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The Naked I: Wide Open (Abridged)
Company & Production Information
20% Theatre Company Twin Cities is committed to supporting and vigorously
promoting the work of female and transgender playwrights, directors, and
performing artists, and celebrating the unique contribution of these artists to
social justice and human rights.
In 2002, a 3-year study was released by the New York
Council on the Arts revealing alarming statistics that
roughly only 20% of professional theatre artists today are
women. Although women submit about half of all the
works available to artistic directors, only 16% of produced
plays are by women, and 17% have female directors. Similarly, less than 5% of transgender/gender
non-conforming theatre artists are welcomed onstage or backstage in our country. The 20% Theatre
Company Twin Cities was formed in January 2006 to change all of this, and is devoted to providing
Twin Cities and surrounding audiences with what they cannot find anywhere else – contemporary,
ground-breaking, queer theatre. Some call us a feminist theatre company, others think we’re just a
theatre for women, but we are so much more than that, as our mission states. In just over six years
we have produced over 20 plays, and have provided artistic opportunities to over 200 local female,
transgender, and allied directors, performers, designers, and technicians. We produce plays that others won't. We employ
emerging artists when no one else will give them the experience they need to advance in their career. We give voice to
underrepresented artists. We are a theatre for social change.
The Naked I: Wide Open (Abridged)
Inspired by 20% Theatre Company’s ground-breaking, sold-out 2009 production of The Naked I:
Monologues From Beyond The Binary by transgender playwright, Tobias K. Davis, The Naked I:
Wide Open was created by the company and originally produced in February 2012 to eight
completely sold-out houses. The Naked I: Wide Open is made up of monologues and short
scenes, and the world premiere production featured the talents of over 50 Twin Cities artists.
Filled with fresh, sexy, humorous, gut-punching, and unbelievably honest and true stories by
transgender/gender non-conforming individuals and allies, The Naked I: Wide Open explores
gender identity far beyond the land of “male” and “female”.
A touring ‘abridged’ version of The Naked I: Wide Open is available for booking at
your college, university, or organization. Pricing is based on a number of factors,
including, but not limited to: distance from Minneapolis and preferred date/time.
Performances start at $800 (within 25 miles of Minneapolis), and include a 45-75
minute performance featuring anywhere from 6-12 pieces from the original show
and a post-show discussion with the artists. Discounts may be applied for multiple
performances and/or pairing a performance with our My Naked Self workshop.
Please contact us for more information and pricing: [email protected].
Performance Requirements:
 theatre, classroom, or multi-purpose space with a performance area/stage
of at least 16 ft wide by 12 ft deep
 private off-stage or back-stage space for performers to rest, wait, change
costumes, etc. (i.e. dressing room, adjacent classroom or office)
 restroom for performers located close to performance space
 3 armless and identical chairs for stage space (preferably black)
 ability to turn off lights (blackouts) in between pieces during the show
 ability to play sound cues (CD player)
 minimum audience: 20
The Naked I: Wide Open (Abridged)
Audience Feedback
“Thought-provoking, entertaining, touching, funny, sad,
honest, and remarkably well-done! I absolutely loved it!”
“I found myself in many of these pieces, in ways I didn’t
expect! I didn’t have my own words, and I heard these and
felt like someone was reading my soul.”
“Amazing, sensitive, loving, insightful, brave, educational.
Words can’t do it justice.”
“So amazing. Really moving and SO BRAVE! Affirming and eye-opening
and… my heart feels so full. I’m so glad I got to see it.”
“I love how it opened me up to my own barriers in my gender identity. I
think I am understanding love better.”
“Everyone should hear these stories. You did a great job at boiling down
complex thoughts/emotions into small vignettes that others can
“Rich, rich pieces of story-telling. As a white, straight male, I learned
much – from the most ‘I’-centered pieces to also-powerful descriptions
of culture, history, and life of ‘gender’ as subject.”
“This was such a celebration of the pain and joy of being human. Wonderful balance of
vulnerability, honesty, and artistry. Nothing is more powerful than a true story well told.”
“Passionate, beautiful, an excellent exploration of sexual issues and identities. This play made me think and question
some of my responses and thoughts, and want to try to help teach my family how to be more accepting of everyone.
It made ME want to be a better person. I have been moved, empowered, and activated. It spoke to my soul.”
“My husband and I attended opening night, and are parents of a 15 year old transgender child (born female, and
now living as male). Although we feel we have a good grasp of the many issues he will face in his lifetime, seeing
those issues depicted on your stage left us even more committed to help dispel the stigma surrounding this
community. Thank you for shedding light to foster acceptance. Thank you for giving our son and people like him a
voice. Thank you for helping spread awareness.”
“This show is incredible! I loved every scene. Do it again! DO IT FOREVER! The
performances were beautiful and powerful and touching.”
“It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life and made me feel hopeful
that I will be able to find myself one day.”
“Life-affirming. Life-changing. Thank you for the honor of your performance.”
“I wish I could plant you in my medical school lectures and shatter some bubbles.”
“These stories transcend gender
and speak to our shared humanity.”
Photo Credit: Anna Min / MIN Enterprises