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1) To learn about Shavuot
2) To see Shavuot as the most modern of festivals
3) To understand that Judaism wants us to take responsibility of our
actions and put effort in to our Judaism
Volume 29
Issue 28
Barmidbar 5772
Bnei Akiva is proud to be supported by
(Go to: BAUKchinuch channel)
Shavuot is known as the time when we received the Torah but this cannot be found in the Torah
In contrast to Pesach and Succot Shavuot is not given a specific date
Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cordoza explains this is to teach that the Torah and giving of the Torah is not meant to be ‘remembered
and relived’ but is happening every moment every day
Does the learning of Torah really feel like this?
Is it not just the learning of facts and about the Jews?
Learning Torah has a direct impact on how we live our daily lives
Mt. Sinai lost is Kedushah after the giving of the Torah, however Har Habayit retains it forever because it is something we
worked on. This is true for the rest of our lives and especially learning Torah. The more we put in the more we get out
The Midrash teaches that: “A simple handmaiden at the Sea (of Reeds) saw more than Yechezkel ben Buzi saw in his prophecy”
Mechilta 15:2
Each person took something different from the giving of the Torah
There was a lot of excitement the first Shavuot after the Six Day War:
What does this scene remind you of?
Do we feel the same sense of excitement about Jerusalem or Shavuot today?
Hadracha Hot Tips
Pair me: Give them pairs of pictures of festivals and their specific Mitzvot to match up
(e.g. Pesach and Matzah / Sukkot and Lulav / Shofar and Rosh Hashana, etc.) and then
explain how Shavuot is unique in that it has no specific Mitzvot because we re-receive
the Torah ourselves each year.
My 10: What would your chanichim put in the Ten Commandments? See if the core
values they hold dear are different to what the Ten Commandments say is important
Lego: Give two groups some Lego or other building materials. One group must build a
model and the other group should appoint one person to build for them. Which
groups has more fun? How important is it to play a part in the process?
The Chocolate Game: As we said Shavuot lacks the ritual of all the other festivals so
it was decided to make it the festival of milk to make up for it. As such we eat all types
milky foods on Shavuot. (Ideally one should have a milk starter and then a proper meat
meal.) Therefore the chocolate game is particularly fitting and a great way to celebrate
Yom Tov.
Planning Your Peulah
Time (minutes)
Fun intro games that
will get people excited
for sviva (Adman with
different names of
To learn about Shavuot
(Pair Me)
To see Shavuot as the
most modern of
festivals (My10)
To understand that
Judaism wants us to
take responsibility of
our actions and put
effort in to our Judaism
A short conclusion on
Shavuot and what the
festival means
Pictures of Mitzvot for
festivals and paper with
names of festivals on
Age Range
All Ages
All Ages
Older Chanichim
All Ages
All Ages
Remember that all your activities
should lead in to a discussion about
the specific aim that they are linked
Gathering Time (waiting for people)
Peulah Time
Transition Time (use sheet provided)
Extra Time (Use ideas provided for what to
do here
10 minutes
35-40 minutes
5 Minutes
40 minutes
15 minutes
Rav Mordechai Eliyahu
Born 23 March in Jerusalem, Israel, 1929
Died 7 June 2010
In 1960 he became the youngest Dayan to serve in Israel
He served as Chief Rabbi of Beersheva for four years and the got elected to the Supreme Rabbinical court in
He worked to preserve the Iraqi Jewish rite and ruled according to the Ben Ish Chai
He was an outspoken opponent of the Disengagement in Gaza
He was Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1983 to 1993
He spent his time while Chief Rabbi trying to reach out to secular Jews
.‫אני יהיה ער כל הלילה והקבל ההתגלות הפרטי שלי‬
I will be awake all night and I will receive my personal revelation.
Gathering Time (waiting for people)
Peulah Time
Transition Time (use sheet provided)
Extra Time (Use ideas provided for what to
do here
10 minutes
35-40 minutes
5 Minutes
40 minutes
15 minutes