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My Dog Belle - The Inspiration
My Hungarian Vizsla, Belle, was two years old when we adopted her from a guide dog school. She
was a fully trained service dog, ready to help guide a blind person through life, but was removed from
service because of chronic skin issues. Her smooth rust colored coat was patchy and raw in places,
and her eyes and nose were red and inflamed.
She was described as ‘sweet’ by a number of people at the guide dog school. When we met her all
I could think of was that their description was an understatement. She looked up at me with liquid
brown eyes, practically vibrated with wiggly joy, and I knew she would be going home with us.
Before we adopted her she had been treated by vets with Prednisone, antibiotics and depo-medrol.
This made her more comfortable and treated the symptoms, but not the cause of her skin issues.
As the drugs wore off, she chewed and scratched and itched herself raw, literally scratching out her
hair. This allergic reaction, to something in her environment, manifested itself in small bumps, like
pimples, that she would chew until they burst, and with the bursting came relief for her, until another
bump popped up near by. Belle was eating herself up!
“The vets’ treatments helped relieve the itching, digging
and biting, but they were treating the symptoms, not the
root cause of the problem.”
Disillusioned, discouraged and desperate, I turned to doing my own research. I uncovered all I could
about the skin problems that dogs face – parasites like mites and fleas; hot spots; food allergies,
staph infection and the effect of local plant allergens on Belle’s skin.
I discovered that certain drugs, like Ivermectin, which are frequently used on dogs to control their
itching and scratching, were actually developed for livestock! They are effective on cows but to
certain dogs they can be quite poisonous, sometimes even resulting in death.
These findings, and others, made me think, “There must be a better way”, and I began to develop
a more holistic approach to managing Belle’s skin problems. This was the inspiration for the
development of Mite Avenge. You can learn more at
As my research continued to uncover new factors that were critical to dog skin care, I realized the
problems usually occur due to a combination of factors. This e-book will look at all the factors and
I’ll share some simple methods of prevention and alternative treatments that can cure your dogs skin
Belle suffered with serious skin problems for a couple more years as I uncovered all the clues
and began creating all natural skin treatments for her. She responded immediately to the natural
treatments and recovered rapidly. She is in beautiful condition now, no discomfort or pain, no
chemicals, no major issues. Nothing interferes with Belle enjoying life to its fullest.
And nothing should interfere with your dog enjoying his/her life to the fullest! Read on to discover
how you too can get rid of your dog’s skin problems safely, naturally and inexpensively.
The Big Picture - Types of Skin Problems
This chapter gives a brief overview of the confounding problems that make it difficult, even for a
vet, to diagnose certain dog skin issues. While our focus is allergies, parasites and bacterial skin
problems, I want you to be aware of how these problems, symptoms and the treatments interrelate;
and I want you to look beyond the obvious in your search to help your pet.
Allergies are reactions to specific allergens such as pollen, dust, chemicals, etc. The common reaction
to allergens is itching and scratching. When dogs scratch, they usually open or break the skin and this
leads to infection and other types of dog skin problems such as contact dermatitis and flea allergy
Alopecia is deficiency of the normal hair on a dog’s skin. The term alopecia includes loss of hair and
inability of hair to grow. Alopecia can be a skin problem by its own right but it can also occur as a
result of another skin problem.
Dog dandruff (also called “walking dandruff”) is quite similar to human dandruff. It’s basically dead
skin cells that have been shed. If a dog is not bathed regularly, the dandruff can build up and be more
noticeable. One cause of dandruff is a lack of balance in the pH of the dog’s skin. This imbalance can
be caused by low quality dog shampoos or by using human shampoos on dogs. Dandruff can also
be a symptom of an underlying condition. For example, dogs that have fleas and mites (especially the
Cheyletiella mite) tend to have higher levels of dandruff.
Hot Spots
A hot spot occurs when the skin of a dog is inflamed and infected. This can be caused by a dog’s
scratching or biting at the irritated area. They can also be caused by an allergic reaction, an infection
or even flea bites. Some ways of minimizing hot spots include giving your dog a healthy diet, keeping
fleas at bay and grooming your dog well.
