important Landmarks of the Skull
Frontal Bone
It extends posteriorly to form the superior wall of orbits and most of the anterior cranial
fossa (supports the frontal lobes of the brain)
Contains air-filled frontal sinus
Parietal Bones and Major Associated Sutures
Four sutures mark the articulations of parietal bones with frontal, occipital, and
temporal bones
Occipital Bone
Articulates with 1st vertebra
Sites of attachment for the ligamentum nuchae and many neck and back muscles
External occipital protuberance
Foramen magnum through which the inferior part of the spinal cord exits
Temporal Bone
Mastoid Process
tyloid Process – area for muscles/ligamentous attachment
Zygomatic process
External auditory meatus
Sphenoid Bone
Keystone bone
Articulates with all other cranial bones
Greater wing
Lesser wing
Pterygoid process
Ethmoid Bone
Superior part of nasal septum, roof of nasal cavities
Contributes to medial wall of orbits
Largest, strongest bone of face
Temporomandibular joint: only freely movable joint in skull
Mandibular condyle
Coronoid Process
Mandibular ramus
Ramus of mandible
Maxillary Bone
Keystone bones
Articulate with all other facial bones except mandible
Zygomatic process
Zygomatic Bones
Inferolateral margins of orbits
Zygomatic process articulates with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone to for the
zygomatic arch
Nasal Bones
Form bridge of nose
Lacrimal Bones
Each bone houses a deep groove that helps form the lacrimal fossa which houses
lacrimal sac (part of the passageway that allows tears to drain from the surface of the
eye to the nasal cavity)
Palatine Bones
Understand and know location
Understand and know location
Inferior Nasal Conchae
Understand and know location
Bones that form the orbit (sphenoid, frontal, zygomatic, ethmoid, lacrimal, palatine,
Nasal Cavity
Roof, lateral walls, and floor formed by parts of four bones
o Ethmoid
o Palatine bones
o Maxillary bones
o Inferior nasal conchae
The nasal cavity is divided into Right and Left parts by the nasal septum
o Nasal septum of bone and hyaline cartilage
o Ethmoid
o Vomer
o Anterior septal cartilage