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the cell cycle
Oct 28­10:13 AM
Mitosis and Cancer Treatment:
cancer cells are a mutated body cell caused by some outside source (Ex. radiation)
after a cancer cell is created it will then reproduce using mitosis
cancer cells divide more rapidly than any other type of body cell, therefore anything that interferes with cell division will affect cancer cells more then healthy cells
this is the basis of radiation and chemotherapy treatment
these treatments however are very harmful to body cells that divide quickly such as bone marrow cells, skin cells, cells in the gastrointestinal tract and cells of the reproductive system
Oct 28­10:24 AM
Cancer Treatments
(a) Radiation Therapy:
directs radiation such as X­rays or gamma rays at the affected part of the body
usually done 2­3 times per week
internal radiation therapy involves placing a small amount of radioactive material next to a cancerous growth
works by damaging the chromosomes in the cell so it cannot divide
Oct 28­10:27 AM
damages healthy cells as well but they can often repair themselves
usually used on localized cancerous tumors such as the skin, breast, larynx and cervix
side effects: (vary depending on location)
skin inflamation and fatigue
treatment to the brain can cause hair loss
treatment for testicular cancer can cause permanent sterility
Oct 28­10:31 AM
Nov 17­7:52 AM
Nov 17­7:55 AM
Nov 17­7:54 AM
(b) Chemotherapy:
may include one or more types of drugs depending on the patient and the cancer
can be used with radiation or alone
attacks cells as they divide or prevents them from dividing
because of this it affects the whole body
usually used to treat cancer spread throughout the whole body (Ex. leukemia)
Oct 28­10:35 AM
Nov 17­8:00 AM
­ side effects include:
­ hair loss
­ nausea
­ diarrhea
(remember: healthy cells are also affected)
The Goal of Cancer Research:
­ to find treatment that affects cancer cells but leave healthy cells unharmed
Oct 28­10:38 AM
­ pages 468 ­ 469
page 469, #'s 1,2,3,4,5
Oct 28­10:40 AM