The most common culprits are fleas and mites. We will look at three different types of mites in the
next chapter. Also, you can learn more at our web site
Bacterial Skin Problems (Pyoderma)
Staph infections are often secondary to another problem, like mite infection or an allergic reaction to
environmental factors. Pyoderma can affect a dog’s face, lips, belly and the space between the toes.
Fungal Skin Problems (Ringworm)
These are usually caused by two types of fungi namely Trichophyton fungi and Microsporum fungi.
Fungal skin problems usually occur in puppies. These fungi live in the dog’s dead skin tissue, and in
nails and hair. Ringworm is contagious to humans and other pets in the home.
Traditional & Alternative Natural Treatments
Demodectic mange mites
When a dog is suffering from Demodectic mange, he or she will manifest symptoms like scaly red
skin and loss of hair. The front legs and face are the most commonly affected areas and dogs with a
deficient immune system are more susceptible to Demodectic mange.
Sarcoptic mange mites
The symptoms of sarcoptic mange include itching, loss of hair, and there will be a crusting of the
dog’s skin caused by the mite burrowing into the skin. The most commonly affected parts include the
ears, the front legs, the arm pits, the abdomen, the elbows and the chest.
After breeding, the female mite burrows into the skin of the dog, and leaves a trail of eggs. The larvae
hatch from the eggs, and travel to the surface of the dog’s skin where they become nymphs, and
eventually, adult mites. The adults mate, the female lays eggs and the cycle begins all over again! As
they go through these changes, they burrow into and eat the dog’s skin cells.
The majority of dogs get sarcoptic mange from other dogs, but they can pick it up from outdoor
yards, especially if these areas are frequented by foxes. Some farm animals like pigs can have
sarcoptic mites. Sarcoptic mites are also known as scabies mites and are very contagious to humans
as well as other animals.
Go to – to learn how to identify Sarcoptic mites or to get the cure
for mite infestation.
Traditional Treatments for Mites
Ivermectin works by causing neurological damage to mites and other parasites, it invades the pest’s
nervous system and causes paralysis. In some dogs only the parasites are affected, and the Ivermectin
does not hurt the dog, however a percentage of dogs are sensitive to the drug. In these cases the dogs
central nervous system is affected which can be fatal to your pet.
Proticall® for Dogs
In addition to killing and repelling mites, Proticall also gets rid of fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and dog
lice. Although it is quite effective and relatively cheap, it cannot be used on puppies that are less
than a month old. There have been reports that sensitivity occurred after the use of this product on
dogs. Dogs have had skin sensitivity, itching has increased, rashes have appeared and there has been
redness of the skin. There have been cases of discoloration of the hair and even loss of hair where the
product was applied. Furthermore, some dogs have become lethargic after being treated with this
product. Dogs under medication, dogs that are elderly, pregnant dogs or nursing dogs may also react
negatively to this product.
Because of the many side effects mentioned above, you should try alternative treatments before you
begin using Proticall as part of your dogs flea program.
Alternative Natural Treatments for Mites
Neem Oil
Neem oil is pressed from the seed kernels of the neem tree. The oil is bitter and has a garlic-like
aroma. A neem kernel can have up to fifty percent of its weight in oil! One compound found in neem
oil is known as Salannin and it has been proven that this particular compound is safe and effective in
repelling insects.
Another important compound found in neem oil is Azadirachtin which prevents the larval stage of
insects from proceeding to the adult stage. Neem oil is biodegradable, meaning that it breaks down
quickly and easily. In addition, it is not harmful to mammals, including dogs.
Karanja Seed Oil
Karanja seed oil is obtained from the seeds of a tree native to India. It is related to Neem but its smell is
less pungent than that of Neem oil. It’s a reddish-brown liquid that turns solid in cooler temperatures. It
is an emollient and is quickly absorbed by the skin without leaving behind any greasy residue.
Karanja seed oil is very effective in treating mange. It is a miticide, an anti-parasite and also has
antibacterial properties. Additionally, it aids in alleviating the discomfort caused by skin problems
and it promotes healing.
Mite Avenge Essential Oils Blend
The formula includes natural mite eliminating ingredients, essential oils (including Neem and
Karanja), and other elements that speed healing and help recovery of skin and coat. This is one of
the all natural products I developed to help belle’s recovery. It’s available at our online store at www.
Symptoms of a Staphylococci bacteria infection are red itchy skin, crusty skin lesions and in advanced
cases, the lesions are draining and cause severe itching
Traditional Treatments for Bacterial Skin Problems
Cephalexin and Amoxicillin are broad spectrum antibiotics often prescribed as part of a treatment
plan to prevent, or eliminate, infection from self inflicted wounds such as itching, scratching and
chewing. Side effects can be vomiting and diarrhea. Some dogs have an allergic reaction to antibiotics
that manifests itself as a rash or, in rare cases, difficulty breathing.
Gentamicin belongs to the class of drugs known as aminoglycosides and is used to treat wound and
skin infections. It is given topically, and some of the side effects associated with this drug include
kidney damage, hearing loss, balance loss and paralysis of muscles.
Alternative Natural Treatments for Bacterial Skin Problems
Citronella Essential Oil
Citronella oil is obtained from the stems and leaves of the lemon grass. Since the late 1940s, it has
been registered in the US as an insect repellent. The Citronella grass mainly grows in Asian countries
and in some Asian Pacific islands. It’s aroma is similar to that of a lemon, which is why it was named
Citronella essential oil has elements, such as methyl isoeugenol, that have anti-bacterial properties
and even prevent the growth of bacteria in wounds. Citronella also has properties that fight off
infections, including fungal infections; it repels insects; and is considered to be anti-parasitic.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus essential oil has many medicinal properties including anti-inflammatory properties,
antiseptic properties, anti fungal properties and antibacterial properties. This makes it good for
getting rid of fungal and bacterial skin problems plus any infections that may result from skin
Eucalyptus essential oil has no color and has no distinctive smell or taste. The oil is obtained from
the leaves of the evergreen eucalyptus tree which is native to Australia.
Happy Dog Naturals - Mite Avenge
Contains natural ingredients that fight bacterial infections, clear up fungus problems and eliminates
parasitic microbes. You can buy Mite Avenge and learn more about mites at
The number of cases of dogs suffering from allergies has gone up in recent times. According to
studies, one in every seven dogs suffer from allergy symptoms. And according to the Veterinary Pet
Insurance, the number one reason for people who own dogs to take their pets to the vet is because of
skin allergies!
“The number one reason people take their pets to the vet is
because of skin allergies.”
It is worth noting that heredity does play a role in whether a dog will be prone to allergic reactions.
Certain dog breeds tend to be more affected by allergies. However, all dog breeds can be effected by
allergies at one time or another.
But what exactly is an allergy? An allergy is a reaction caused by being exposed to certain foods, an
inhalant, an insect bite, or something in the environment. Whatever the dog has been exposed to is
known as an allergen. An allergic reaction occurs because of the way that the dog’s immune system
reacts to the allergen. Humans usually react to allergens via respiratory symptoms such as coughing
or sneezing. In the case of dogs, they usually react via intense itching.
In this section, we will look at different types of allergies, namely food allergies, foliage allergies,
product allergies, bites, stings and allergies caused by the environment.
Food Allergies
Food allergies happen to be the third most common cause of allergic scratching and itching in
canines. This type of allergy can happen in all dogs, regardless of their age and is not a seasonal
phenomena. Dogs have been known to develop allergies to dairy products such as milk; meats such
as beef, pork and horse meat; grains, soy products, potatoes and dietary additives.
My vet gave me some excellent advice, a simple idea, that yielded big improvements. He said, “Look
at the top 5 ingredients listed on the food packaging and find another food that has none of those
ingredients in it.” After only a couple attempts at trying different foods I realized my dog Belle is
sensitive to wheat. I’m now feeding her a “limited ingredients’ blend of sweet potato and fish plus
other vegetables - it contains no grains at all.
Foliage Allergies (Plants, Grasses and Trees)
At one point I decided to have Belle tested for allergies. We discovered that she was allergic to certain
foods and a variety of things in the environment. For example there were certain periods of the year,
like the period in Oct./Nov. when she always had bald spots and thin areas where she scratched like
crazy. This made me realize she was being effected by multiple environmental factors.
Here’s a list of foliage allergens that Belle tested positive for: Johnson Grass, Dog Fennel, Bald
Cypress, Red Maple, Virginia Live Oak, Marsh Elder and Black Willow! Other foliage that can cause
skin allergies include Arborvitae (scientific name is Thuja species); Daffodil bulbs, Autumn crocus,
Buttercup, Castor Bean, Boxwood, Ceriman, Chrysanthemum, Clematis and Bleeding heart, all of
which may cause dermatitis; Burning bush and Cuckoo pint may cause a skin allergy.
“Human shampoos should never be used on dogs because
the pH of human skin is different from that of dog skin”
Product allergies (Chemicals, Carpets, Collars)
Dogs may be allergic to certain chemicals in shampoos. For example, human shampoos should never
be used on dogs because the pH of human skin is different from that of dog skin. SLS stands for
Sodium Sulfate or Sodium Laurel Sulfate. These two compounds are very similar and are found in
almost all shampoos and in many detergents, soaps and other products that produce foam. It has
been shown that concentrations of as low as 0.5 percent can cause allergic reactions in dogs, causing
skin corrosion and skin irritation.
Environment allergies
Allergic Inhalant Dermatitis (Atopy) happens when dogs have allergic reactions to something they
have inhaled, for instance mould, dust mite detritus inside the house, wool, feathers, plant fibers and
pollen. This allergic skin disease is only second to flea allergy dermatitis in terms of occurrence. It
effects approximately ten percent of canines.
Atopy tends to begin in dogs who are between one and three years of age. Some of the dog breeds
that are susceptible to this allergy include Labrador Retrievers, Lhasa Apsos, Golden Retrievers, West
Highland Terriers, Poodles, Dalmatians, Wire Fox Terriers, Irish Setters, Boxers, Bulldogs and English
Setters. Dogs of mixed breeds can also be affected by atopy.
Signs of atopy usually appear simultaneously with the weed pollens of late Summer and Fall. Later,
other types of pollens start to have their effect, for example in March and April, tree pollens become
the culprits and in the early part of Summer, grass pollens cause many atopy cases. However, for dogs
that are allergic to indoor allergens the signs may manifest all year round.
Flea allergy dermatitis
This rates as the most common skin disorder. When fleas bite a dog, they inject their saliva which
causes itching, biting and rashes. It frequently occurs during summer in the northern countries but in
tropical countries where the weather is more or less warm throughout the year, it can be a year-round
Traditional Treatments for Allergies
Depo-Medrol is used to treat a broad spectrum of allergies and skin problems. It is usually
administered via injections and is used for canines, horses and cats. It is quite effective as an antiinflammatory medication. It acts quickly and has a longer period of activity than other similar drugs.
However, Depo-Medrol affects almost all the organs in a dog’s body. It works by blocking the
production of the substances that cause allergic reactions and inflammatory actions. However, it is
not advisable for dogs with fungal infections, some kinds of mange, Cushing’s disease, high blood
pressure and diseases of the kidney or heart to be injected with this drug.
Pregnant dogs or nursing dogs should not be given Depo-Medrol. If used in pregnant dogs, there may
be premature births or birth defects. The puppies of nursing dogs who have been given Depo-Medrol
may suffer from stunted growth.
Other side effects associated with Depo-Medrol include an increase in appetite, thirst and urination;
gaining weight; a runny tummy; vomiting and changes in behavior. Furthermore, if Depo-Medrol is
used every day for a long period of time, the dog may exhibit muscle loss and may develop diabetes or
Cushing’s disease.
Benadryl is also known as Diphenhyramine. It is an over the counter antihistamine and is used to
treat allergic reactions in both people and in some animals, including dogs. It was invented in the
early 1940s and is approved by the United States Food and Drug administration.
This particular drug can be used to treat insect bites and flea bites, skin itching and skin irritation,
wasp stings, bee and hornet stings, snake bites, inhalant allergies such as dust or pollen and hay fever.
Benadryl is fast acting, usually acting in the space of half an hour.
Like Depo-Medrol, Benadryl is not safe for puppies and dogs with certain conditions such as heart
disease. Some of the side effects associated with this drug include feeling drowsy, disorientation,
dryness of the mouth, a runny tummy, vomiting, retention of urine, difficulty in breathing and lack of
Prednisone is usually used to treat auto-immune diseases in canines since it suppresses the immune
system. This particular drug is an inactive and synthetic corticosteroid, which is then converted by the
dog’s liver into prednisone. Prednisone is an active steroid and is used to treat excessive itching and
to alleviate allergies.
Some of the side effects associated with this drug include kidney disorders, extreme hunger, digestive
tract ulcers, pancreas pain and inflammation, diabetes, behavioral changes and muscle degeneration
and hyper adrenocorticism (cushing’s disease). Also, be aware that Prednisone works by obstructing
the proper workings of the adrenal glands so long-term use of this drug can affect adrenal gland
function permanently. As a result of this, the body may become dependent on the drug due to the
body’s inability to manufacture its own corticosteroids.
Alternative Natural Treatments For Allergies
Bites, Stings and Saliva
If your dog is as curious and as active as my Belle, then its inevitable that he or she will suffer from
a bites or stings. However, any dog may find themselves the victim of mite or mosquito bites or bee
stings, that resulte in itching and swelling at the site of the bite.
Natural Cures For Bites And Stings
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
When this essential oil is exposed to air, it forms ozone. Ozone happens to be an effective antiseptic!
Consequently, eucalyptus essential oil is great for healing wounds and sores and is also quite effective
on stings and bites form insects.
Alternative Natural Treatments to Speed Healing
and Restore Your Dogs Coat
Helichrysum Essential Oil
The Helichrysum flower gives us this essential oil and is found in France and Italy. It is considered to
be one of nature’s most effective healing oils, and it can be stored for long periods of time. It speeds
up the regeneration process of body tissue since it has powerful molecules that have regenerative
qualities. These particular miracle molecules are only found in Helichrysum essential oil. It also
helps in cleaning wounds that have occurred as a result of the itching, scratching and bites/stings
from insects. Furthermore, it lessens bleeding and helps to repair nerves. It is also a pain reliever and
like some of the essential oils we have already mentioned, it also has antibacterial, anti fungal and
antiviral properties.
Mite Avenge contains Helichrysum Essential Oil and other ingredients that help sooth and heal skin
damaged by your pets scratching, itching and chewing at mites and fleas. Three important aspects
of helping a dog heal after this kind of damage: 1. Sooth the skin, 2. Prevent infection, 3. Help the
tissue regeneration process. Happy Dog Naturals Mite Avenge deals with all these issues.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide has been used for many centuries as a first aid agent. It is made up of water
which has one extra molecule of oxygen. It can be found in snow, rain; in the healing spring waters
of Lourdes, France; in fresh vegetables and fruits; and also in the first milk that a mother produces,
which is known as colostrum.
Hydrogen peroxide is an effective natural sanitizer. It disinfects and cleans wounds and speeds up the
healing process because it creates a higher level of oxygenation.
Lemon Essential Oil
The Romans used the lemon rind to repel insects so it is not surprising that lemon essential oil is
also good for getting rid of dog skin problems. Lemon essential oil is high in vitamin D. This aids in
building the immune system and stimulates the production of white blood cells which defend the
body against diseases. It is good for detoxification and aids in skin rejuvenation, has anti fungal,
antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Avoiding Dog Skin Problems —
Preventative Measures
The skin of your dog is a good indication of how healthy he or she is. Sadly, many dog owners start
learning about taking care of their dog’s skin only after the dog experiences one or more dog skin
“The majority of dog skin problems can be prevented or
easily treated using natural treatments that are readily
We have already seen in the preceding chapters that different dog skin problems can affect the skin
of your dog, resulting in alopecia, itching, infections and discomfort. In order to avoid this, you have
to learn how to effectively maintain your dog’s skin. Luckily, the majority of dog skin problems can be
prevented or easily treated using natural products that are readily available.
Good Grooming
Grooming your dog is another simple way in which you can avoid dog skin problems. Regularly
brushing will remove loose hairs, reduce shedding and distribute the natural oils of your dog’s skin,
thereby increasing the shine of your dog’s coat.
Before you begin brushing your dog, mist his or her coat with a bit of water. This prevents hair
breakage. Next, get the majority of the tangles out using a pin brush then begin brushing, layer by
layer. In case you come across tangles or small mats, pick them apart with your fingers, the end of a
comb or a mat rake. If the mat is very big, you can cut it into strips using a blunt-nosed scissors.
It is advisable to remove dead hair before you bathe your dog because this will help the water and
shampoo to penetrate to the dog’s skin.
Good Hygiene
It sounds almost too good to be true, too obvious or too easy, but simple good hygiene will go a long
way in keeping many dog skin problems at bay. Regularly wash your dog using mild dog shampoo as
this will help in the removal of dirt and different allergens.
Do not use human shampoos to bathe your dog! Why? Well, because your dog’s skin is different from
your skin. It is thinner, has a pH that’s higher than human skin and does not have sweat glands. This
makes human shampoos quite harsh on dog skin.
Regularly wash your dog. You can bath your dog as often as necessary, as long as you use a mild
natural shampoo made specifically for pets. Once a week is not too often.
Give your dog a good brushing before you begin bathing. Make sure that you have thoroughly wet
your dog before you begin shampooing his or her coat and use moderately warm water.
A Good Diet
Some of the skin problems that my Belle experienced were due to her being allergic to certain foods.
It is important to find out what foods your dog is allergic to and then refrain from feeding him or her
those particular foods. This will prevent allergy-based skin reactions and skin problems.
A balanced diet for your dog is the simplest way in which you can keep the skin of your dog healthy.
The diet should be high in proteins, minerals and vitamins. Also, as a dog owner, you should be very
wary of dog foods that are sold in the market, read the label carefully. A dog food brand labeled
“complete and balanced” doesn’t necessarily mean that it provides all the nutrition that your dog
Organic foods can actually help to keep skin problems at bay because they do not have artificial
colors and flavor enhancers. They also do not have chemical additives and poisonous pesticides that
could be contributors to various dog skin allergies. Additionally, organic dog foods have protein
and grains which are high in nutritional value, meaning that immune system of your dog is boosted
thereby helping your dog to fight skin infections. But, here again - Read the label carefully!
Watch the Weight!
You should try to keep your dog’s weight at the acceptable, healthy level. Overweight dogs are at
a higher risk of contracting skin problems because fat cells do secret substances which promote
inflammation of your dog’s skin. This means that these fat cells can play a part in skin allergies and
other skin problems. Furthermore, the skin of obese dogs tends to fold and these folds tend to be
ideal for the development of different skin infections.
Keep the Environment Clean
Try to keep the surroundings clean. Regularly vacuum the house and rags/carpets and also tend the
Carpets can hide mites; fleas and flea eggs; plus dust mite waste and detritus. Both dogs and their
owners can have allergic reactions to dust mite detritus. Clean, shampoo and vacuum carpets
Get rid of items that could produce an allergic reaction in your dog, for example certain plastics,
sprays or insecticides.
Develop a Treatment Plan For Your Dog
It is only natural for you to worry about your dog’s well being. I know I worry about my Belle. Our
dogs give us unconditional love and companionship and ask for little in return. We therefore give
them the best that we can, including the best treatments we can find when they get sick.
I spent a lot of time and money trying to find the causes and cures for Belle’s skin problems and this
e-book is my way of helping you, as a dog owner, understand the complexities of skin health issues,
and develop a treatment plan for your dog.
Prevention is the best course. Ultimately preventing dog skin problems is much cheaper than curing
them, whether by natural means or the traditional Veterinary means. Preventing dog skin problems is
easy and inexpensive, all dog owners can do it, regardless of financial status, geographic location or
the breed of dog.
Your local vet is invaluable in the care and treatment of your dog. However, you should also try
natural alternatives because natural products are much healthier, have little or no side effects and
their effectiveness has been proven for hundreds of years. Additionally, they are often cheaper than
the expensive drugs that are available via prescription or over-the-counter.
The suggested resources and products mentioned in this e-book will help you get a good start in
preventing or treating skin problems.
Don’t give up. Cover all the bases. The rewards of having a happy dog in your household are worth
the effort.
Pete Blews
Happy Dog Naturals
Get Mite Avenge skin care at